Index: tools-webrtc/matlab/rtpAnalyze.m |
diff --git a/tools-webrtc/matlab/rtpAnalyze.m b/tools-webrtc/matlab/rtpAnalyze.m |
deleted file mode 100644 |
index c51af9cca5b06d04bd9b0c2c01d330d5fa0ff7a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
--- a/tools-webrtc/matlab/rtpAnalyze.m |
+++ /dev/null |
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ |
-function rtpAnalyze( input_file ) |
-%RTP_ANALYZE Analyze RTP stream(s) from a txt file |
-% The function takes the output from the command line tool rtp_analyze |
-% and analyzes the stream(s) therein. First, process your rtpdump file |
-% through rtp_analyze (from command line): |
-% $ out/Debug/rtp_analyze my_file.rtp my_file.txt |
-% Then load it with this function (in Matlab): |
-% >> rtpAnalyze('my_file.txt') |
- |
-% Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. |
-% |
-% Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
-% that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
-% tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
-% in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
-% be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
- |
-[SeqNo,TimeStamp,ArrTime,Size,PT,M,SSRC] = importfile(input_file); |
- |
-%% Filter out RTCP packets. |
-% These appear as RTP packets having payload types 72 through 76. |
-ix = not(ismember(PT, 72:76)); |
-fprintf('Removing %i RTCP packets\n', length(SeqNo) - sum(ix)); |
-SeqNo = SeqNo(ix); |
-TimeStamp = TimeStamp(ix); |
-ArrTime = ArrTime(ix); |
-Size = Size(ix); |
-PT = PT(ix); |
-M = M(ix); |
-SSRC = SSRC(ix); |
- |
-%% Find streams. |
-[uSSRC, ~, uix] = unique(SSRC); |
- |
-% If there are multiple streams, select one and purge the other |
-% streams from the data vectors. If there is only one stream, the |
-% vectors are good to use as they are. |
-if length(uSSRC) > 1 |
- for i=1:length(uSSRC) |
- uPT = unique(PT(uix == i)); |
- fprintf('%i: %s (%d packets, pt: %i', i, uSSRC{i}, ... |
- length(find(uix==i)), uPT(1)); |
- if length(uPT) > 1 |
- fprintf(', %i', uPT(2:end)); |
- end |
- fprintf(')\n'); |
- end |
- sel = input('Select stream number: '); |
- if sel < 1 || sel > length(uSSRC) |
- error('Out of range'); |
- end |
- ix = find(uix == sel); |
- % This is where the data vectors are trimmed. |
- SeqNo = SeqNo(ix); |
- TimeStamp = TimeStamp(ix); |
- ArrTime = ArrTime(ix); |
- Size = Size(ix); |
- PT = PT(ix); |
- M = M(ix); |
- SSRC = SSRC(ix); |
-end |
- |
-%% Unwrap SeqNo and TimeStamp. |
-SeqNoUW = maxUnwrap(SeqNo, 65535); |
-TimeStampUW = maxUnwrap(TimeStamp, 4294967295); |
- |
-%% Generate some stats for the stream. |
-fprintf('Statistics:\n'); |
-fprintf('SSRC: %s\n', SSRC{1}); |
-uPT = unique(PT); |
-if length(uPT) > 1 |
- warning('This tool cannot yet handle changes in codec sample rate'); |
-end |
-fprintf('Payload type(s): %i', uPT(1)); |
-if length(uPT) > 1 |
- fprintf(', %i', uPT(2:end)); |
-end |
-fprintf('\n'); |
-fprintf('Packets: %i\n', length(SeqNo)); |
-SortSeqNo = sort(SeqNoUW); |
-fprintf('Missing sequence numbers: %i\n', ... |
- length(find(diff(SortSeqNo) > 1))); |
-fprintf('Duplicated packets: %i\n', length(find(diff(SortSeqNo) == 0))); |
-reorderIx = findReorderedPackets(SeqNoUW); |
-fprintf('Reordered packets: %i\n', length(reorderIx)); |
-tsdiff = diff(TimeStampUW); |
-tsdiff = tsdiff(diff(SeqNoUW) == 1); |
-[utsdiff, ~, ixtsdiff] = unique(tsdiff); |
-fprintf('Common packet sizes:\n'); |
-for i = 1:length(utsdiff) |
- fprintf(' %i samples (%i%%)\n', ... |
- utsdiff(i), ... |
- round(100 * length(find(ixtsdiff == i))/length(ixtsdiff))); |
-end |
- |
-%% Trying to figure out sample rate. |
-fs_est = (TimeStampUW(end) - TimeStampUW(1)) / (ArrTime(end) - ArrTime(1)); |
-fs_vec = [8, 16, 32, 48]; |
-fs = 0; |
-for f = fs_vec |
- if abs((fs_est-f)/f) < 0.05 % 5% margin |
- fs = f; |
- break; |
- end |
-end |
-if fs == 0 |
- fprintf('Cannot determine sample rate. I get it to %.2f kHz\n', ... |
- fs_est); |
- fs = input('Please, input a sample rate (in kHz): '); |
-else |
- fprintf('Sample rate estimated to %i kHz\n', fs); |
-end |
- |
-SendTimeMs = (TimeStampUW - TimeStampUW(1)) / fs; |
- |
-fprintf('Stream duration at sender: %.1f seconds\n', ... |
- (SendTimeMs(end) - SendTimeMs(1)) / 1000); |
- |
-fprintf('Stream duration at receiver: %.1f seconds\n', ... |
- (ArrTime(end) - ArrTime(1)) / 1000); |
- |
-fprintf('Clock drift: %.2f%%\n', ... |
- 100 * ((ArrTime(end) - ArrTime(1)) / ... |
- (SendTimeMs(end) - SendTimeMs(1)) - 1)); |
- |
-fprintf('Sent average bitrate: %i kbps\n', ... |
- round(sum(Size) * 8 / (SendTimeMs(end)-SendTimeMs(1)))); |
- |
-fprintf('Received average bitrate: %i kbps\n', ... |
- round(sum(Size) * 8 / (ArrTime(end)-ArrTime(1)))); |
- |
-%% Plots. |
-delay = ArrTime - SendTimeMs; |
-delay = delay - min(delay); |
-delayOrdered = delay; |
-delayOrdered(reorderIx) = nan; % Set reordered packets to NaN. |
-delayReordered = delay(reorderIx); % Pick the reordered packets. |
-sendTimeMsReordered = SendTimeMs(reorderIx); |
- |
-% Sort time arrays in packet send order. |
-[~, sortix] = sort(SeqNoUW); |
-SendTimeMs = SendTimeMs(sortix); |
-Size = Size(sortix); |
-delayOrdered = delayOrdered(sortix); |
- |
-figure |
-plot(SendTimeMs / 1000, delayOrdered, ... |
- sendTimeMsReordered / 1000, delayReordered, 'r.'); |
-xlabel('Send time [s]'); |
-ylabel('Relative transport delay [ms]'); |
-title(sprintf('SSRC: %s', SSRC{1})); |
- |
-SendBitrateKbps = 8 * Size(1:end-1) ./ diff(SendTimeMs); |
-figure |
-plot(SendTimeMs(1:end-1)/1000, SendBitrateKbps); |
-xlabel('Send time [s]'); |
-ylabel('Send bitrate [kbps]'); |
-end |
- |
-%% Subfunctions. |
- |
-% findReorderedPackets returns the index to all packets that are considered |
-% old compared with the largest seen sequence number. The input seqNo must |
-% be unwrapped for this to work. |
-function reorderIx = findReorderedPackets(seqNo) |
-largestSeqNo = seqNo(1); |
-reorderIx = []; |
-for i = 2:length(seqNo) |
- if seqNo(i) < largestSeqNo |
- reorderIx = [reorderIx; i]; %#ok<AGROW> |
- else |
- largestSeqNo = seqNo(i); |
- end |
-end |
-end |
- |
-%% Auto-generated subfunction. |
-function [SeqNo,TimeStamp,SendTime,Size,PT,M,SSRC] = ... |
- importfile(filename, startRow, endRow) |
-%IMPORTFILE Import numeric data from a text file as column vectors. |
-% data from text file FILENAME for the default selection. |
-% |
-% STARTROW, ENDROW) Reads data from rows STARTROW through ENDROW of text |
-% file FILENAME. |
-% |
-% Example: |
-% [SeqNo,TimeStamp,SendTime,Size,PT,M,SSRC] = |
-% importfile('rtpdump_recv.txt',2, 123); |
-% |
-% See also TEXTSCAN. |
- |
-% Auto-generated by MATLAB on 2015/05/28 09:55:50 |
- |
-%% Initialize variables. |
-if nargin<=2 |
- startRow = 2; |
- endRow = inf; |
-end |
- |
-%% Format string for each line of text: |
-% column1: double (%f) |
-% column2: double (%f) |
-% column3: double (%f) |
-% column4: double (%f) |
-% column5: double (%f) |
-% column6: double (%f) |
-% column7: text (%s) |
-% For more information, see the TEXTSCAN documentation. |
-formatSpec = '%5f%11f%11f%6f%6f%3f%s%[^\n\r]'; |
- |
-%% Open the text file. |
-fileID = fopen(filename,'r'); |
- |
-%% Read columns of data according to format string. |
-% This call is based on the structure of the file used to generate this |
-% code. If an error occurs for a different file, try regenerating the code |
-% from the Import Tool. |
-dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, endRow(1)-startRow(1)+1, ... |
- 'Delimiter', '', 'WhiteSpace', '', 'HeaderLines', startRow(1)-1, ... |
- 'ReturnOnError', false); |
-for block=2:length(startRow) |
- frewind(fileID); |
- dataArrayBlock = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, ... |
- endRow(block)-startRow(block)+1, 'Delimiter', '', 'WhiteSpace', ... |
- '', 'HeaderLines', startRow(block)-1, 'ReturnOnError', false); |
- for col=1:length(dataArray) |
- dataArray{col} = [dataArray{col};dataArrayBlock{col}]; |
- end |
-end |
- |
-%% Close the text file. |
-fclose(fileID); |
- |
-%% Post processing for unimportable data. |
-% No unimportable data rules were applied during the import, so no post |
-% processing code is included. To generate code which works for |
-% unimportable data, select unimportable cells in a file and regenerate the |
-% script. |
- |
-%% Allocate imported array to column variable names |
-SeqNo = dataArray{:, 1}; |
-TimeStamp = dataArray{:, 2}; |
-SendTime = dataArray{:, 3}; |
-Size = dataArray{:, 4}; |
-PT = dataArray{:, 5}; |
-M = dataArray{:, 6}; |
-SSRC = dataArray{:, 7}; |
-end |
- |