| (Empty) |
1 # This file is used in addition to the one already maintained in Chrome. | |
2 # It acts as a place holder for future additions for WebRTC. | |
3 # It must exist for the Python wrapper script to work properly. | |
4 | |
5 # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. | |
6 # 1. third_party libraries | |
7 # 2. webrtc stuff | |
8 # 3. libjingle stuff (talk folder) | |
9 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
10 | |
11 # third_party libraries | |
12 | |
13 { | |
14 libc_free_hitting_gce_vms | |
15 Memcheck:Free | |
16 fun:free | |
17 fun:__libc_freeres | |
18 fun:_vgnU_freeres | |
19 ... | |
20 } | |
21 { | |
22 Ubuntu_Precise_Itoa_Optimized_Code | |
23 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
24 fun:_itoa_word | |
25 fun:vfprintf | |
26 fun:vsnprintf | |
27 fun:snprintf | |
28 ... | |
29 } | |
30 | |
31 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
32 # webrtc stuff | |
33 | |
34 { | |
35 bug_6784 | |
36 Memcheck:Leak | |
37 fun:_Znw* | |
38 fun:_ZN3rtc10HttpServer16HandleConnectionEPNS_15StreamInterfaceE | |
39 fun:_ZN3rtc12_GLOBAL__N_122CreateClientConnectionERNS_10HttpServerERNS0_17Htt
pServerMonitorEb | |
40 fun:_ZN3rtc47HttpServer_SignalsCloseAfterForcedCloseAll_Test8TestBodyEv | |
41 } | |
42 { | |
43 bug_6773_3 | |
44 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
45 fun:vfprintf | |
46 fun:vsnprintf | |
47 fun:snprintf | |
48 fun:_ZN7testing12_GLOBAL__N_126PrintByteSegmentInObjectToEPKhmmPSo | |
49 fun:_ZN7testing9internal220PrintBytesInObjectToEPKhmPSo | |
50 fun:_ZN7testing8internal14DefaultPrintToISt6vectorIN6webrtc4rtcp3Fir7RequestE
SaIS6_EEEEviNS0_13bool_constantILb0EEERKT_PSo | |
51 fun:_ZN7testing8internal20MatchPrintAndExplainIKSt6vectorIN6webrtc4rtcp3Fir7R
equestESaIS6_EERS9_EEbRT_RKNS_7MatcherIT0_EEPNS_19MatchResultListenerE | |
52 fun:_ZNK7testing8internal29PredicateFormatterFromMatcherINS0_18ElementsAreMat
EEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcRKT_ | |
53 fun:_ZN6webrtc36RtcpPacketFirTest_TwoFciEntries_Test8TestBodyEv | |
54 } | |
55 { | |
56 bug_6773_2 | |
57 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
58 fun:vfprintf | |
59 fun:vsnprintf | |
60 fun:snprintf | |
61 fun:_ZN7testing12_GLOBAL__N_126PrintByteSegmentInObjectToEPKhmmPSo | |
62 fun:_ZN7testing9internal220PrintBytesInObjectToEPKhmPSo | |
63 fun:_ZN7testing8internal25UntypedFunctionMockerBase17UntypedInvokeWithEPKv | |
64 fun:_ZNK6webrtc11MockRtpRtcp11FlexfecSsrcEv | |
65 fun:_ZN6webrtc12PacketRouter16TimeToSendPacketEjtlbi | |
66 fun:_ZN6webrtc38PacketRouterTest_TimeToSendPacket_Test8TestBodyEv | |
67 } | |
68 { | |
69 bug_6773_1 | |
70 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
71 fun:vfprintf | |
72 fun:vsnprintf | |
73 fun:snprintf | |
74 fun:_ZN7testing12_GLOBAL__N_126PrintByteSegmentInObjectToEPKhmmPSo | |
75 fun:_ZN7testing9internal220PrintBytesInObjectToEPKhmPSo | |
76 fun:_ZN7testing8internal14DefaultPrintToISt6vectorIN6webrtc4rtcp3Fir7RequestE
SaIS6_EEEEviNS0_13bool_constantILb0EEERKT_PSo | |
77 fun:_ZN7testing8internal20MatchPrintAndExplainIKSt6vectorIN6webrtc4rtcp3Fir7R
equestESaIS6_EERS9_EEbRT_RKNS_7MatcherIT0_EEPNS_19MatchResultListenerE | |
78 fun:_ZNK7testing8internal29PredicateFormatterFromMatcherINS0_18ElementsAreMat
NS_15AssertionResultEPKcRKT_ | |
79 fun:_ZN6webrtc28RtcpPacketFirTest_Parse_Test8TestBodyEv | |
80 } | |
81 { | |
82 bug_3446 | |
83 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
84 fun:vp8cx_pick_filter_level_fast | |
85 fun:vp8_loopfilter_frame | |
86 fun:encode_frame_to_data_rate | |
87 fun:vp8_get_compressed_data | |
88 fun:vp8e_encode | |
89 fun:vpx_codec_encode | |
90 ... | |
91 fun:_ZN6webrtc4test18VideoProcessorImpl12ProcessFrameEi | |
92 fun:_ZN6webrtc29VideoProcessorIntegrationTest22ProcessFramesAndVerifyENS_14Qu
alityMetricsENS_11RateProfileENS_15CodecConfigParsEPNS_18RateControlMetricsE | |
93 fun:_ZN6webrtc70VideoProcessorIntegrationTest_ProcessNoLossSpatialResizeFrame
Drop_Test8TestBodyEv | |
94 } | |
95 { | |
96 bug_1976_1 | |
97 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
98 fun:pthread_mutex_unlock | |
99 fun:_ZN9rtc15CriticalSection5LeaveEv | |
100 fun:_ZN9rtc9CritScopeD1Ev | |
101 ... | |
102 fun:_ZN9rtc6Thread15ProcessMessagesEi | |
103 fun:_ZN9rtc6Thread3RunEv | |
104 fun:_ZN9rtc6Thread6PreRunEPv | |
105 } | |
106 { | |
107 bug_2100_3 | |
108 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
109 fun:tls1_enc | |
110 fun:ssl3_get_record | |
111 fun:ssl3_read_bytes | |
112 fun:ssl3_read_internal | |
113 fun:ssl3_read | |
114 fun:SSL_read | |
115 fun:_ZN9rtc20OpenSSLStreamAdapter4ReadEPvmPmPi | |
116 ... | |
117 } | |
118 { | |
119 bug_2100_4 | |
120 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
121 fun:_ZN7testing8internal11CmpHelperEQIjhEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcS4_RKT_RKT0
_ | |
122 fun:_ZN7testing8internal8EqHelperILb0EE7CompareIjhEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcS
6_RKT_RKT0_ | |
123 fun:_ZN24SSLStreamAdapterTestDTLS8ReadDataEPN9rtc15StreamInterfaceE | |
124 ... | |
125 } | |
126 { | |
127 bug_2100_5 | |
128 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
129 fun:dtls1_process_record | |
130 fun:dtls1_get_record | |
131 fun:dtls1_read_bytes | |
132 fun:ssl3_read_internal | |
133 fun:ssl3_read | |
134 fun:SSL_read | |
135 fun:_ZN9rtc20OpenSSLStreamAdapter4ReadEPvmPmPi | |
136 ... | |
137 } | |
138 { | |
139 BIO_new_mem_buf_1 | |
140 Memcheck:Leak | |
141 fun:malloc | |
142 fun:default_malloc_ex | |
143 fun:CRYPTO_malloc | |
144 fun:BUF_MEM_new | |
145 fun:mem_new | |
146 fun:BIO_set | |
147 fun:BIO_new | |
148 fun:BIO_new_mem_buf | |
149 fun:_ZN9rtc18OpenSSLCertificate13FromPEMStringERKSs | |
150 ... | |
151 } | |
152 { | |
153 BIO_new_mem_buf_2 | |
154 Memcheck:Leak | |
155 fun:malloc | |
156 fun:default_malloc_ex | |
157 fun:CRYPTO_malloc | |
158 fun:BUF_MEM_new | |
159 fun:mem_new | |
160 fun:BIO_set | |
161 fun:BIO_new | |
162 fun:BIO_new_mem_buf | |
163 fun:_ZN9rtc15OpenSSLIdentity14FromPEMStringsERKSsS2_ | |
164 } | |
165 { | |
166 SignalsCloseAfterForcedCloseAll | |
167 Memcheck:Leak | |
168 fun:_Znw* | |
169 fun:_ZN3rtc10HttpServer10Connection12BeginProcessEPNS_15StreamInterfaceE | |
170 ... | |
171 } | |
172 { | |
173 SignalsCloseAfterForcedCloseAll2 | |
174 Memcheck:Leak | |
175 fun:_Znw* | |
176 fun:_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKSsSsEEE8allocateE
mPKv | |
177 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE11_
M_get_nodeEv | |
178 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE14_
M_create_nodeIJS2_EEEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS2_EDpOT_ | |
179 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE10_
M_insert_IS2_EESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS2_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSE_OT_ | |
180 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE15_
M_insert_equalIS2_EESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS2_EOT_ | |
181 fun:_ZNSt8multimapISsSsN3rtc5ilessESaISt4pairIKSsSsEEE6insertIS4_vEESt17_Rb_t
ree_iteratorIS4_EOT_ | |
182 fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpData12changeHeaderERKSsS2_NS0_13HeaderCombineE | |
183 fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpData9setHeaderERKSsS2_b | |
184 fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpData9setHeaderENS_10HttpHeaderERKSsb | |
185 ... | |
186 } | |
187 { | |
188 DoNotDeleteTask2 | |
189 Memcheck:Leak | |
190 fun:_Znw* | |
191 ... | |
192 fun:_ZN3rtc41unstarted_task_test_DoNotDeleteTask2_Test8TestBodyEv | |
193 } | |
194 { | |
195 bug_329_1 | |
196 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
197 fun:I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3 | |
198 fun:I420ToARGB | |
199 fun:ConvertFromI420 | |
200 fun:_ZN6webrtc15ConvertFromI420EPKhiNS_9VideoTypeEiiiPh | |
201 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameEPhij | |
202 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE | |
203 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv | |
204 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv | |
205 fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv | |
206 fun:StartThread | |
207 } | |
208 | |
209 { | |
210 bug_329_3 | |
211 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
212 fun:I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3 | |
213 fun:I420ToARGB | |
214 fun:ConvertFromI420 | |
215 fun:_ZN6webrtc15ConvertFromI420EPKhiNS_9VideoTypeEiiiPh | |
216 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameEPhij | |
217 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE | |
218 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv | |
219 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv | |
220 fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv | |
221 fun:StartThread | |
222 } | |
223 | |
224 { | |
225 bug_329_7 | |
226 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
227 fun:I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3 | |
228 fun:I420ToARGB | |
229 fun:ConvertFromI420 | |
230 fun:_ZN6webrtc15ConvertFromI420ERKNS_10VideoFrameEiNS_9VideoTypeEiPh | |
231 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameERKNS_10VideoFrameE | |
232 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE | |
233 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv | |
234 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv | |
235 fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv | |
236 fun:StartThread | |
237 } | |
238 | |
239 { | |
240 bug_329_8 | |
241 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
242 fun:I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3 | |
243 fun:I420ToARGB | |
244 fun:ConvertFromI420 | |
245 fun:_ZN6webrtc15ConvertFromI420ERKNS_10VideoFrameEiNS_9VideoTypeEiPh | |
246 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameERKNS_10VideoFrameE | |
247 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE | |
248 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv | |
249 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv | |
250 fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv | |
251 fun:StartThread | |
252 } | |
253 | |
254 { | |
255 bug_898_1 | |
256 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
257 ... | |
258 fun:_ZN16FakeMediaProcess7ProcessEiN6webrtc15ProcessingTypesEPsiib | |
259 ... | |
260 fun:_ZN6webrtc21AudioDeviceLinuxPulse17PlayThreadProcessEv | |
261 fun:_ZN6webrtc21AudioDeviceLinuxPulse14PlayThreadFuncEPv | |
262 fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv | |
263 fun:StartThread | |
264 } | |
265 | |
266 { | |
267 bug_898_2 | |
268 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
269 ... | |
270 fun:_ZN16FakeMediaProcess7ProcessEiN6webrtc15ProcessingTypesEPsiib | |
271 ... | |
272 fun:_ZN6webrtc21AudioDeviceLinuxPulse16RecThreadProcessEv | |
273 fun:_ZN6webrtc21AudioDeviceLinuxPulse13RecThreadFuncEPv | |
274 fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv | |
275 fun:StartThread | |
276 } | |
277 | |
278 { | |
279 bug_891 | |
280 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
281 fun:XShmPutImage | |
282 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameEPhij | |
283 fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE | |
284 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv | |
285 fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv | |
286 fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv | |
287 fun:StartThread | |
288 } | |
289 | |
290 { | |
291 ignore_common_benevolent_trace_library_errors | |
292 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
293 ... | |
294 fun:vsnprintf | |
295 fun:_ZN6webrtc5Trace3AddENS_10TraceLevelENS_11TraceModuleEiPKcz | |
296 ... | |
297 } | |
298 | |
299 { | |
300 bug_270_1 | |
301 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
302 ... | |
303 fun:WebRtcNetEQ_RecOutInternal | |
304 fun:WebRtcNetEQ_RecOut | |
305 ... | |
306 } | |
307 | |
308 { | |
309 bug_270_2 | |
310 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
311 fun:WebRtcNetEQ_GetSpeechOutputType | |
312 ... | |
313 } | |
314 | |
315 | |
316 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
317 # libjingle stuff (talk folder) | |
318 { | |
319 bug_2056_1 | |
320 Memcheck:Leak | |
321 fun:malloc | |
322 fun:_dl_close_worker | |
323 fun:_dl_close | |
324 fun:_dl_catch_error | |
325 fun:_dlerror_run | |
326 fun:dlclose | |
327 ... | |
328 fun:snd_device_name_hint | |
329 fun:_ZNK6webrtc20AudioDeviceLinuxALSA14GetDevicesInfoEibiPci | |
330 ... | |
331 } | |
332 { | |
333 bug_2100_1 | |
334 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
335 fun:_ZN7testing8internal11CmpHelperEQIiiEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcS4_RKT_RKT0
_ | |
336 fun:_ZN7testing8internal8EqHelperILb1EE7CompareIiiEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcS
6_RKT_RKT0_PNS0_8EnableIfIXntsrNS0_10is_pointerISA_EE5valueEE4typeE | |
337 ... | |
338 } | |
339 { | |
340 bug_2100_2 | |
341 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
342 fun:bcmp | |
343 fun:_ZN23SSLStreamAdapterTestTLS12TestTransferEi | |
344 ... | |
345 } | |
346 # For tests that create XMPPClient which can only be deleted by task runner. | |
347 { | |
348 HangoutPubSubClientTest | |
349 Memcheck:Leak | |
350 fun:_Znw* | |
351 fun:_ZN*HangoutPubSubClientTest*Ev | |
352 } | |
353 { | |
354 MucRoomConfigTaskTest | |
355 Memcheck:Leak | |
356 fun:_Znw* | |
357 fun:_ZN21MucRoomConfigTaskTest5SetUpEv | |
358 } | |
359 { | |
360 MucRoomDiscoveryTaskTest | |
361 Memcheck:Leak | |
362 fun:_Znw* | |
363 fun:_ZN24MucRoomDiscoveryTaskTest5SetUpEv | |
364 } | |
365 { | |
366 MucRoomLookupTaskTest | |
367 Memcheck:Leak | |
368 fun:_Znw* | |
369 fun:_ZN21MucRoomLookupTaskTest5SetUpEv | |
370 } | |
371 { | |
372 MucRoomUniqueHangoutIdTaskTest | |
373 Memcheck:Leak | |
374 fun:_Znw* | |
375 fun:_ZN30MucRoomUniqueHangoutIdTaskTest5SetUpEv | |
376 } | |
377 { | |
378 PingTaskTest | |
379 Memcheck:Leak | |
380 fun:_Znw* | |
381 fun:_ZN12PingTaskTest5SetUpEv | |
382 } | |
383 { | |
384 PubSubClientTest | |
385 Memcheck:Leak | |
386 fun:_Znw* | |
387 fun:_ZN*PubSubClientTest*Ev | |
388 } | |
389 { | |
390 PubSubTasksTest | |
391 Memcheck:Leak | |
392 fun:_Znw* | |
393 fun:_ZN*PubSubTasksTest*Ev | |
394 } | |
395 # failures which can't be reproduced locally | |
396 { | |
397 bug_2153_1 | |
398 Memcheck:Leak | |
399 fun:calloc | |
400 ... | |
401 fun:_ZN6webrtc26AudioMixerManagerLinuxALSA11OpenSpeakerEPc | |
402 fun:_ZN6webrtc20AudioDeviceLinuxALSA11InitSpeakerEv | |
403 ... | |
404 } | |
405 { | |
406 bug_2153_3 | |
407 Memcheck:Leak | |
408 fun:calloc | |
409 obj:* | |
410 fun:_ZN6webrtc26AudioMixerManagerLinuxALSA14OpenMicrophoneEPc | |
411 fun:_ZN6webrtc20AudioDeviceLinuxALSA14InitMicrophoneEv | |
412 ... | |
413 } | |
414 { | |
415 bug_2263_1 | |
416 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
417 fun:_ZN14DtlsTestClient12VerifyPacketEPKcmPj | |
418 ... | |
419 } | |
420 { | |
421 bug_3478 | |
422 Memcheck:Leak | |
423 fun:_Znw* | |
424 fun:_ZNK3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate12GetReferenceEv | |
425 fun:_ZN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate7DupCertES0_ | |
426 fun:_ZSt9transformIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate
T0_T_SK_SJ_T1_ | |
427 fun:_ZNK3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate8GetChainEPPNS_12SSLCertChainE | |
428 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector21AddCertificateReportsEPKN3rtc14SSLCertificate
E | |
429 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector18ExtractSessionInfoEv | |
430 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector11UpdateStatsENS_23PeerConnectionInterface16Sta
tsOutputLevelE | |
431 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_118StatsCollectorTest22TestCertificateReportsERKN3rtc18Fa
keSSLCertificateERKSt6vectorISsSaISsEES4_S9_ | |
432 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_156StatsCollectorTest_ChainedCertificateReportsCreated_Te
st8TestBodyEv | |
433 } | |
434 { | |
435 bug_5651 | |
436 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
437 fun:silk_NLSF_encode | |
438 fun:silk_process_NLSFs | |
439 fun:silk_process_NLSFs_FLP | |
440 fun:silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP | |
441 fun:silk_encode_frame_FLP | |
442 fun:silk_Encode | |
443 fun:opus_encode_native | |
444 fun:opus_encode | |
445 fun:WebRtcOpus_Encode | |
446 } | |
447 { | |
448 bug_5983 | |
449 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
450 fun:_ZN6webrtc11DataChannel4InitERKNS_23InternalDataChannelInitE | |
451 ... | |
452 } | |
453 { | |
454 bug_5984 | |
455 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
456 fun:_ZN6webrtc15GainControlImpl19ProcessCaptureAudioEPNS_11AudioBufferEb | |
457 ... | |
458 } | |
459 { | |
460 bug_5986 | |
461 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
462 fun:silk_stereo_LR_to_MS | |
463 fun:silk_Encode | |
464 fun:opus_encode_native | |
465 ... | |
466 } | |
467 { | |
468 bug_5987 | |
469 Memcheck:Leak | |
470 fun:_Znw* | |
471 fun:_ZN6webrtc51AudioEncoderCopyRedDeathTest_NullSpeechEncoder_Test8TestBodyE
v | |
472 } | |
473 { | |
474 bug_5988 | |
475 Memcheck:Leak | |
476 fun:_Znw* | |
477 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE15_
M_insert_equalIS2_EESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS2_EOT_ | |
478 fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpData12changeHeaderERKSsS2_NS0_13HeaderCombineE | |
479 fun:_ZN3rtc16HttpResponseData9set_errorEj | |
480 fun:_ZN3rtc12_GLOBAL__N_117HttpServerMonitor9OnRequestEPNS_10HttpServerEPNS_2
1HttpServerTransactionE | |
481 fun:_ZN3rtc10HttpServer10Connection14onHttpCompleteENS_8HttpModeENS_9HttpErro
rE | |
482 fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpBase10OnCompleteENS_9HttpErrorE | |
483 fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpBase17OnHttpStreamEventEPNS_15StreamInterfaceEii | |
484 fun:_ZN7testing12StreamSource11QueueStringEPKc | |
485 fun:_ZN3rtc12_GLOBAL__N_122CreateClientConnectionERNS_10HttpServerERNS0_17Htt
pServerMonitorEb | |
486 fun:_ZN3rtc47HttpServer_SignalsCloseAfterForcedCloseAll_Test8TestBodyEv | |
487 } | |
488 { | |
489 bug_5989 | |
490 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
491 ... | |
492 fun:_ZNK3rtc15CriticalSection5EnterEv | |
493 ... | |
494 } | |
495 { | |
496 bug_6444_encode | |
497 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
498 fun:pitch_search | |
499 fun:run_prefilter | |
500 fun:celt_encode_with_ec | |
501 fun:opus_encode_native | |
502 ... | |
503 fun:opus_encode | |
504 fun:WebRtcOpus_Encode | |
505 ... | |
506 } | |
507 { | |
508 bug_6444_decode | |
509 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
510 fun:pitch_search | |
511 fun:celt_decode_lost | |
512 fun:celt_decode_with_ec | |
513 fun:opus_decode_frame | |
514 ... | |
515 fun:opus_decode_native | |
516 fun:opus_decode | |
517 fun:WebRtcOpus_Decode* | |
518 ... | |
519 } | |
520 { | |
521 bug_687087 | |
522 Memcheck:Uninitialized | |
523 fun:vfprintf | |
524 fun:vsnprintf | |
525 fun:snprintf | |
526 fun:_ZN7testing12_GLOBAL__N_126PrintByteSegmentInObjectToEPKhmmPSo | |
527 fun:_ZN7testing9internal220PrintBytesInObjectToEPKhmPSo | |
528 fun:_ZN7testing8internal25UntypedFunctionMockerBase17UntypedInvokeWithEPKv | |
529 fun:_ZNK6webrtc11MockRtpRtcp11FlexfecSsrcEv | |
530 ... | |
531 } | |