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Unified Diff: webrtc/pc/

Issue 2997983002: Completed the functionalities of SrtpTransport. (Closed)
Patch Set: Fix the chromimum issue. Created 3 years, 4 months ago
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diff --git a/webrtc/pc/ b/webrtc/pc/
index e54dac3ea29dab437e636365ce71f69246366578..e097ff17cd21f01a85144e7e68e30c0b3954d71c 100644
--- a/webrtc/pc/
+++ b/webrtc/pc/
@@ -10,67 +10,413 @@
#include "webrtc/pc/srtptransport.h"
+#include "webrtc/media/base/fakertp.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/dtlstransportinternal.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/fakepackettransport.h"
#include "webrtc/pc/rtptransport.h"
#include "webrtc/pc/rtptransporttestutil.h"
+#include "webrtc/pc/srtptestutil.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/asyncpacketsocket.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/gunit.h"
#include "webrtc/rtc_base/ptr_util.h"
-#include "webrtc/test/gmock.h"
+#include "webrtc/rtc_base/sslstreamadapter.h"
+using rtc::kTestKey1;
+using rtc::kTestKey2;
+using rtc::kTestKeyLen;
+using rtc::SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM;
namespace webrtc {
+static const uint8_t kTestKeyGcm128_1[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12";
+static const uint8_t kTestKeyGcm128_2[] = "21ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA";
+static const int kTestKeyGcm128Len = 28; // 128 bits key + 96 bits salt.
+static const uint8_t kTestKeyGcm256_1[] =
+static const uint8_t kTestKeyGcm256_2[] =
+static const int kTestKeyGcm256Len = 44; // 256 bits key + 96 bits salt.
+class SrtpTransportTest : public testing::Test, public sigslot::has_slots<> {
+ protected:
+ SrtpTransportTest() {
+ bool rtcp_mux_enabled = true;
+ auto rtp_transport1 = rtc::MakeUnique<RtpTransport>(rtcp_mux_enabled);
+ auto rtp_transport2 = rtc::MakeUnique<RtpTransport>(rtcp_mux_enabled);
+ rtp_packet_transport1_ =
+ rtc::MakeUnique<rtc::FakePacketTransport>("fake_packet_transport1");
+ rtp_packet_transport2_ =
+ rtc::MakeUnique<rtc::FakePacketTransport>("fake_packet_transport2");
+ bool asymmetric = false;
+ rtp_packet_transport1_->SetDestination(rtp_packet_transport2_.get(),
+ asymmetric);
+ rtp_transport1->SetRtpPacketTransport(rtp_packet_transport1_.get());
+ rtp_transport2->SetRtpPacketTransport(rtp_packet_transport2_.get());
+ // Add payload type for RTP packet and RTCP packet.
+ rtp_transport1->AddHandledPayloadType(0x00);
+ rtp_transport2->AddHandledPayloadType(0x00);
+ rtp_transport1->AddHandledPayloadType(0xc9);
+ rtp_transport2->AddHandledPayloadType(0xc9);
+ srtp_transport1_ =
+ rtc::MakeUnique<SrtpTransport>(std::move(rtp_transport1), "content");
+ srtp_transport2_ =
+ rtc::MakeUnique<SrtpTransport>(std::move(rtp_transport2), "content");
+ srtp_transport1_->SignalPacketReceived.connect(
+ this, &SrtpTransportTest::OnPacketReceived1);
+ srtp_transport2_->SignalPacketReceived.connect(
+ this, &SrtpTransportTest::OnPacketReceived2);
+ }
+ void OnPacketReceived1(bool rtcp,
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer* packet,
+ const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) {
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << "SrtpTransport1 Received a packet.";
+ last_recv_packet1_ = *packet;
+ }
+ void OnPacketReceived2(bool rtcp,
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer* packet,
+ const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time) {
+ LOG(LS_INFO) << "SrtpTransport2 Received a packet.";
+ last_recv_packet2_ = *packet;
+ }
+ // With external auth enabled, SRTP doesn't write the auth tag and
+ // unprotect would fail. Check accessing the information about the
+ // tag instead, similar to what the actual code would do that relies
+ // on external auth.
+ void TestRtpAuthParams(SrtpTransport* transport, const std::string& cs) {
+ int overhead;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(transport->GetSrtpOverhead(&overhead));
+ switch (rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteFromName(cs)) {
+ case rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32:
+ EXPECT_EQ(32 / 8, overhead); // 32-bit tag.
+ break;
+ case rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80:
+ EXPECT_EQ(80 / 8, overhead); // 80-bit tag.
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ uint8_t* auth_key = nullptr;
+ int key_len = 0;
+ int tag_len = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(transport->GetRtpAuthParams(&auth_key, &key_len, &tag_len));
+ EXPECT_NE(nullptr, auth_key);
+ EXPECT_EQ(160 / 8, key_len); // Length of SHA-1 is 160 bits.
+ EXPECT_EQ(overhead, tag_len);
+ }
+ void TestSendRecvRtpPacket(const std::string& cipher_suite_name) {
+ size_t rtp_len = sizeof(kPcmuFrame);
+ size_t packet_size = rtp_len + rtc::rtp_auth_tag_len(cipher_suite_name);
+ rtc::Buffer rtp_packet_buffer(packet_size);
+ char* rtp_packet_data =<char>();
+ memcpy(rtp_packet_data, kPcmuFrame, rtp_len);
+ // In order to be able to run this test function multiple times we can not
+ // use the same sequence number twice. Increase the sequence number by one.
+ rtc::SetBE16(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(rtp_packet_data) + 2,
+ ++sequence_number_);
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer rtp_packet1to2(rtp_packet_data, rtp_len,
+ packet_size);
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer rtp_packet2to1(rtp_packet_data, rtp_len,
+ packet_size);
+ char original_rtp_data[sizeof(kPcmuFrame)];
+ memcpy(original_rtp_data, rtp_packet_data, rtp_len);
+ rtc::PacketOptions options;
+ // Send a packet from |srtp_transport1_| to |srtp_transport2_| and verify
+ // that the packet can be successfully received and decrypted.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(srtp_transport1_->SendRtpPacket(&rtp_packet1to2, options,
+ cricket::PF_SRTP_BYPASS));
+ if (srtp_transport1_->IsExternalAuthActive()) {
+ TestRtpAuthParams(srtp_transport1_.get(), cipher_suite_name);
+ } else {
+ memcmp(, original_rtp_data, rtp_len) == 0);
+ // Get the encrypted packet from underneath packet transport and verify
+ // the data is actually encrypted.
+ auto fake_rtp_packet_transport = static_cast<rtc::FakePacketTransport*>(
+ srtp_transport1_->rtp_packet_transport());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(memcmp(fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->data(),
+ original_rtp_data, rtp_len) == 0);
+ }
+ // Do the same thing in the opposite direction;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(srtp_transport2_->SendRtpPacket(&rtp_packet2to1, options,
+ cricket::PF_SRTP_BYPASS));
+ if (srtp_transport2_->IsExternalAuthActive()) {
+ TestRtpAuthParams(srtp_transport2_.get(), cipher_suite_name);
+ } else {
+ memcmp(, original_rtp_data, rtp_len) == 0);
+ auto fake_rtp_packet_transport = static_cast<rtc::FakePacketTransport*>(
+ srtp_transport2_->rtp_packet_transport());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(memcmp(fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->data(),
+ original_rtp_data, rtp_len) == 0);
+ }
+ }
-using testing::_;
-using testing::Return;
+ void TestSendRecvRtcpPacket(const std::string& cipher_suite_name) {
+ size_t rtcp_len = sizeof(kRtcpReport);
+ size_t packet_size =
+ rtcp_len + 4 + rtc::rtcp_auth_tag_len(cipher_suite_name);
+ rtc::Buffer rtcp_packet_buffer(packet_size);
+ char* rtcp_packet_data =<char>();
+ memcpy(rtcp_packet_data, kRtcpReport, rtcp_len);
-class MockRtpTransport : public RtpTransport {
- public:
- MockRtpTransport() : RtpTransport(true) {}
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer rtcp_packet1to2(rtcp_packet_data, rtcp_len,
+ packet_size);
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer rtcp_packet2to1(rtcp_packet_data, rtcp_len,
+ packet_size);
- MOCK_METHOD4(SendPacket,
- bool(bool rtcp,
- rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer* packet,
- const rtc::PacketOptions& options,
- int flags));
+ rtc::PacketOptions options;
+ // Send a packet from |srtp_transport1_| to |srtp_transport2_| and verify
+ // that the packet can be successfully received and decrypted.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(srtp_transport1_->SendRtcpPacket(&rtcp_packet1to2, options,
+ cricket::PF_SRTP_BYPASS));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(, rtcp_packet_data, rtcp_len) ==
+ 0);
+ // Get the encrypted packet from underneath packet transport and verify the
+ // data is actually encrypted.
+ auto fake_rtp_packet_transport = static_cast<rtc::FakePacketTransport*>(
+ srtp_transport1_->rtp_packet_transport());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(memcmp(fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->data(),
+ rtcp_packet_data, rtcp_len) == 0);
- void PretendReceivedPacket() {
- bool rtcp = false;
- rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer buffer;
- rtc::PacketTime time;
- SignalPacketReceived(rtcp, &buffer, time);
+ // Do the same thing in the opposite direction;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(srtp_transport2_->SendRtcpPacket(&rtcp_packet2to1, options,
+ cricket::PF_SRTP_BYPASS));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(, rtcp_packet_data, rtcp_len) ==
+ 0);
+ fake_rtp_packet_transport = static_cast<rtc::FakePacketTransport*>(
+ srtp_transport2_->rtp_packet_transport());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(memcmp(fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->data(),
+ rtcp_packet_data, rtcp_len) == 0);
+ void TestSendRecvPacket(bool enable_external_auth,
+ int cs,
+ const uint8_t* key1,
+ int key1_len,
+ const uint8_t* key2,
+ int key2_len,
+ const std::string& cipher_suite_name) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(key1_len, key2_len);
+ EXPECT_EQ(cipher_suite_name, rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(cs));
+ if (enable_external_auth) {
+ srtp_transport1_->EnableExternalAuth();
+ srtp_transport2_->EnableExternalAuth();
+ }
+ srtp_transport1_->SetRtpParams(cs, key1, key1_len, cs, key2, key2_len));
+ srtp_transport2_->SetRtpParams(cs, key2, key2_len, cs, key1, key1_len));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport1_->SetRtcpParams(cs, key1, key1_len, cs, key2,
+ key2_len));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport2_->SetRtcpParams(cs, key2, key2_len, cs, key1,
+ key1_len));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport1_->IsActive());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport2_->IsActive());
+ if (rtc::IsGcmCryptoSuite(cs)) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(srtp_transport1_->IsExternalAuthActive());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(srtp_transport2_->IsExternalAuthActive());
+ } else if (enable_external_auth) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport1_->IsExternalAuthActive());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport2_->IsExternalAuthActive());
+ }
+ TestSendRecvRtpPacket(cipher_suite_name);
+ TestSendRecvRtcpPacket(cipher_suite_name);
+ }
+ void TestSendRecvPacketWithEncryptedHeaderExtension(
+ const std::string& cs,
+ const std::vector<int>& encrypted_header_ids) {
+ size_t rtp_len = sizeof(kPcmuFrameWithExtensions);
+ size_t packet_size = rtp_len + rtc::rtp_auth_tag_len(cs);
+ rtc::Buffer rtp_packet_buffer(packet_size);
+ char* rtp_packet_data =<char>();
+ memcpy(rtp_packet_data, kPcmuFrameWithExtensions, rtp_len);
+ // In order to be able to run this test function multiple times we can not
+ // use the same sequence number twice. Increase the sequence number by one.
+ rtc::SetBE16(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(rtp_packet_data) + 2,
+ ++sequence_number_);
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer rtp_packet1to2(rtp_packet_data, rtp_len,
+ packet_size);
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer rtp_packet2to1(rtp_packet_data, rtp_len,
+ packet_size);
+ char original_rtp_data[sizeof(kPcmuFrameWithExtensions)];
+ memcpy(original_rtp_data, rtp_packet_data, rtp_len);
+ rtc::PacketOptions options;
+ // Send a packet from |srtp_transport1_| to |srtp_transport2_| and verify
+ // that the packet can be successfully received and decrypted.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(srtp_transport1_->SendRtpPacket(&rtp_packet1to2, options,
+ cricket::PF_SRTP_BYPASS));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(, original_rtp_data, rtp_len) ==
+ 0);
+ // Get the encrypted packet from underneath packet transport and verify the
+ // data and header extension are actually encrypted.
+ auto fake_rtp_packet_transport = static_cast<rtc::FakePacketTransport*>(
+ srtp_transport1_->rtp_packet_transport());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(memcmp(fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->data(),
+ original_rtp_data, rtp_len) == 0);
+ CompareHeaderExtensions(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
+ fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->data()),
+ fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->size(),
+ original_rtp_data, rtp_len, encrypted_header_ids, false);
+ // Do the same thing in the opposite direction;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(srtp_transport2_->SendRtpPacket(&rtp_packet2to1, options,
+ cricket::PF_SRTP_BYPASS));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(, original_rtp_data, rtp_len) ==
+ 0);
+ fake_rtp_packet_transport = static_cast<rtc::FakePacketTransport*>(
+ srtp_transport2_->rtp_packet_transport());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(memcmp(fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->data(),
+ original_rtp_data, rtp_len) == 0);
+ CompareHeaderExtensions(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
+ fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->data()),
+ fake_rtp_packet_transport->last_sent_packet()->size(),
+ original_rtp_data, rtp_len, encrypted_header_ids, false);
+ }
+ void TestSendRecvEncryptedHeaderExtension(int cs,
+ const uint8_t* key1,
+ int key1_len,
+ const uint8_t* key2,
+ int key2_len,
+ const std::string& cs_name) {
+ std::vector<int> encrypted_headers;
+ encrypted_headers.push_back(1);
+ // Don't encrypt header ids 2 and 3.
+ encrypted_headers.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(key1_len, key2_len);
+ EXPECT_EQ(cs_name, rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteToName(cs));
+ srtp_transport1_->SetEncryptedHeaderExtensionIds(cricket::CS_LOCAL,
+ encrypted_headers);
+ srtp_transport1_->SetEncryptedHeaderExtensionIds(cricket::CS_REMOTE,
+ encrypted_headers);
+ srtp_transport2_->SetEncryptedHeaderExtensionIds(cricket::CS_LOCAL,
+ encrypted_headers);
+ srtp_transport2_->SetEncryptedHeaderExtensionIds(cricket::CS_REMOTE,
+ encrypted_headers);
+ srtp_transport1_->SetRtpParams(cs, key1, key1_len, cs, key2, key2_len));
+ srtp_transport2_->SetRtpParams(cs, key2, key2_len, cs, key1, key1_len));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport1_->IsActive());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport2_->IsActive());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(srtp_transport1_->IsExternalAuthActive());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(srtp_transport2_->IsExternalAuthActive());
+ TestSendRecvPacketWithEncryptedHeaderExtension(cs_name, encrypted_headers);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<SrtpTransport> srtp_transport1_;
+ std::unique_ptr<SrtpTransport> srtp_transport2_;
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::FakePacketTransport> rtp_packet_transport1_;
+ std::unique_ptr<rtc::FakePacketTransport> rtp_packet_transport2_;
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer last_recv_packet1_;
+ rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer last_recv_packet2_;
+ int sequence_number_ = 0;
-TEST(SrtpTransportTest, SendPacket) {
- auto rtp_transport = rtc::MakeUnique<MockRtpTransport>();
- EXPECT_CALL(*rtp_transport, SendPacket(_, _, _, _)).WillOnce(Return(true));
+class SrtpTransportTestWithExternalAuth
+ : public SrtpTransportTest,
+ public testing::WithParamInterface<bool> {};
+ SendAndRecvPacket_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80) {
+ bool enable_external_auth = GetParam();
+ TestSendRecvPacket(enable_external_auth, rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80,
+ kTestKey1, kTestKeyLen, kTestKey2, kTestKeyLen,
+ rtc::CS_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80);
+ SendAndRecvPacketWithHeaderExtension_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80) {
+ TestSendRecvEncryptedHeaderExtension(rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80, kTestKey1,
+ kTestKeyLen, kTestKey2, kTestKeyLen,
+ rtc::CS_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80);
- SrtpTransport srtp_transport(std::move(rtp_transport), "a");
+ SendAndRecvPacket_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32) {
+ bool enable_external_auth = GetParam();
+ TestSendRecvPacket(enable_external_auth, rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32,
+ kTestKey1, kTestKeyLen, kTestKey2, kTestKeyLen,
+ rtc::CS_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32);
- const bool rtcp = false;
- rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer packet;
- rtc::PacketOptions options;
- int flags = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(srtp_transport.SendPacket(rtcp, &packet, options, flags));
+ SendAndRecvPacketWithHeaderExtension_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32) {
+ TestSendRecvEncryptedHeaderExtension(rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32, kTestKey1,
+ kTestKeyLen, kTestKey2, kTestKeyLen,
+ rtc::CS_AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32);
- // TODO(zstein): Also verify that the packet received by RtpTransport has been
- // protected once SrtpTransport handles that.
+ SendAndRecvPacket_SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM) {
+ bool enable_external_auth = GetParam();
+ TestSendRecvPacket(enable_external_auth, rtc::SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM,
+ kTestKeyGcm128_1, kTestKeyGcm128Len, kTestKeyGcm128_2,
+ kTestKeyGcm128Len, rtc::CS_AEAD_AES_128_GCM);
-// Test that SrtpTransport fires SignalPacketReceived when the underlying
-// RtpTransport fires SignalPacketReceived.
-TEST(SrtpTransportTest, SignalPacketReceived) {
- auto rtp_transport = rtc::MakeUnique<MockRtpTransport>();
- MockRtpTransport* rtp_transport_raw = rtp_transport.get();
- SrtpTransport srtp_transport(std::move(rtp_transport), "a");
+ SendAndRecvPacketWithHeaderExtension_SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM) {
+ TestSendRecvEncryptedHeaderExtension(
+ rtc::SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM, kTestKeyGcm128_1, kTestKeyGcm128Len,
+ kTestKeyGcm128_2, kTestKeyGcm128Len, rtc::CS_AEAD_AES_128_GCM);
- SignalPacketReceivedCounter counter(&srtp_transport);
+ SendAndRecvPacket_SRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM) {
+ bool enable_external_auth = GetParam();
+ TestSendRecvPacket(enable_external_auth, rtc::SRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM,
+ kTestKeyGcm256_1, kTestKeyGcm256Len, kTestKeyGcm256_2,
+ kTestKeyGcm256Len, rtc::CS_AEAD_AES_256_GCM);
- rtp_transport_raw->PretendReceivedPacket();
+ SendAndRecvPacketWithHeaderExtension_SRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM) {
+ TestSendRecvEncryptedHeaderExtension(
+ rtc::SRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM, kTestKeyGcm256_1, kTestKeyGcm256Len,
+ kTestKeyGcm256_2, kTestKeyGcm256Len, rtc::CS_AEAD_AES_256_GCM);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, counter.rtp_count());
+// Run all tests both with and without external auth enabled.
+ SrtpTransportTestWithExternalAuth,
+ ::testing::Values(true, false));
- // TODO(zstein): Also verify that the packet is unprotected once SrtpTransport
- // handles that.
+// Test directly setting the params with bogus keys.
+TEST_F(SrtpTransportTest, TestSetParamsKeyTooShort) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(srtp_transport1_->SetRtpParams(
+ rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80, kTestKey1, kTestKeyLen - 1,
+ rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80, kTestKey1, kTestKeyLen - 1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(srtp_transport1_->SetRtcpParams(
+ rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80, kTestKey1, kTestKeyLen - 1,
+ rtc::SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80, kTestKey1, kTestKeyLen - 1));
} // namespace webrtc
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