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Unified Diff: resources/audio_processing/conversational_speech/

Issue 2869833002: Conversational Speech dataset (Closed)
Patch Set: README file added Created 3 years, 7 months ago
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Index: resources/audio_processing/conversational_speech/
diff --git a/resources/audio_processing/conversational_speech/ b/resources/audio_processing/conversational_speech/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..deab85348360f14957525ad93c0655596ee73629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/audio_processing/conversational_speech/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# WebRTC Conversational Speech dataset
+This dataset includes *conversational speech* and *breathing* recordings,
+and the audio files are named
+``<langCode>_script<num>_<speakerGender>_sp<speakerId>_<turnId>.wav`` and
+``breathing_<speakerGender>_sp<speakerId>_<num>.wav`` respectively.
+The conversational speech part consists of *turns*. Each turn belongs to a
+*script*, and a script involves two *speakers* named A and B.
+The scripts have been designed spanning short and long turns. Also, the scripts
+are gender neutral, which allows to let A and B turns be recorded by both male
+and female speakers.
+All the audio files have a single channel and a sample rate of 48000 Hz with 16
+bit samples.
+## English scripts (EN)
+### Script 1
+- A1: How is your day going?
+- B1: Quite busy. I'm preparing for my presentation on our marketing strategy.
+- A2: You must feel stressed out now.
+- B2: That's an understatement.
+### Script 2
+- A1: Which book are you reading?
+- B1: Let’s see if you can guess it, listen carefully. She tries to open the
+doors. They are all locked; she begins to weep. She walks weeping to a high
+glass table and sits down on its lower ledge. She sits on a big golden key and
+picks it up in surprise. She tries it on all the doors but it does not fit.
+- A2: Too hard, yet another hint.
+- B2: Ok. “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That
+depends a good deal on where you want to get to”, said the Cat. “I don't much
+care where” she replied.
+- A3: Stop, I know the rest! “Then it doesn't matter which way you go”, said the
+Cat. “So long as I get somewhere” she added as an explanation. “Oh, you're sure
+to do that, if you only walk long enough.”
+- B3: So, what’s the title?
+- A4: Alice in Wonderland!
+- B4: Well done
+## Swedish scripts (SE)
+### Script 1
+- A1: Hur är det?
+- B1: Rätt upptagen. Jag förbereder mig inför min presentation om
+- A2: Då är du säkert riktigt stressad nu.
+- B2: Det skulle man kunna säga.
+### Script 2
+- A1: Vilken bok läser du?
+- B1: Jag ska läsa högt för dig. Försök gissa nu! “Dörren är ändå alldeles för
+liten för mig. Och jag kan ju inte flyga upp igenom kaninhålet. Hon får syn på
+en flaska på bordet. Drick mig. Bäst att vara försiktig. Om man dricker en
+flaska där det står gift så får man nog ångra det förr eller senare. Men det
+står ju bara drick mig.”
+- A2: Det är för svårt! Får jag försöka igen?
+- B2: Ok. “Åt vilket håll ska jag gå?” “Det beror på vart du vill komma”, sa
+katten. “Det spelar ingen roll.” svarade hon.
+- A3: Sluta, jag kan fortsättningen: “Då spelar det heller ingen roll åt vilket
+håll du går." sa katten.
+“…så länge som jag kommer någonstans”, fortsatte hon. “Åh, det kommer du att
+göra”, sa katten, “bara du går tillräckligt långt”.
+- B3: Så vad heter boken?
+- A4: Alice i Underlandet
+- B4: Jättebra

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