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Unified Diff: webrtc/p2p/base/dtlstransportchannel.h

Issue 2606123002: Remove the dependency of TransportChannel and TransportChannelImpl. (Closed)
Patch Set: Fix the memory leak. Created 3 years, 11 months ago
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Index: webrtc/p2p/base/dtlstransportchannel.h
diff --git a/webrtc/p2p/base/dtlstransportchannel.h b/webrtc/p2p/base/dtlstransportchannel.h
index a8d5d5bcfab720080f91830ab407a5f073724d13..0ab9a9270371e8677943a56268782c73896be2e4 100644
--- a/webrtc/p2p/base/dtlstransportchannel.h
+++ b/webrtc/p2p/base/dtlstransportchannel.h
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sslstreamadapter.h"
#include "webrtc/base/stream.h"
+#include "webrtc/p2p/base/dtlstransportinternal.h"
#include "webrtc/p2p/base/icetransportinternal.h"
-#include "webrtc/p2p/base/transportchannelimpl.h"
namespace rtc {
class PacketTransportInterface;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace cricket {
// the bottom and a StreamInterface on the top.
class StreamInterfaceChannel : public rtc::StreamInterface {
- explicit StreamInterfaceChannel(IceTransportInternal* channel);
+ explicit StreamInterfaceChannel(IceTransportInternal* ice_transport);
// Push in a packet; this gets pulled out from Read().
bool OnPacketReceived(const char* data, size_t size);
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class StreamInterfaceChannel : public rtc::StreamInterface {
int* error) override;
- IceTransportInternal* channel_; // owned by DtlsTransportChannelWrapper
+ IceTransportInternal* ice_transport_; // owned by DtlsTransport
rtc::StreamState state_;
rtc::BufferQueue packets_;
@@ -64,36 +64,43 @@ class StreamInterfaceChannel : public rtc::StreamInterface {
// (e.g a P2PTransportChannel)
// Here's the way this works:
-// DtlsTransportChannelWrapper {
+// DtlsTransport {
// SSLStreamAdapter* dtls_ {
// StreamInterfaceChannel downward_ {
-// TransportChannelImpl* channel_;
+// IceTransportInternal* ice_transport_;
// }
// }
// }
-// - Data which comes into DtlsTransportChannelWrapper from the underlying
-// channel_ via OnReadPacket() is checked for whether it is DTLS
-// or not, and if it is, is passed to DtlsTransportChannelWrapper::
-// HandleDtlsPacket, which pushes it into to downward_.
-// dtls_ is listening for events on downward_, so it immediately calls
-// downward_->Read().
+// - Data which comes into DtlsTransport from the underlying
+// ice_transport_ via OnReadPacket() is checked for whether it is DTLS
+// or not, and if it is, is passed to DtlsTransport::HandleDtlsPacket,
+// which pushes it into to downward_. dtls_ is listening for events on
+// downward_, so it immediately calls downward_->Read().
-// - Data written to DtlsTransportChannelWrapper is passed either to
-// downward_ or directly to channel_, depending on whether DTLS is
-// negotiated and whether the flags include PF_SRTP_BYPASS
+// - Data written to DtlsTransport is passed either to downward_ or directly
+// to ice_transport_, depending on whether DTLS is negotiated and whether
+// the flags include PF_SRTP_BYPASS
-// - The SSLStreamAdapter writes to downward_->Write()
-// which translates it into packet writes on channel_.
-class DtlsTransportChannelWrapper : public TransportChannelImpl {
+// - The SSLStreamAdapter writes to downward_->Write() which translates it
+// into packet writes on ice_transport_.
+class DtlsTransport : public DtlsTransportInternal {
- // The parameters here are:
- // channel -- the TransportChannel we are wrapping
- explicit DtlsTransportChannelWrapper(IceTransportInternal* channel);
- ~DtlsTransportChannelWrapper() override;
+ // The parameters here is:
+ // ice_transport -- the ice transport we are wrapping
+ explicit DtlsTransport(IceTransportInternal* ice_transport);
+ ~DtlsTransport() override;
+ DtlsTransportState dtls_state() const override { return dtls_state_; }
+ const std::string& transport_name() const override { return transport_name_; }
+ int component() const override { return component_; }
+ // Returns false if no local certificate was set, or if the peer doesn't
+ // support DTLS.
+ bool IsDtlsActive() const override { return dtls_active_; }
- void SetIceRole(IceRole role) override { channel_->SetIceRole(role); }
- IceRole GetIceRole() const override { return channel_->GetIceRole(); }
bool SetLocalCertificate(
const rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>& certificate) override;
rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate> GetLocalCertificate() const override;
@@ -102,9 +109,6 @@ class DtlsTransportChannelWrapper : public TransportChannelImpl {
const uint8_t* digest,
size_t digest_len) override;
- // Returns false if no local certificate was set, or if the peer doesn't
- // support DTLS.
- bool IsDtlsActive() const override { return dtls_active_; }
// Called to send a packet (via DTLS, if turned on).
int SendPacket(const char* data,
@@ -112,16 +116,8 @@ class DtlsTransportChannelWrapper : public TransportChannelImpl {
const rtc::PacketOptions& options,
int flags) override;
- // TransportChannel calls that we forward to the wrapped transport.
- int SetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int value) override {
- return channel_->SetOption(opt, value);
- }
bool GetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int* value) override {
- return channel_->GetOption(opt, value);
- }
- int GetError() override { return channel_->GetError(); }
- bool GetStats(ConnectionInfos* infos) override {
- return channel_->GetStats(infos);
+ return ice_transport_->GetOption(opt, value);
virtual bool SetSslMaxProtocolVersion(rtc::SSLProtocolVersion version);
@@ -144,9 +140,9 @@ class DtlsTransportChannelWrapper : public TransportChannelImpl {
// use by the remote peer, for use in external identity verification.
std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificate> GetRemoteSSLCertificate() const override;
- // Once DTLS has established (i.e., this channel is writable), this method
- // extracts the keys negotiated during the DTLS handshake, for use in external
- // encryption. DTLS-SRTP uses this to extract the needed SRTP keys.
+ // Once DTLS has established (i.e., this ice_transport is writable), this
+ // method extracts the keys negotiated during the DTLS handshake, for use in
+ // external encryption. DTLS-SRTP uses this to extract the needed SRTP keys.
// See the SSLStreamAdapter documentation for info on the specific parameters.
bool ExportKeyingMaterial(const std::string& label,
const uint8_t* context,
@@ -161,49 +157,39 @@ class DtlsTransportChannelWrapper : public TransportChannelImpl {
: false;
- // TransportChannelImpl calls.
- IceTransportState GetState() const override { return channel_->GetState(); }
- void SetIceTiebreaker(uint64_t tiebreaker) override {
- channel_->SetIceTiebreaker(tiebreaker);
- }
- void SetIceParameters(const IceParameters& ice_params) override {
- channel_->SetIceParameters(ice_params);
- }
- void SetRemoteIceParameters(const IceParameters& ice_params) override {
- channel_->SetRemoteIceParameters(ice_params);
- }
- void SetRemoteIceMode(IceMode mode) override {
- channel_->SetRemoteIceMode(mode);
- }
+ IceTransportInternal* ice_transport() override { return ice_transport_; }
- void MaybeStartGathering() override { channel_->MaybeStartGathering(); }
+ // For informational purposes. Tells if the DTLS handshake has finished.
+ // This may be true even if writable() is false, if the remote fingerprint
+ // has not yet been verified.
+ bool IsDtlsConnected();
- IceGatheringState gathering_state() const override {
- return channel_->gathering_state();
- }
+ bool receiving() const override { return receiving_; }
- void AddRemoteCandidate(const Candidate& candidate) override {
- channel_->AddRemoteCandidate(candidate);
- }
- void RemoveRemoteCandidate(const Candidate& candidate) override {
- channel_->RemoveRemoteCandidate(candidate);
- }
+ bool writable() const override { return writable_; }
- void SetMetricsObserver(webrtc::MetricsObserverInterface* observer) override {
- channel_->SetMetricsObserver(observer);
- }
+ int GetError() override { return ice_transport_->GetError(); }
- void SetIceConfig(const IceConfig& config) override {
- channel_->SetIceConfig(config);
+ int SetOption(rtc::Socket::Option opt, int value) override {
+ return ice_transport_->SetOption(opt, value);
- // Needed by DtlsTransport.
- IceTransportInternal* channel() { return channel_; }
+ bool SetSrtpCiphers(const std::vector<std::string>& ciphers) override {
+ std::vector<int> crypto_suites;
+ for (const auto cipher : ciphers) {
+ crypto_suites.push_back(rtc::SrtpCryptoSuiteFromName(cipher));
+ }
+ return SetSrtpCryptoSuites(crypto_suites);
+ }
- // For informational purposes. Tells if the DTLS handshake has finished.
- // This may be true even if writable() is false, if the remote fingerprint
- // has not yet been verified.
- bool IsDtlsConnected();
+ std::string ToString() const {
+ const char RECEIVING_ABBREV[2] = {'_', 'R'};
+ const char WRITABLE_ABBREV[2] = {'_', 'W'};
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "DtlsTransport[" << transport_name_ << "|" << component_ << "|"
+ << RECEIVING_ABBREV[receiving()] << WRITABLE_ABBREV[writable()] << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
void OnWritableState(rtc::PacketTransportInterface* transport);
@@ -220,25 +206,22 @@ class DtlsTransportChannelWrapper : public TransportChannelImpl {
bool SetupDtls();
void MaybeStartDtls();
bool HandleDtlsPacket(const char* data, size_t size);
- void OnGatheringState(IceTransportInternal* channel);
- void OnCandidateGathered(IceTransportInternal* channel, const Candidate& c);
- void OnCandidatesRemoved(IceTransportInternal* channel,
- const Candidates& candidates);
- void OnRoleConflict(IceTransportInternal* channel);
- void OnRouteChange(IceTransportInternal* channel, const Candidate& candidate);
- void OnSelectedCandidatePairChanged(
- IceTransportInternal* channel,
- CandidatePairInterface* selected_candidate_pair,
- int last_sent_packet_id,
- bool ready_to_send);
- void OnChannelStateChanged(IceTransportInternal* channel);
void OnDtlsHandshakeError(rtc::SSLHandshakeError error);
+ void set_receiving(bool receiving);
+ void set_writable(bool writable);
+ // Sets the DTLS state, signaling if necessary.
+ void set_dtls_state(DtlsTransportState state);
+ std::string transport_name_;
+ int component_;
+ DtlsTransportState dtls_state_ = DTLS_TRANSPORT_NEW;
rtc::Thread* network_thread_; // Everything should occur on this thread.
- // Underlying channel, not owned by this class.
- IceTransportInternal* const channel_;
+ // Underlying ice_transport, not owned by this class.
+ IceTransportInternal* const ice_transport_;
std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLStreamAdapter> dtls_; // The DTLS stream
- StreamInterfaceChannel* downward_; // Wrapper for channel_, owned by dtls_.
+ StreamInterfaceChannel*
+ downward_; // Wrapper for ice_transport_, owned by dtls_.
std::vector<int> srtp_ciphers_; // SRTP ciphers to use with DTLS.
bool dtls_active_ = false;
rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate> local_certificate_;
@@ -249,11 +232,13 @@ class DtlsTransportChannelWrapper : public TransportChannelImpl {
// Cached DTLS ClientHello packet that was received before we started the
// DTLS handshake. This could happen if the hello was received before the
- // transport channel became writable, or before a remote fingerprint was
- // received.
+ // ice transport became writable, or before a remote fingerprint was received.
rtc::Buffer cached_client_hello_;
- RTC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DtlsTransportChannelWrapper);
+ bool receiving_ = false;
+ bool writable_ = false;
} // namespace cricket
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