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Side by Side Diff: webrtc/sdk/objc/Framework/Classes/Common/

Issue 2893593002: Revert of Split iOS sdk in to separate targets (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 3 years, 7 months ago
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1 /*
2 * Copyright 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
11 #import "WebRTC/UIDevice+RTCDevice.h"
13 #include <memory>
14 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
16 @implementation UIDevice (RTCDevice)
18 + (RTCDeviceType)deviceType {
19 NSDictionary *machineNameToType = @{
20 @"iPhone1,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone1G),
21 @"iPhone1,2": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone3G),
22 @"iPhone2,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone3GS),
23 @"iPhone3,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone4),
24 @"iPhone3,3": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone4Verizon),
25 @"iPhone4,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone4S),
26 @"iPhone5,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5GSM),
27 @"iPhone5,2": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5GSM_CDMA),
28 @"iPhone5,3": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5CGSM),
29 @"iPhone5,4": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5CGSM_CDMA),
30 @"iPhone6,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5SGSM),
31 @"iPhone6,2": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5SGSM_CDMA),
32 @"iPhone7,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone6Plus),
33 @"iPhone7,2": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone6),
34 @"iPhone8,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone6S),
35 @"iPhone8,2": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPhone6SPlus),
36 @"iPod1,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch1G),
37 @"iPod2,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch2G),
38 @"iPod3,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch3G),
39 @"iPod4,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch4G),
40 @"iPod5,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch5G),
41 @"iPad1,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad),
42 @"iPad2,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad2Wifi),
43 @"iPad2,2": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad2GSM),
44 @"iPad2,3": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad2CDMA),
45 @"iPad2,4": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad2Wifi2),
46 @"iPad2,5": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPadMiniWifi),
47 @"iPad2,6": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPadMiniGSM),
48 @"iPad2,7": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPadMiniGSM_CDMA),
49 @"iPad3,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad3Wifi),
50 @"iPad3,2": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad3GSM_CDMA),
51 @"iPad3,3": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad3GSM),
52 @"iPad3,4": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad4Wifi),
53 @"iPad3,5": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad4GSM),
54 @"iPad3,6": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPad4GSM_CDMA),
55 @"iPad4,1": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPadAirWifi),
56 @"iPad4,2": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPadAirCellular),
57 @"iPad4,4": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPadMini2GWifi),
58 @"iPad4,5": @(RTCDeviceTypeIPadMini2GCellular),
59 @"i386": @(RTCDeviceTypeSimulatori386),
60 @"x86_64": @(RTCDeviceTypeSimulatorx86_64),
61 };
63 size_t size = 0;
64 sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
65 std::unique_ptr<char[]> machine;
66 machine.reset(new char[size]);
67 sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine.get(), &size, NULL, 0);
68 NSString *machineName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:machine.get()
69 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding ];
70 RTCDeviceType deviceType = RTCDeviceTypeUnknown;
71 NSNumber *typeNumber = machineNameToType[machineName];
72 if (typeNumber) {
73 deviceType = static_cast<RTCDeviceType>(typeNumber.integerValue);
74 }
75 return deviceType;
76 }
78 + (NSString *)stringForDeviceType:(RTCDeviceType)deviceType {
79 switch (deviceType) {
80 case RTCDeviceTypeUnknown:
81 return @"Unknown";
82 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone1G:
83 return @"iPhone 1G";
84 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone3G:
85 return @"iPhone 3G";
86 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone3GS:
87 return @"iPhone 3GS";
88 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone4:
89 return @"iPhone 4";
90 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone4Verizon:
91 return @"iPhone 4 Verizon";
92 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone4S:
93 return @"iPhone 4S";
94 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5GSM:
95 return @"iPhone 5 (GSM)";
96 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5GSM_CDMA:
97 return @"iPhone 5 (GSM+CDMA)";
98 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5CGSM:
99 return @"iPhone 5C (GSM)";
100 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5CGSM_CDMA:
101 return @"iPhone 5C (GSM+CDMA)";
102 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5SGSM:
103 return @"iPhone 5S (GSM)";
104 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone5SGSM_CDMA:
105 return @"iPhone 5S (GSM+CDMA)";
106 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone6Plus:
107 return @"iPhone 6 Plus";
108 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone6:
109 return @"iPhone 6";
110 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone6S:
111 return @"iPhone 6S";
112 case RTCDeviceTypeIPhone6SPlus:
113 return @"iPhone 6S Plus";
114 case RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch1G:
115 return @"iPod Touch 1G";
116 case RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch2G:
117 return @"iPod Touch 2G";
118 case RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch3G:
119 return @"iPod Touch 3G";
120 case RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch4G:
121 return @"iPod Touch 4G";
122 case RTCDeviceTypeIPodTouch5G:
123 return @"iPod Touch 5G";
124 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad:
125 return @"iPad";
126 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad2Wifi:
127 return @"iPad 2 (WiFi)";
128 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad2GSM:
129 return @"iPad 2 (GSM)";
130 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad2CDMA:
131 return @"iPad 2 (CDMA)";
132 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad2Wifi2:
133 return @"iPad 2 (WiFi) 2";
134 case RTCDeviceTypeIPadMiniWifi:
135 return @"iPad Mini (WiFi)";
136 case RTCDeviceTypeIPadMiniGSM:
137 return @"iPad Mini (GSM)";
138 case RTCDeviceTypeIPadMiniGSM_CDMA:
139 return @"iPad Mini (GSM+CDMA)";
140 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad3Wifi:
141 return @"iPad 3 (WiFi)";
142 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad3GSM_CDMA:
143 return @"iPad 3 (GSM+CDMA)";
144 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad3GSM:
145 return @"iPad 3 (GSM)";
146 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad4Wifi:
147 return @"iPad 4 (WiFi)";
148 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad4GSM:
149 return @"iPad 4 (GSM)";
150 case RTCDeviceTypeIPad4GSM_CDMA:
151 return @"iPad 4 (GSM+CDMA)";
152 case RTCDeviceTypeIPadAirWifi:
153 return @"iPad Air (WiFi)";
154 case RTCDeviceTypeIPadAirCellular:
155 return @"iPad Air (Cellular)";
156 case RTCDeviceTypeIPadMini2GWifi:
157 return @"iPad Mini 2G (Wifi)";
158 case RTCDeviceTypeIPadMini2GCellular:
159 return @"iPad Mini 2G (Cellular)";
160 case RTCDeviceTypeSimulatori386:
161 return @"i386 Simulator";
162 case RTCDeviceTypeSimulatorx86_64:
163 return @"x86_64 Simulator";
164 }
165 return @"Unknown";
166 }
168 + (double)currentDeviceSystemVersion {
169 return [self currentDevice].systemVersion.doubleValue;
170 }
172 + (BOOL)isIOS9OrLater {
173 return [self currentDeviceSystemVersion] >= 9.0;
174 }
176 @end
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