Index: ios/build/bots/scripts/
diff --git a/ios/build/bots/scripts/ b/ios/build/bots/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8027d65a9e8da3d3683aabe1eeabde49b8901344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ios/build/bots/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Test runners for iOS."""
+import argparse
+import collections
+import errno
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import find_xcode
+import gtest_utils
+import xctest_utils
+XCTEST_PROJECT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'TestProject',
+ 'TestProject.xcodeproj',
+XCTEST_SCHEME = 'TestProject'
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base class for errors."""
+ pass
+class TestRunnerError(Error):
+ """Base class for TestRunner-related errors."""
+ pass
+class AppLaunchError(TestRunnerError):
+ """The app failed to launch."""
+ pass
+class AppNotFoundError(TestRunnerError):
+ """The requested app was not found."""
+ def __init__(self, app_path):
+ super(AppNotFoundError, self).__init__(
+ 'App does not exist: %s' % app_path)
+class DeviceDetectionError(TestRunnerError):
+ """Unexpected number of devices detected."""
+ def __init__(self, udids):
+ super(DeviceDetectionError, self).__init__(
+ 'Expected one device, found %s:\n%s' % (len(udids), '\n'.join(udids)))
+class PlugInsNotFoundError(TestRunnerError):
+ """The PlugIns directory was not found."""
+ def __init__(self, plugins_dir):
+ super(PlugInsNotFoundError, self).__init__(
+ 'PlugIns directory does not exist: %s' % plugins_dir)
+class SimulatorNotFoundError(TestRunnerError):
+ """The given simulator binary was not found."""
+ def __init__(self, iossim_path):
+ super(SimulatorNotFoundError, self).__init__(
+ 'Simulator does not exist: %s' % iossim_path)
+class XcodeVersionNotFoundError(TestRunnerError):
+ """The requested version of Xcode was not found."""
+ def __init__(self, xcode_version):
+ super(XcodeVersionNotFoundError, self).__init__(
+ 'Xcode version not found: %s', xcode_version)
+class XCTestPlugInNotFoundError(TestRunnerError):
+ """The .xctest PlugIn was not found."""
+ def __init__(self, xctest_path):
+ super(XCTestPlugInNotFoundError, self).__init__(
+ 'XCTest not found: %s', xctest_path)
+def get_kif_test_filter(tests, invert=False):
+ """Returns the KIF test filter to filter the given test cases.
+ Args:
+ tests: List of test cases to filter.
+ invert: Whether to invert the filter or not. Inverted, the filter will match
+ everything except the given test cases.
+ Returns:
+ A string which can be supplied to GKIF_SCENARIO_FILTER.
+ """
+ # A pipe-separated list of test cases with the "KIF." prefix omitted.
+ # e.g. NAME:a|b|c matches KIF.a, KIF.b, KIF.c.
+ # e.g. -NAME:a|b|c matches everything except KIF.a, KIF.b, KIF.c.
+ test_filter = '|'.join(test.split('KIF.', 1)[-1] for test in tests)
+ if invert:
+ return '-NAME:%s' % test_filter
+ return 'NAME:%s' % test_filter
+def get_gtest_filter(tests, invert=False):
+ """Returns the GTest filter to filter the given test cases.
+ Args:
+ tests: List of test cases to filter.
+ invert: Whether to invert the filter or not. Inverted, the filter will match
+ everything except the given test cases.
+ Returns:
+ A string which can be supplied to --gtest_filter.
+ """
+ # A colon-separated list of tests cases.
+ # e.g. a:b:c matches a, b, c.
+ # e.g. -a:b:c matches everything except a, b, c.
+ test_filter = ':'.join(test for test in tests)
+ if invert:
+ return '-%s' % test_filter
+ return test_filter
+class TestRunner(object):
+ """Base class containing common functionality."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ app_path,
+ xcode_version,
+ out_dir,
+ env_vars=None,
+ test_args=None,
+ xctest=False,
+ ):
+ """Initializes a new instance of this class.
+ Args:
+ app_path: Path to the compiled .app to run.
+ xcode_version: Version of Xcode to use when running the test.
+ out_dir: Directory to emit test data into.
+ env_vars: List of environment variables to pass to the test itself.
+ test_args: List of strings to pass as arguments to the test when
+ launching.
+ xctest: Whether or not this is an XCTest.
+ Raises:
+ AppNotFoundError: If the given app does not exist.
+ PlugInsNotFoundError: If the PlugIns directory does not exist for XCTests.
+ XcodeVersionNotFoundError: If the given Xcode version does not exist.
+ XCTestPlugInNotFoundError: If the .xctest PlugIn does not exist.
+ """
+ app_path = os.path.abspath(app_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(app_path):
+ raise AppNotFoundError(app_path)
+ if not find_xcode.find_xcode(xcode_version)['found']:
+ raise XcodeVersionNotFoundError(xcode_version)
+ if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
+ os.makedirs(out_dir)
+ self.app_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(app_path)[-1])[0]
+ self.app_path = app_path
+ self.cfbundleid = subprocess.check_output([
+ '/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy',
+ '-c', 'Print:CFBundleIdentifier',
+ os.path.join(app_path, 'Info.plist'),
+ ]).rstrip()
+ self.env_vars = env_vars or []
+ self.logs = collections.OrderedDict()
+ self.out_dir = out_dir
+ self.test_args = test_args or []
+ self.xcode_version = xcode_version
+ self.xctest_path = ''
+ if xctest:
+ plugins_dir = os.path.join(self.app_path, 'PlugIns')
+ if not os.path.exists(plugins_dir):
+ raise PlugInsNotFoundError(plugins_dir)
+ for plugin in os.listdir(plugins_dir):
+ if plugin.endswith('.xctest'):
+ self.xctest_path = os.path.join(plugins_dir, plugin)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.xctest_path):
+ raise XCTestPlugInNotFoundError(self.xctest_path)
+ def get_launch_command(self, test_filter=None, invert=False):
+ """Returns the command that can be used to launch the test app.
+ Args:
+ test_filter: List of test cases to filter.
+ invert: Whether to invert the filter or not. Inverted, the filter will
+ match everything except the given test cases.
+ Returns:
+ A list of strings forming the command to launch the test.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_launch_env(self):
+ """Returns a dict of environment variables to use to launch the test app.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of environment variables.
+ """
+ return os.environ.copy()
+ def set_up(self):
+ """Performs setup actions which must occur prior to every test launch."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def tear_down(self):
+ """Performs cleanup actions which must occur after every test launch."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def screenshot_desktop(self):
+ """Saves a screenshot of the desktop in the output directory."""
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ 'screencapture',
+ os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'desktop_%s.png' % time.time()),
+ ])
+ def _run(self, cmd):
+ """Runs the specified command, parsing GTest output.
+ Args:
+ cmd: List of strings forming the command to run.
+ Returns:
+ GTestResult instance.
+ """
+ print ' '.join(cmd)
+ print
+ result = gtest_utils.GTestResult(cmd)
+ if self.xctest_path:
+ parser = xctest_utils.XCTestLogParser()
+ else:
+ parser = gtest_utils.GTestLogParser()
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd,
+ env=self.get_launch_env(),
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ )
+ while True:
+ line = proc.stdout.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ parser.ProcessLine(line)
+ print line
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ proc.wait()
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ for test in parser.FailedTests(include_flaky=True):
+ # Test cases are named as <test group>.<test case>. If the test case
+ # is prefixed with "FLAKY_", it should be reported as flaked not failed.
+ if '.' in test and test.split('.', 1)[1].startswith('FLAKY_'):
+ result.flaked_tests[test] = parser.FailureDescription(test)
+ else:
+ result.failed_tests[test] = parser.FailureDescription(test)
+ result.passed_tests.extend(parser.PassedTests(include_flaky=True))
+ print '%s returned %s' % (cmd[0], proc.returncode)
+ print
+ # iossim can return 5 if it exits noncleanly even if all tests passed.
+ # Therefore we cannot rely on process exit code to determine success.
+ result.finalize(proc.returncode, parser.CompletedWithoutFailure())
+ return result
+ def launch(self):
+ """Launches the test app."""
+ self.set_up()
+ cmd = self.get_launch_command()
+ try:
+ result = self._run(cmd)
+ if result.crashed and not result.crashed_test:
+ # If the app crashed but not during any particular test case, assume
+ # it crashed on startup. Try one more time.
+ print 'Crashed on startup, retrying...'
+ print
+ result = self._run(cmd)
+ if result.crashed and not result.crashed_test:
+ raise AppLaunchError
+ passed = result.passed_tests
+ failed = result.failed_tests
+ flaked = result.flaked_tests
+ try:
+ # XCTests cannot currently be resumed at the next test case.
+ while not self.xctest_path and result.crashed and result.crashed_test:
+ # If the app crashes during a specific test case, then resume at the
+ # next test case. This is achieved by filtering out every test case
+ # which has already run.
+ print 'Crashed during %s, resuming...' % result.crashed_test
+ print
+ result = self._run(self.get_launch_command(
+ test_filter=passed + failed.keys() + flaked.keys(), invert=True,
+ ))
+ passed.extend(result.passed_tests)
+ failed.update(result.failed_tests)
+ flaked.update(result.flaked_tests)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.E2BIG:
+ print 'Too many test cases to resume.'
+ print
+ else:
+ raise
+ self.logs['passed tests'] = passed
+ for test, log_lines in failed.iteritems():
+ self.logs[test] = log_lines
+ for test, log_lines in flaked.iteritems():
+ self.logs[test] = log_lines
+ return not failed
+ finally:
+ self.tear_down()
+class SimulatorTestRunner(TestRunner):
+ """Class for running tests on iossim."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ app_path,
+ iossim_path,
+ platform,
+ version,
+ xcode_version,
+ out_dir,
+ env_vars=None,
+ test_args=None,
+ xctest=False,
+ ):
+ """Initializes a new instance of this class.
+ Args:
+ app_path: Path to the compiled .app or .ipa to run.
+ iossim_path: Path to the compiled iossim binary to use.
+ platform: Name of the platform to simulate. Supported values can be found
+ by running "iossim -l". e.g. "iPhone 5s", "iPad Retina".
+ version: Version of iOS the platform should be running. Supported values
+ can be found by running "iossim -l". e.g. "9.3", "8.2", "7.1".
+ xcode_version: Version of Xcode to use when running the test.
+ out_dir: Directory to emit test data into.
+ env_vars: List of environment variables to pass to the test itself.
+ test_args: List of strings to pass as arguments to the test when
+ launching.
+ xctest: Whether or not this is an XCTest.
+ Raises:
+ AppNotFoundError: If the given app does not exist.
+ PlugInsNotFoundError: If the PlugIns directory does not exist for XCTests.
+ XcodeVersionNotFoundError: If the given Xcode version does not exist.
+ XCTestPlugInNotFoundError: If the .xctest PlugIn does not exist.
+ """
+ super(SimulatorTestRunner, self).__init__(
+ app_path,
+ xcode_version,
+ out_dir,
+ env_vars=env_vars,
+ test_args=test_args,
+ xctest=xctest,
+ )
+ iossim_path = os.path.abspath(iossim_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(iossim_path):
+ raise SimulatorNotFoundError(iossim_path)
+ self.homedir = ''
+ self.iossim_path = iossim_path
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.start_time = None
+ self.version = version
+ @staticmethod
+ def kill_simulators():
+ """Kills all running simulators."""
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ 'pkill',
+ '-9',
+ '-x',
+ # The simulator's name varies by Xcode version.
+ 'iPhone Simulator', # Xcode 5
+ 'iOS Simulator', # Xcode 6
+ 'Simulator', # Xcode 7+
+ 'simctl', #
+ ])
+ # If a signal was sent, wait for the simulators to actually be killed.
+ time.sleep(5)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ if e.returncode != 1:
+ # Ignore a 1 exit code (which means there were no simulators to kill).
+ raise
+ def wipe_simulator(self):
+ """Wipes the simulator."""
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ self.iossim_path,
+ '-d', self.platform,
+ '-s', self.version,
+ '-w',
+ ])
+ def get_home_directory(self):
+ """Returns the simulator's home directory."""
+ return subprocess.check_output([
+ self.iossim_path,
+ '-d', self.platform,
+ '-p',
+ '-s', self.version,
+ ]).rstrip()
+ def set_up(self):
+ """Performs setup actions which must occur prior to every test launch."""
+ self.kill_simulators()
+ self.wipe_simulator()
+ self.homedir = self.get_home_directory()
+ # Crash reports have a timestamp in their file name, formatted as
+ # YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS. Save the current time in the same format so
+ # we can compare and fetch crash reports from this run later on.
+ self.start_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S', time.localtime())
+ def extract_test_data(self):
+ """Extracts data emitted by the test."""
+ # Find the Documents directory of the test app. The app directory names
+ # don't correspond with any known information, so we have to examine them
+ # all until we find one with a matching CFBundleIdentifier.
+ apps_dir = os.path.join(
+ self.homedir, 'Containers', 'Data', 'Application')
+ if os.path.exists(apps_dir):
+ for appid_dir in os.listdir(apps_dir):
+ docs_dir = os.path.join(apps_dir, appid_dir, 'Documents')
+ metadata_plist = os.path.join(
+ apps_dir,
+ appid_dir,
+ '',
+ )
+ if os.path.exists(docs_dir) and os.path.exists(metadata_plist):
+ cfbundleid = subprocess.check_output([
+ '/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy',
+ '-c', 'Print:MCMMetadataIdentifier',
+ metadata_plist,
+ ]).rstrip()
+ if cfbundleid == self.cfbundleid:
+ shutil.copytree(docs_dir, os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'Documents'))
+ return
+ def retrieve_crash_reports(self):
+ """Retrieves crash reports produced by the test."""
+ # A crash report's naming scheme is [app]_[timestamp]_[hostname].crash.
+ # e.g. net_unittests_2014-05-13-15-0900_vm1-a1.crash.
+ crash_reports_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(
+ '~', 'Library', 'Logs', 'DiagnosticReports'))
+ if not os.path.exists(crash_reports_dir):
+ return
+ for crash_report in os.listdir(crash_reports_dir):
+ report_name, ext = os.path.splitext(crash_report)
+ if report_name.startswith(self.app_name) and ext == '.crash':
+ report_time = report_name[len(self.app_name) + 1:].split('_')[0]
+ # The timestamp format in a crash report is big-endian and therefore
+ # a staight string comparison works.
+ if report_time > self.start_time:
+ with open(os.path.join(crash_reports_dir, crash_report)) as f:
+ self.logs['crash report (%s)' % report_time] = (
+ def tear_down(self):
+ """Performs cleanup actions which must occur after every test launch."""
+ self.extract_test_data()
+ self.retrieve_crash_reports()
+ self.screenshot_desktop()
+ self.kill_simulators()
+ self.wipe_simulator()
+ if os.path.exists(self.homedir):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.homedir, ignore_errors=True)
+ self.homedir = ''
+ def get_launch_command(self, test_filter=None, invert=False):
+ """Returns the command that can be used to launch the test app.
+ Args:
+ test_filter: List of test cases to filter.
+ invert: Whether to invert the filter or not. Inverted, the filter will
+ match everything except the given test cases.
+ Returns:
+ A list of strings forming the command to launch the test.
+ """
+ cmd = [
+ self.iossim_path,
+ '-d', self.platform,
+ '-s', self.version,
+ ]
+ if test_filter:
+ kif_filter = get_kif_test_filter(test_filter, invert=invert)
+ gtest_filter = get_gtest_filter(test_filter, invert=invert)
+ cmd.extend(['-e', 'GKIF_SCENARIO_FILTER=%s' % kif_filter])
+ cmd.extend(['-c', '--gtest_filter=%s' % gtest_filter])
+ for env_var in self.env_vars:
+ cmd.extend(['-e', env_var])
+ for test_arg in self.test_args:
+ cmd.extend(['-c', test_arg])
+ cmd.append(self.app_path)
+ if self.xctest_path:
+ cmd.append(self.xctest_path)
+ return cmd
+ def get_launch_env(self):
+ """Returns a dict of environment variables to use to launch the test app.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of environment variables.
+ """
+ env = super(SimulatorTestRunner, self).get_launch_env()
+ if self.xctest_path:
+ env['NSUnbufferedIO'] = 'YES'
+ return env
+class DeviceTestRunner(TestRunner):
+ """Class for running tests on devices."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ app_path,
+ xcode_version,
+ out_dir,
+ env_vars=None,
+ test_args=None,
+ xctest=False,
+ ):
+ """Initializes a new instance of this class.
+ Args:
+ app_path: Path to the compiled .app to run.
+ xcode_version: Version of Xcode to use when running the test.
+ out_dir: Directory to emit test data into.
+ env_vars: List of environment variables to pass to the test itself.
+ test_args: List of strings to pass as arguments to the test when
+ launching.
+ xctest: Whether or not this is an XCTest.
+ Raises:
+ AppNotFoundError: If the given app does not exist.
+ PlugInsNotFoundError: If the PlugIns directory does not exist for XCTests.
+ XcodeVersionNotFoundError: If the given Xcode version does not exist.
+ XCTestPlugInNotFoundError: If the .xctest PlugIn does not exist.
+ """
+ super(DeviceTestRunner, self).__init__(
+ app_path,
+ xcode_version,
+ out_dir,
+ env_vars=env_vars,
+ test_args=test_args,
+ xctest=xctest,
+ )
+ self.udid = subprocess.check_output(['idevice_id', '--list']).rstrip()
+ if len(self.udid.splitlines()) != 1:
+ raise DeviceDetectionError(self.udid)
+ def uninstall_apps(self):
+ """Uninstalls all apps found on the device."""
+ for app in subprocess.check_output(
+ ['idevicefs', '--udid', self.udid, 'ls', '@']).splitlines():
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ ['ideviceinstaller', '--udid', self.udid, '--uninstall', app])
+ def install_app(self):
+ """Installs the app."""
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ ['ideviceinstaller', '--udid', self.udid, '--install', self.app_path])
+ def set_up(self):
+ """Performs setup actions which must occur prior to every test launch."""
+ self.uninstall_apps()
+ self.install_app()
+ def extract_test_data(self):
+ """Extracts data emitted by the test."""
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ 'idevicefs',
+ '--udid', self.udid,
+ 'pull',
+ '@%s/Documents' % self.cfbundleid,
+ os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'Documents'),
+ ])
+ def retrieve_crash_reports(self):
+ """Retrieves crash reports produced by the test."""
+ logs_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'Logs')
+ os.mkdir(logs_dir)
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ 'idevicecrashreport',
+ '--extract',
+ '--udid', self.udid,
+ logs_dir,
+ ])
+ def tear_down(self):
+ """Performs cleanup actions which must occur after every test launch."""
+ self.extract_test_data()
+ self.retrieve_crash_reports()
+ self.screenshot_desktop()
+ self.uninstall_apps()
+ def get_launch_command(self, test_filter=None, invert=False):
+ """Returns the command that can be used to launch the test app.
+ Args:
+ test_filter: List of test cases to filter.
+ invert: Whether to invert the filter or not. Inverted, the filter will
+ match everything except the given test cases.
+ Returns:
+ A list of strings forming the command to launch the test.
+ """
+ if self.xctest_path:
+ return [
+ 'xcodebuild',
+ 'test-without-building',
+ 'BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR=%s' % os.path.dirname(self.app_path),
+ '-destination', 'id=%s' % self.udid,
+ '-project', XCTEST_PROJECT,
+ '-scheme', XCTEST_SCHEME,
+ ]
+ cmd = [
+ 'idevice-app-runner',
+ '--udid', self.udid,
+ '--start', self.cfbundleid,
+ ]
+ args = []
+ if test_filter:
+ kif_filter = get_kif_test_filter(test_filter, invert=invert)
+ gtest_filter = get_gtest_filter(test_filter, invert=invert)
+ cmd.extend(['-D', 'GKIF_SCENARIO_FILTER=%s' % kif_filter])
+ args.append('--gtest-filter=%s' % gtest_filter)
+ for env_var in self.env_vars:
+ cmd.extend(['-D', env_var])
+ if args or self.test_args:
+ cmd.append('--args')
+ cmd.extend(self.test_args)
+ cmd.extend(args)
+ return cmd
+ def get_launch_env(self):
+ """Returns a dict of environment variables to use to launch the test app.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of environment variables.
+ """
+ env = super(DeviceTestRunner, self).get_launch_env()
+ if self.xctest_path:
+ env['NSUnbufferedIO'] = 'YES'
+ # e.g. ios_web_shell_egtests
+ env['APP_TARGET_NAME'] = os.path.splitext(
+ os.path.basename(self.app_path))[0]
+ # e.g. ios_web_shell_egtests_module
+ env['TEST_TARGET_NAME'] = env['APP_TARGET_NAME'] + '_module'
+ return env