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Unified Diff: webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/win/

Issue 1845113002: DirectX based screen capturer logic (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Recreate DXGIDuplicateOutput if AcquireNextFrame does not return a known error code. Created 4 years, 7 months ago
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Index: webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/win/
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/win/ b/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/win/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a2e77c7563aff84f6411b81887ce2dc17603ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/win/
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/win/screen_capturer_win_directx.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <comdef.h>
+#include <wincodec.h>
+#include <wingdi.h>
+#include <DXGI.h>
+#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/criticalsection.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ref_ptr.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/timeutils.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_frame.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/win/screen_capture_utils.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/atomic32.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/logging.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+using Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr;
+namespace {
+// Timeout for AcquireNextFrame() call.
+const int kAcquireTimeoutMs = 10;
+// Wait time between two DuplicateOutput operations, DuplicateOutput may fail if
+// display mode is changing.
+const int kDuplicateOutputWaitMs = 50;
+// How many times we attempt to DuplicateOutput before returning an error to
+// upstream components.
+const int kDuplicateOutputAttempts = 10;
+rtc::GlobalLockPod g_initialize_lock;
+// A container of all the objects we need to call Windows API. Note, one
+// application can only have one IDXGIOutputDuplication instance, that's the
+// reason the container is singleton.
+struct DxgiContainer {
+ rtc::CriticalSection duplication_lock;
+ rtc::CriticalSection acquire_lock;
+ bool initialize_result GUARDED_BY(g_initialize_lock) = false;
+ ID3D11Device* device GUARDED_BY(g_initialize_lock) = nullptr;
+ ID3D11DeviceContext* context GUARDED_BY(g_initialize_lock) = nullptr;
+ IDXGIOutput1* output1 GUARDED_BY(g_initialize_lock) = nullptr;
+ ComPtr<IDXGIOutputDuplication> duplication
+ GUARDED_BY(duplication_lock);
+ DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC duplication_desc;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> metadata GUARDED_BY(acquire_lock);
+DxgiContainer* g_container GUARDED_BY(g_initialize_lock);
+} // namespace
+// A pair of an ID3D11Texture2D and an IDXGISurface. We need an
+// ID3D11Texture2D instance to copy GPU texture to RAM, but an IDXGISurface to
+// map the texture into a bitmap buffer. These two instances are always
+// pointing to a same object.
+// This class also has two DesktopRegions, one is the updated region from
+// returned from Windows API, the other is the region intersects with the
+// updated region of last frame.
+// This class is not thread safe.
+class ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::Texture {
+ public:
+ // Copy a frame represented by frame_info and resource. Returns false if
+ // anything wrong.
+ bool CopyFrom(const DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO& frame_info,
+ IDXGIResource* resource,
+ const DesktopRegion& last_updated_region) {
+ if (!resource || frame_info.AccumulatedFrames == 0) {
+ // Nothing updated, but current data is still valid.
+ return false;
+ }
+ ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> texture;
+ _com_error error = resource->QueryInterface(
+ __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D),
+ reinterpret_cast<void**>(texture.GetAddressOf()));
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK || !texture) {
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to convert IDXGIResource to ID3D11Texture2D, "
+ "error "
+ << error.ErrorMessage() << ", code " << error.Error();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // AcquireNextFrame returns a CPU inaccessible IDXGIResource, so we need to
+ // make a copy.
+ if (!InitializeStage(texture.Get())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ updated_region_.Clear();
+ if (!DetectUpdatedRegion(frame_info, &updated_region_)) {
+ updated_region_.SetRect(DesktopRect::MakeSize(size()));
+ }
+ // We need to copy changed area in both this frame and last frame, since
+ // currently this frame stores the bitmap of the one before last frame.
+ copied_region_.Clear();
+ copied_region_.AddRegion(updated_region_);
+ copied_region_.AddRegion(last_updated_region);
+ copied_region_.IntersectWith(DesktopRect::MakeSize(size()));
+ for (DesktopRegion::Iterator it(copied_region_);
+ !it.IsAtEnd();
+ it.Advance()) {
+ D3D11_BOX box;
+ box.left = it.rect().left();
+ = it.rect().top();
+ box.right = it.rect().right();
+ box.bottom = it.rect().bottom();
+ box.front = 0;
+ box.back = 1;
+ g_container->context->CopySubresourceRegion(
+ static_cast<ID3D11Resource*>(stage_.Get()),
+ 0, it.rect().left(), it.rect().top(), 0,
+ static_cast<ID3D11Resource*>(texture.Get()),
+ 0, &box);
+ }
+ rect_ = {0};
+ error = _com_error(surface_->Map(&rect_, DXGI_MAP_READ));
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK) {
+ rect_ = {0};
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to map the IDXGISurface to a bitmap, error "
+ << error.ErrorMessage() << ", code " << error.Error();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // surface_->Unmap() will be called next time we capture an image to avoid
+ // memory copy without shared_memory.
+ return true;
+ }
+ uint8_t* bits() const { return static_cast<uint8_t*>(rect_.pBits); }
+ int pitch() const { return static_cast<int>(rect_.Pitch); }
+ const DesktopSize& size() const { return size_; }
+ const DesktopVector& dpi() const { return dpi_; }
+ int32_t AddRef() {
+ return ++ref_count_;
+ }
+ int32_t Release() {
+ int32_t ref_count;
+ ref_count = --ref_count_;
+ if (ref_count == 0) {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return ref_count;
+ }
+ const DesktopRegion& updated_region() {
+ return updated_region_;
+ }
+ const DesktopRegion& copied_region() {
+ return copied_region_;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Texture should only be deleted by Release function.
+ ~Texture() = default;
+ // Initializes stage_ from a CPU inaccessible IDXGIResource. Returns false
+ // if it fails to execute windows api.
+ bool InitializeStage(ID3D11Texture2D* texture) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(texture);
+ D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc = {0};
+ texture->GetDesc(&desc);
+ desc.BindFlags = 0;
+ desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ;
+ desc.MiscFlags = 0;
+ desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
+ if (stage_) {
+ // Make sure stage_ and surface_ are always pointing to a same object.
+ // We need an ID3D11Texture2D instance for
+ // ID3D11DeviceContext::CopySubresourceRegion, but an IDXGISurface for
+ // IDXGISurface::Map.
+ {
+ ComPtr<IUnknown> left;
+ ComPtr<IUnknown> right;
+ bool left_result = SUCCEEDED(stage_.As(&left));
+ bool right_result = SUCCEEDED(surface_.As(&right));
+ RTC_DCHECK(left_result);
+ RTC_DCHECK(right_result);
+ RTC_DCHECK(left.Get() == right.Get());
+ }
+ // This buffer should be used already.
+ _com_error error = _com_error(surface_->Unmap());
+ if (error.Error() == S_OK) {
+ D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC current_desc;
+ stage_->GetDesc(&current_desc);
+ if (memcmp(&desc, &current_desc, sizeof(D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC)) == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Let's recreate stage_ and surface_ later.
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to unmap surface, error "
+ << error.ErrorMessage() << ", code " << error.Error();
+ }
+ stage_.Reset();
+ surface_.Reset();
+ } else {
+ RTC_DCHECK(!surface_);
+ }
+ HDC hdc = GetDC(nullptr);
+ // Use old DPI value if failed.
+ if (hdc != nullptr) {
+ dpi_.set(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY));
+ ReleaseDC(nullptr, hdc);
+ }
+ _com_error error = _com_error(g_container->device->CreateTexture2D(
+ &desc, nullptr, stage_.GetAddressOf()));
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK || !stage_) {
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to create a new ID3D11Texture2D as stage, "
+ "error "
+ << error.ErrorMessage() << ", code " << error.Error();
+ return false;
+ }
+ error = _com_error(stage_.As(&surface_));
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK || !surface_) {
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to convert ID3D11Texture2D to IDXGISurface, "
+ "error "
+ << error.ErrorMessage() << ", code " << error.Error();
+ return false;
+ }
+ size_.set(desc.Width, desc.Height);
+ return true;
+ }
+ ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> stage_;
+ ComPtr<IDXGISurface> surface_;
+ DesktopSize size_;
+ Atomic32 ref_count_;
+ // The updated region from Windows API.
+ DesktopRegion updated_region_;
+ // Combination of updated regions from both current frame and previous frame.
+ DesktopRegion copied_region_;
+ // The DPI of current frame.
+ DesktopVector dpi_;
+// A DesktopFrame which does not own the data buffer, and also does not have
+// shared memory. This uses in IT2ME scenario only.
+class ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::DxgiDesktopFrame : public DesktopFrame {
+ public:
+ DxgiDesktopFrame(
+ const rtc::scoped_refptr<ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::Texture>& texture)
+ : DesktopFrame(texture.get()->size(),
+ texture.get()->pitch(),
+ texture.get()->bits(),
+ nullptr),
+ texture_(texture) {
+ set_dpi(texture->dpi());
+ }
+ virtual ~DxgiDesktopFrame() {}
+ private:
+ // Keep a reference to the Texture instance to make sure we can still access
+ // its bytes array.
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::Texture> texture_;
+bool ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::Initialize() {
+ if (!g_container) {
+ rtc::GlobalLockScope lock(&g_initialize_lock);
+ if (!g_container) {
+ g_container = new DxgiContainer();
+ g_container->initialize_result = DoInitialize();
+ if (g_container->initialize_result) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Clean up if DirectX cannot work on the system.
+ if (g_container->duplication) {
+ g_container->duplication.Reset();
+ }
+ if (g_container->output1) {
+ g_container->output1->Release();
+ g_container->output1 = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (g_container->context) {
+ g_container->context->Release();
+ g_container->context = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (g_container->device) {
+ g_container->device->Release();
+ g_container->device = nullptr;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return g_container->initialize_result;
+bool ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::DoInitialize() {
+ D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level;
+ _com_error error = D3D11CreateDevice(
+ nullptr, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, nullptr,
+ nullptr, 0, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &g_container->device, &feature_level,
+ &g_container->context);
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK || !g_container->device || !g_container->context) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "D3D11CreateDeivce returns error "
+ << error.ErrorMessage() << " with code " << error.Error();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (feature_level < D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "D3D11CreateDevice returns an instance without DirectX "
+ "11 support, level "
+ << feature_level;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ComPtr<IDXGIDevice> device;
+ error = _com_error(g_container->device->QueryInterface(
+ __uuidof(IDXGIDevice), reinterpret_cast<void**>(device.GetAddressOf())));
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK || !device) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "ID3D11Device is not an implementation of IDXGIDevice, "
+ "this usually means the system does not support DirectX "
+ "11";
+ return false;
+ }
+ ComPtr<IDXGIAdapter> adapter;
+ error = _com_error(device->GetAdapter(adapter.GetAddressOf()));
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK || !adapter) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to get an IDXGIAdapter implementation from "
+ "IDXGIDevice.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ ComPtr<IDXGIOutput> output;
+ for (int i = 0;; i++) {
+ error = _com_error(adapter->EnumOutputs(i, output.GetAddressOf()));
+ if (error.Error() == DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "No output detected.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (error.Error() == S_OK && output) {
+ error = _com_error(output->GetDesc(&desc));
+ if (error.Error() == S_OK) {
+ if (desc.AttachedToDesktop) {
+ // Current output instance is the device attached to desktop.
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to get output description of device " << i
+ << ", ignore.";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RTC_DCHECK(output);
+ error = _com_error(output.CopyTo(
+ __uuidof(IDXGIOutput1), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&g_container->output1)));
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK || !g_container->output1) {
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to convert IDXGIOutput to IDXGIOutput1, this "
+ "usually means the system does not support DirectX 11";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // When we are initializing the DXGI, retrying several times to avoid any
+ // temporary issue, such as display mode changing, to block us from using
+ // DXGI based capturer.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kDuplicateOutputAttempts; i++) {
+ if (DuplicateOutput()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ Sleep(kDuplicateOutputWaitMs);
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::DuplicateOutput() {
+ // We are updating the instance.
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&g_container->duplication_lock);
+ // Make sure nobody is using current instance.
+ rtc::CritScope lock2(&g_container->acquire_lock);
+ if (g_container->duplication) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ _com_error error = g_container->output1->DuplicateOutput(
+ static_cast<IUnknown*>(g_container->device),
+ g_container->duplication.GetAddressOf());
+ if (error.Error() == S_OK && g_container->duplication) {
+ memset(&g_container->duplication_desc, 0, sizeof(DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC));
+ g_container->duplication->GetDesc(&g_container->duplication_desc);
+ if (g_container->duplication_desc.ModeDesc.Format !=
+ g_container->duplication.Reset();
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "IDXGIDuplicateOutput does not use RGBA (8 bit) "
+ "format, which is required by downstream components, "
+ "format is "
+ << g_container->duplication_desc.ModeDesc.Format;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // Make sure we have correct signal and duplicate the output next time.
+ g_container->duplication.Reset();
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to duplicate output from IDXGIOutput1, error "
+ << error.ErrorMessage() << ", with code "
+ << error.Error();
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::ForceDuplicateOutput() {
+ // We are updating the instance.
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&g_container->duplication_lock);
+ // Make sure nobody is using current instance.
+ rtc::CritScope lock2(&g_container->acquire_lock);
+ if (g_container->duplication) {
+ g_container->duplication->ReleaseFrame();
+ g_container->duplication.Reset();
+ }
+ return DuplicateOutput();
+ const DesktopCaptureOptions& options)
+ : callback_(nullptr), set_thread_execution_state_failed_(false) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(g_container && g_container->initialize_result);
+ // Texture instance won't change forever.
+ while (!surfaces_.current_frame()) {
+ surfaces_.ReplaceCurrentFrame(
+ new rtc::scoped_refptr<Texture>(new Texture()));
+ surfaces_.MoveToNextFrame();
+ }
+ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::~ScreenCapturerWinDirectx() {}
+void ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::Start(Callback* callback) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(!callback_);
+ RTC_DCHECK(callback);
+ callback_ = callback;
+void ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::SetSharedMemoryFactory(
+ std::unique_ptr<SharedMemoryFactory> shared_memory_factory) {
+ shared_memory_factory_ = std::move(shared_memory_factory);
+bool ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::HandleDetectUpdatedRegionError(
+ const _com_error& error,
+ const char* stage) {
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK) {
+ if (error.Error() == DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST) {
+ ForceDuplicateOutput();
+ } else {
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to get " << stage << " rectangles, error "
+ << error.ErrorMessage() << ", code " << error.Error();
+ }
+ // Send entire desktop as we cannot get dirty or move rectangles.
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::DetectUpdatedRegion(
+ const DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO& frame_info,
+ DesktopRegion* updated_region) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(g_container->duplication);
+ RTC_DCHECK(updated_region);
+ updated_region->Clear();
+ if (frame_info.TotalMetadataBufferSize == 0) {
+ // This should not happen, since frame_info.AccumulatedFrames > 0.
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "frame_info.AccumulatedFrames > 0, "
+ "but TotalMetadataBufferSize == 0";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (g_container->metadata.capacity() < frame_info.TotalMetadataBufferSize) {
+ g_container->metadata.clear(); // Avoid data copy
+ g_container->metadata.reserve(frame_info.TotalMetadataBufferSize);
+ }
+ UINT buff_size = 0;
+ DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT* move_rects =
+ reinterpret_cast<DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT*>(g_container->;
+ size_t move_rects_count = 0;
+ _com_error error = _com_error(g_container->duplication->GetFrameMoveRects(
+ static_cast<UINT>(g_container->metadata.capacity()),
+ move_rects, &buff_size));
+ if (!HandleDetectUpdatedRegionError(error, "move")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ move_rects_count = buff_size / sizeof(DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT);
+ RECT* dirty_rects =
+ reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(g_container-> + buff_size);
+ size_t dirty_rects_count = 0;
+ error = _com_error(g_container->duplication->GetFrameDirtyRects(
+ static_cast<UINT>(g_container->metadata.capacity()) - buff_size,
+ dirty_rects, &buff_size));
+ if (!HandleDetectUpdatedRegionError(error, "dirty")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ dirty_rects_count = buff_size / sizeof(RECT);
+ while (move_rects_count > 0) {
+ updated_region->AddRect(DesktopRect::MakeXYWH(
+ move_rects->SourcePoint.x, move_rects->SourcePoint.y,
+ move_rects->DestinationRect.right - move_rects->DestinationRect.left,
+ move_rects->DestinationRect.bottom - move_rects->;
+ updated_region->AddRect(DesktopRect::MakeLTRB(
+ move_rects->DestinationRect.left, move_rects->,
+ move_rects->DestinationRect.right, move_rects->DestinationRect.bottom));
+ move_rects++;
+ move_rects_count--;
+ }
+ while (dirty_rects_count > 0) {
+ updated_region->AddRect(DesktopRect::MakeLTRB(
+ dirty_rects->left, dirty_rects->top,
+ dirty_rects->right, dirty_rects->bottom));
+ dirty_rects++;
+ dirty_rects_count--;
+ }
+ return true;
+std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame> ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::ProcessFrame(
+ const DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO& frame_info,
+ IDXGIResource* resource) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(resource);
+ RTC_DCHECK(frame_info.AccumulatedFrames > 0);
+ // We have something to update, so move to next surface.
+ surfaces_.MoveToNextFrame();
+ if (shared_memory_factory_) {
+ // Make sure frames_ and surfaces_ are synchronized if we are using both.
+ frames_.MoveToNextFrame();
+ }
+ RTC_DCHECK(surfaces_.current_frame());
+ if (!surfaces_.current_frame()->get()->CopyFrom(frame_info, resource,
+ surfaces_.previous_frame()->get()->updated_region())) {
+ return std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame>();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame> result;
+ if (shared_memory_factory_) {
+ // When using shared memory, |frames_| is used to store a queue of
+ // SharedMemoryDesktopFrame's.
+ if (!frames_.current_frame() ||
+ !frames_.current_frame()->size().equals(
+ surfaces_.current_frame()->get()->size())) {
+ // Current frame does not have a same size as last captured surface.
+ std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame> new_frame =
+ SharedMemoryDesktopFrame::Create(
+ surfaces_.current_frame()->get()->size(),
+ shared_memory_factory_.get());
+ if (!new_frame) {
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to allocate a new SharedMemoryDesktopFrame";
+ return std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame>();
+ }
+ frames_.ReplaceCurrentFrame(
+ SharedDesktopFrame::Wrap(new_frame.release()));
+ }
+ result.reset(frames_.current_frame()->Share());
+ std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame> frame(
+ new DxgiDesktopFrame(*surfaces_.current_frame()));
+ // Copy data into SharedMemory.
+ for (DesktopRegion::Iterator it(
+ surfaces_.current_frame()->get()->copied_region());
+ !it.IsAtEnd();
+ it.Advance()) {
+ result->CopyPixelsFrom(*frame, it.rect().top_left(), it.rect());
+ }
+ result->set_dpi(frame->dpi());
+ } else {
+ result.reset(new DxgiDesktopFrame(*surfaces_.current_frame()));
+ }
+ RTC_DCHECK(result);
+ *result->mutable_updated_region() =
+ surfaces_.current_frame()->get()->updated_region();
+ return result;
+void ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::Capture(const DesktopRegion& region) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(callback_);
+ if (!g_container->duplication && !DuplicateOutput()) {
+ // Receive a capture request when application is shutting down, or between
+ // mode change.
+ callback_->OnCaptureCompleted(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ RTC_DCHECK(g_container->duplication);
+ int64_t capture_start_time_nanos = rtc::TimeNanos();
+ if (!SetThreadExecutionState(ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED | ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED)) {
+ if (!set_thread_execution_state_failed_) {
+ set_thread_execution_state_failed_ = true;
+ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to make system & display power assertion: "
+ << GetLastError();
+ }
+ }
+ memset(&frame_info, 0, sizeof(DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO));
+ ComPtr<IDXGIResource> resource;
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&g_container->acquire_lock);
+ _com_error error = g_container->duplication->AcquireNextFrame(
+ kAcquireTimeoutMs, &frame_info, resource.GetAddressOf());
+ if (error.Error() == DXGI_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
+ // Nothing changed.
+ EmitCurrentFrame();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (error.Error() != S_OK) {
+ LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to capture frame, error " << error.ErrorMessage()
+ << ", code " << error.Error();
+ if (ForceDuplicateOutput()) {
+ EmitCurrentFrame();
+ } else {
+ callback_->OnCaptureCompleted(nullptr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (frame_info.AccumulatedFrames == 0) {
+ g_container->duplication->ReleaseFrame();
+ EmitCurrentFrame();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Everything looks good so far, build next frame.
+ std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame> result =
+ ProcessFrame(frame_info, resource.Get());
+ // DetectUpdatedRegion may release last g_container->duplication. But
+ // ForctDuplicateOutput function will always release last frame, so there is
+ // no potential leak.
+ if (g_container->duplication) {
+ g_container->duplication->ReleaseFrame();
+ }
+ if (!result) {
+ callback_->OnCaptureCompleted(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ result->set_capture_time_ms(
+ (rtc::TimeNanos() - capture_start_time_nanos) /
+ rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec);
+ callback_->OnCaptureCompleted(result.release());
+bool ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::GetScreenList(ScreenList* screens) {
+ return true;
+bool ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::SelectScreen(ScreenId id) {
+ // Only full desktop capture is supported.
+ return id == kFullDesktopScreenId;
+void ScreenCapturerWinDirectx::EmitCurrentFrame() {
+ if (!surfaces_.current_frame()->get()->bits()) {
+ // At the very begining, we have not captured any frames.
+ callback_->OnCaptureCompleted(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (shared_memory_factory_) {
+ // If shared_memory_factory_ is provided, last frame is stored in frames_
+ // queue. If there is not an existing frame (at the very begining), we can
+ // only return a nullptr.
+ if (frames_.current_frame()) {
+ std::unique_ptr<SharedDesktopFrame> frame(
+ frames_.current_frame()->Share());
+ frame->mutable_updated_region()->Clear();
+ callback_->OnCaptureCompleted(frame.release());
+ } else {
+ callback_->OnCaptureCompleted(nullptr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // If there is no shared_memory_factory_, last frame is stored in surfaces_
+ // queue.
+ std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame> frame(
+ new DxgiDesktopFrame(*surfaces_.current_frame()));
+ callback_->OnCaptureCompleted(frame.release());
+} // namespace webrtc
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