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Side by Side Diff: webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/

Issue 2752233002: Split CongestionController into send- and receive-side classes. (Closed)
Patch Set: Use variable names receive_side_cc and send_side_cc. Created 3 years, 9 months ago
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1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
11 #include "webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/include/receive_side_congestion_c ontroller.h"
13 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
14 #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/remote_bitrate_estimator_abs_s end_time.h"
15 #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/remote_bitrate_estimator_singl e_stream.h"
17 namespace webrtc {
19 namespace {
20 static const uint32_t kTimeOffsetSwitchThreshold = 30;
21 } // namespace
23 ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::
24 WrappingBitrateEstimator(RemoteBitrateObserver* observer,
25 const Clock* clock)
26 : observer_(observer),
27 clock_(clock),
28 rbe_(new RemoteBitrateEstimatorSingleStream(observer_, clock_)),
29 using_absolute_send_time_(false),
30 packets_since_absolute_send_time_(0),
31 min_bitrate_bps_(congestion_controller::GetMinBitrateBps()) {}
33 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::IncomingPacket(
34 int64_t arrival_time_ms,
35 size_t payload_size,
36 const RTPHeader& header) {
37 rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
38 PickEstimatorFromHeader(header);
39 rbe_->IncomingPacket(arrival_time_ms, payload_size, header);
40 }
42 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::Process() {
43 rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
44 rbe_->Process();
45 }
47 int64_t ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::
48 TimeUntilNextProcess() {
49 rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
50 return rbe_->TimeUntilNextProcess();
51 }
53 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::OnRttUpdate(
54 int64_t avg_rtt_ms,
55 int64_t max_rtt_ms) {
56 rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
57 rbe_->OnRttUpdate(avg_rtt_ms, max_rtt_ms);
58 }
60 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::RemoveStream(
61 unsigned int ssrc) {
62 rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
63 rbe_->RemoveStream(ssrc);
64 }
66 bool ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::LatestEstimate(
67 std::vector<unsigned int>* ssrcs,
68 unsigned int* bitrate_bps) const {
69 rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
70 return rbe_->LatestEstimate(ssrcs, bitrate_bps);
71 }
73 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::SetMinBitrate(
74 int min_bitrate_bps) {
75 rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_sect_);
76 rbe_->SetMinBitrate(min_bitrate_bps);
77 min_bitrate_bps_ = min_bitrate_bps;
78 }
80 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::
81 PickEstimatorFromHeader(const RTPHeader& header) {
82 if (header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime) {
83 // If we see AST in header, switch RBE strategy immediately.
84 if (!using_absolute_send_time_) {
86 << "WrappingBitrateEstimator: Switching to absolute send time RBE.";
87 using_absolute_send_time_ = true;
88 PickEstimator();
89 }
90 packets_since_absolute_send_time_ = 0;
91 } else {
92 // When we don't see AST, wait for a few packets before going back to TOF.
93 if (using_absolute_send_time_) {
94 ++packets_since_absolute_send_time_;
95 if (packets_since_absolute_send_time_ >= kTimeOffsetSwitchThreshold) {
96 LOG(LS_INFO) << "WrappingBitrateEstimator: Switching to transmission "
97 << "time offset RBE.";
98 using_absolute_send_time_ = false;
99 PickEstimator();
100 }
101 }
102 }
103 }
105 // Instantiate RBE for Time Offset or Absolute Send Time extensions.
106 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::WrappingBitrateEstimator::
107 PickEstimator() {
108 if (using_absolute_send_time_) {
109 rbe_.reset(new RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime(observer_, clock_));
110 } else {
111 rbe_.reset(new RemoteBitrateEstimatorSingleStream(observer_, clock_));
112 }
113 rbe_->SetMinBitrate(min_bitrate_bps_);
114 }
116 ReceiveSideCongestionController::ReceiveSideCongestionController(
117 const Clock* clock,
118 RemoteBitrateObserver* remote_bitrate_observer,
119 PacketRouter* packet_router)
120 : remote_bitrate_estimator_(remote_bitrate_observer, clock),
121 remote_estimator_proxy_(clock, packet_router) {}
123 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::OnReceivedPacket(
124 int64_t arrival_time_ms,
125 size_t payload_size,
126 const RTPHeader& header) {
127 // Send-side BWE.
128 if (header.extension.hasTransportSequenceNumber) {
129 remote_estimator_proxy_.IncomingPacket(arrival_time_ms, payload_size,
130 header);
131 } else {
132 // Receive-side BWE.
133 remote_bitrate_estimator_.IncomingPacket(arrival_time_ms, payload_size,
134 header);
135 }
136 }
138 RemoteBitrateEstimator*
139 ReceiveSideCongestionController::GetRemoteBitrateEstimator(bool send_side_bwe) {
140 if (send_side_bwe) {
141 return &remote_estimator_proxy_;
142 } else {
143 return &remote_bitrate_estimator_;
144 }
145 }
147 const RemoteBitrateEstimator*
148 ReceiveSideCongestionController::GetRemoteBitrateEstimator(
149 bool send_side_bwe) const {
150 if (send_side_bwe) {
151 return &remote_estimator_proxy_;
152 } else {
153 return &remote_bitrate_estimator_;
154 }
155 }
157 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::OnRttUpdate(int64_t avg_rtt_ms,
158 int64_t max_rtt_ms) {
159 remote_bitrate_estimator_.OnRttUpdate(avg_rtt_ms, max_rtt_ms);
160 }
162 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::OnBitrateChanged(int bitrate_bps) {
163 remote_estimator_proxy_.OnBitrateChanged(bitrate_bps);
164 }
166 int64_t ReceiveSideCongestionController::TimeUntilNextProcess() {
167 return remote_bitrate_estimator_.TimeUntilNextProcess();
168 }
170 void ReceiveSideCongestionController::Process() {
171 remote_bitrate_estimator_.Process();
172 }
174 } // namespace webrtc

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