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Unified Diff: webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/

Issue 1423693008: Revert of Add aecdump support to audioproc_f. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebased Created 5 years, 1 month ago
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Index: webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/ b/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/
index 3f1dc37889bfc9f9dda4c32355e52e8b3376b690..27f69b3c5f8ec81d1ce039a851b5652f39e3bec3 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/
+++ b/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#include <stdio.h>
-#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
@@ -19,28 +18,26 @@
#include "webrtc/common_audio/channel_buffer.h"
#include "webrtc/common_audio/wav_file.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/audio_file_processor.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/protobuf_utils.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/test_utils.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/tick_util.h"
#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/trace_to_stderr.h"
-DEFINE_string(dump, "", "Name of the aecdump debug file to read from.");
-DEFINE_string(i, "", "Name of the capture input stream file to read from.");
- o,
- "out.wav",
- "Name of the output file to write the processed capture stream to.");
-DEFINE_int32(out_channels, 1, "Number of output channels.");
-DEFINE_int32(out_sample_rate, 48000, "Output sample rate in Hz.");
+DEFINE_string(dump, "", "The name of the debug dump file to read from.");
+DEFINE_string(i, "", "The name of the input file to read from.");
+DEFINE_string(i_rev, "", "The name of the reverse input file to read from.");
+DEFINE_string(o, "out.wav", "Name of the output file to write to.");
+ "out_rev.wav",
+ "Name of the reverse output file to write to.");
+DEFINE_int32(out_channels, 0, "Number of output channels. Defaults to input.");
+DEFINE_int32(out_sample_rate, 0,
+ "Output sample rate in Hz. Defaults to input.");
DEFINE_string(mic_positions, "",
"Space delimited cartesian coordinates of microphones in meters. "
"The coordinates of each point are contiguous. "
"For a two element array: \"x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2\"");
- target_angle_degrees,
- 90,
- "The azimuth of the target in degrees. Only applies to beamforming.");
+DEFINE_double(target_angle_degrees, 90, "The azimuth of the target in radians");
DEFINE_bool(aec, false, "Enable echo cancellation.");
DEFINE_bool(agc, false, "Enable automatic gain control.");
@@ -67,6 +64,15 @@ const char kUsage[] =
"All components are disabled by default. If any bi-directional components\n"
"are enabled, only debug dump files are permitted.";
+// Returns a StreamConfig corresponding to wav_file if it's non-nullptr.
+// Otherwise returns a default initialized StreamConfig.
+StreamConfig MakeStreamConfig(const WavFile* wav_file) {
+ if (wav_file) {
+ return {wav_file->sample_rate(), wav_file->num_channels()};
+ }
+ return {};
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
@@ -78,75 +84,160 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
"An input file must be specified with either -i or -dump.\n");
return 1;
- if (FLAGS_dump.empty() && (FLAGS_aec || FLAGS_ie)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "-aec and -ie require a -dump file.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if (FLAGS_ie) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "FIXME(ajm): The intelligibility enhancer output is not dumped.\n");
+ if (!FLAGS_dump.empty()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "FIXME: the -dump option is not yet implemented.\n");
return 1;
test::TraceToStderr trace_to_stderr(true);
+ WavReader in_file(FLAGS_i);
+ // If the output format is uninitialized, use the input format.
+ const int out_channels =
+ FLAGS_out_channels ? FLAGS_out_channels : in_file.num_channels();
+ const int out_sample_rate =
+ FLAGS_out_sample_rate ? FLAGS_out_sample_rate : in_file.sample_rate();
+ WavWriter out_file(FLAGS_o, out_sample_rate, out_channels);
Config config;
+ config.Set<ExperimentalNs>(new ExperimentalNs(FLAGS_ts || FLAGS_all));
+ config.Set<Intelligibility>(new Intelligibility(FLAGS_ie || FLAGS_all));
if (FLAGS_bf || FLAGS_all) {
- if (FLAGS_mic_positions.empty()) {
- fprintf(stderr, "-mic_positions must be specified when -bf is used.\n");
- return 1;
- }
+ const size_t num_mics = in_file.num_channels();
+ const std::vector<Point> array_geometry =
+ ParseArrayGeometry(FLAGS_mic_positions, num_mics);
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(array_geometry.size(), num_mics);
config.Set<Beamforming>(new Beamforming(
- true, ParseArrayGeometry(FLAGS_mic_positions),
+ true, array_geometry,
SphericalPointf(DegreesToRadians(FLAGS_target_angle_degrees), 0.f,
- config.Set<ExperimentalNs>(new ExperimentalNs(FLAGS_ts || FLAGS_all));
- config.Set<Intelligibility>(new Intelligibility(FLAGS_ie || FLAGS_all));
rtc::scoped_ptr<AudioProcessing> ap(AudioProcessing::Create(config));
- RTC_CHECK_EQ(kNoErr, ap->echo_cancellation()->Enable(FLAGS_aec || FLAGS_all));
+ if (!FLAGS_dump.empty()) {
+ ap->echo_cancellation()->Enable(FLAGS_aec || FLAGS_all));
+ } else if (FLAGS_aec) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "-aec requires a -dump file.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bool process_reverse = !FLAGS_i_rev.empty();
RTC_CHECK_EQ(kNoErr, ap->gain_control()->Enable(FLAGS_agc || FLAGS_all));
+ ap->gain_control()->set_mode(GainControl::kFixedDigital));
RTC_CHECK_EQ(kNoErr, ap->high_pass_filter()->Enable(FLAGS_hpf || FLAGS_all));
RTC_CHECK_EQ(kNoErr, ap->noise_suppression()->Enable(FLAGS_ns || FLAGS_all));
- if (FLAGS_ns_level != -1) {
+ if (FLAGS_ns_level != -1)
- rtc::scoped_ptr<AudioFileProcessor> processor;
- auto out_file = rtc_make_scoped_ptr(
- new WavWriter(FLAGS_o, FLAGS_out_sample_rate, FLAGS_out_channels));
- std::cout << FLAGS_o << ": " << out_file->FormatAsString() << std::endl;
- if (FLAGS_dump.empty()) {
- auto in_file = rtc_make_scoped_ptr(new WavReader(FLAGS_i));
- std::cout << FLAGS_i << ": " << in_file->FormatAsString() << std::endl;
- processor.reset(
- new WavFileProcessor(ap.Pass(), in_file.Pass(), out_file.Pass()));
- } else {
- processor.reset(new AecDumpFileProcessor(
- ap.Pass(), fopen(FLAGS_dump.c_str(), "rb"), out_file.Pass()));
+ printf("Input file: %s\nChannels: %d, Sample rate: %d Hz\n\n",
+ FLAGS_i.c_str(), in_file.num_channels(), in_file.sample_rate());
+ printf("Output file: %s\nChannels: %d, Sample rate: %d Hz\n\n",
+ FLAGS_o.c_str(), out_file.num_channels(), out_file.sample_rate());
+ ChannelBuffer<float> in_buf(
+ rtc::CheckedDivExact(in_file.sample_rate(), kChunksPerSecond),
+ in_file.num_channels());
+ ChannelBuffer<float> out_buf(
+ rtc::CheckedDivExact(out_file.sample_rate(), kChunksPerSecond),
+ out_file.num_channels());
+ std::vector<float> in_interleaved(in_buf.size());
+ std::vector<float> out_interleaved(out_buf.size());
+ rtc::scoped_ptr<WavReader> in_rev_file;
+ rtc::scoped_ptr<WavWriter> out_rev_file;
+ rtc::scoped_ptr<ChannelBuffer<float>> in_rev_buf;
+ rtc::scoped_ptr<ChannelBuffer<float>> out_rev_buf;
+ std::vector<float> in_rev_interleaved;
+ std::vector<float> out_rev_interleaved;
+ if (process_reverse) {
+ in_rev_file.reset(new WavReader(FLAGS_i_rev));
+ out_rev_file.reset(new WavWriter(FLAGS_o_rev, in_rev_file->sample_rate(),
+ in_rev_file->num_channels()));
+ printf("In rev file: %s\nChannels: %d, Sample rate: %d Hz\n\n",
+ FLAGS_i_rev.c_str(), in_rev_file->num_channels(),
+ in_rev_file->sample_rate());
+ printf("Out rev file: %s\nChannels: %d, Sample rate: %d Hz\n\n",
+ FLAGS_o_rev.c_str(), out_rev_file->num_channels(),
+ out_rev_file->sample_rate());
+ in_rev_buf.reset(new ChannelBuffer<float>(
+ rtc::CheckedDivExact(in_rev_file->sample_rate(), kChunksPerSecond),
+ in_rev_file->num_channels()));
+ in_rev_interleaved.resize(in_rev_buf->size());
+ out_rev_buf.reset(new ChannelBuffer<float>(
+ rtc::CheckedDivExact(out_rev_file->sample_rate(), kChunksPerSecond),
+ out_rev_file->num_channels()));
+ out_rev_interleaved.resize(out_rev_buf->size());
+ TickTime processing_start_time;
+ TickInterval accumulated_time;
int num_chunks = 0;
- while (processor->ProcessChunk()) {
+ const auto input_config = MakeStreamConfig(&in_file);
+ const auto output_config = MakeStreamConfig(&out_file);
+ const auto reverse_input_config = MakeStreamConfig(in_rev_file.get());
+ const auto reverse_output_config = MakeStreamConfig(out_rev_file.get());
+ while (in_file.ReadSamples(in_interleaved.size(),
+ &in_interleaved[0]) == in_interleaved.size()) {
+ // Have logs display the file time rather than wallclock time.
trace_to_stderr.SetTimeSeconds(num_chunks * 1.f / kChunksPerSecond);
- ++num_chunks;
- }
+ FloatS16ToFloat(&in_interleaved[0], in_interleaved.size(),
+ &in_interleaved[0]);
+ Deinterleave(&in_interleaved[0], in_buf.num_frames(),
+ in_buf.num_channels(), in_buf.channels());
+ if (process_reverse) {
+ in_rev_file->ReadSamples(in_rev_interleaved.size(),
+ FloatS16ToFloat(, in_rev_interleaved.size(),
+ Deinterleave(, in_rev_buf->num_frames(),
+ in_rev_buf->num_channels(), in_rev_buf->channels());
+ }
+ if (FLAGS_perf) {
+ processing_start_time = TickTime::Now();
+ }
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(kNoErr, ap->ProcessStream(in_buf.channels(), input_config,
+ output_config, out_buf.channels()));
+ if (process_reverse) {
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(kNoErr, ap->ProcessReverseStream(
+ in_rev_buf->channels(), reverse_input_config,
+ reverse_output_config, out_rev_buf->channels()));
+ }
+ if (FLAGS_perf) {
+ accumulated_time += TickTime::Now() - processing_start_time;
+ }
+ Interleave(out_buf.channels(), out_buf.num_frames(),
+ out_buf.num_channels(), &out_interleaved[0]);
+ FloatToFloatS16(&out_interleaved[0], out_interleaved.size(),
+ &out_interleaved[0]);
+ out_file.WriteSamples(&out_interleaved[0], out_interleaved.size());
+ if (process_reverse) {
+ Interleave(out_rev_buf->channels(), out_rev_buf->num_frames(),
+ out_rev_buf->num_channels(),;
+ FloatToFloatS16(, out_rev_interleaved.size(),
+ out_rev_file->WriteSamples(,
+ out_rev_interleaved.size());
+ }
+ num_chunks++;
+ }
if (FLAGS_perf) {
- const auto& proc_time = processor->proc_time();
- int64_t exec_time_us = proc_time.sum.Microseconds();
- printf(
- "\nExecution time: %.3f s, File time: %.2f s\n"
- "Time per chunk (mean, max, min):\n%.0f us, %.0f us, %.0f us\n",
- exec_time_us * 1e-6, num_chunks * 1.f / kChunksPerSecond,
- exec_time_us * 1.f / num_chunks, 1.f * proc_time.max.Microseconds(),
- 1.f * proc_time.min.Microseconds());
+ int64_t execution_time_ms = accumulated_time.Milliseconds();
+ printf("\nExecution time: %.3f s\nFile time: %.2f s\n"
+ "Time per chunk: %.3f ms\n",
+ execution_time_ms * 0.001f, num_chunks * 1.f / kChunksPerSecond,
+ execution_time_ms * 1.f / num_chunks);
return 0;
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