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Unified Diff: webrtc/p2p/client/

Issue 2261523004: Signal to remove remote candidates if ports are pruned. (Closed) Base URL:
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Index: webrtc/p2p/client/
diff --git a/webrtc/p2p/client/ b/webrtc/p2p/client/
index c9831f525b9b14bd1964b42713256da778b71433..cf967a8ae13ae3fcc943f5ae2cf352e7e7853647 100644
--- a/webrtc/p2p/client/
+++ b/webrtc/p2p/client/
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static const char kIcePwd0[] = "TESTICEPWD00000000000000";
static const char kContentName[] = "test content";
-static const int kDefaultAllocationTimeout = 1000;
+static const int kDefaultAllocationTimeout = 3000;
static const char kTurnUsername[] = "test";
static const char kTurnPassword[] = "test";
@@ -243,6 +243,8 @@ class BasicPortAllocatorTest : public testing::Test,
this, &BasicPortAllocatorTest::OnCandidatesReady);
+ session->SignalCandidatesRemoved.connect(
+ this, &BasicPortAllocatorTest::OnCandidatesRemoved);
this, &BasicPortAllocatorTest::OnCandidatesAllocationDone);
return session;
@@ -404,6 +406,8 @@ class BasicPortAllocatorTest : public testing::Test,
EXPECT_EQ(total_ports, ports_.size());
+ rtc::VirtualSocketServer* virtual_socket_server() { return vss_.get(); }
BasicPortAllocator& allocator() { return *allocator_; }
@@ -446,6 +450,21 @@ class BasicPortAllocatorTest : public testing::Test,
+ void OnCandidatesRemoved(PortAllocatorSession* session,
+ const std::vector<Candidate>& removed_candidates) {
+ auto new_end = std::remove_if(
+ candidates_.begin(), candidates_.end(),
+ [removed_candidates](Candidate& candidate) {
+ for (const Candidate& removed_candidate : removed_candidates) {
+ if (candidate.MatchesForRemoval(removed_candidate)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ candidates_.erase(new_end, candidates_.end());
+ }
bool HasRelayAddress(const ProtocolAddress& proto_addr) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < allocator_->turn_servers().size(); ++i) {
RelayServerConfig server_config = allocator_->turn_servers()[i];
@@ -479,6 +498,143 @@ class BasicPortAllocatorTest : public testing::Test,
+ void TestUdpTurnPortPrunesTcpTurnPort() {
+ turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, PROTO_TCP);
+ AddInterface(kClientAddr);
+ allocator_.reset(new BasicPortAllocator(&network_manager_));
+ allocator_->SetConfiguration(allocator_->stun_servers(),
+ allocator_->turn_servers(), 0, true);
+ AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntAddr, kTurnTcpIntAddr);
+ allocator_->set_step_delay(kMinimumStepDelay);
+ allocator_->set_flags(allocator().flags() |
+ session_->StartGettingPorts();
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(candidate_allocation_done_, kDefaultAllocationTimeout);
+ // Only 2 ports (one STUN and one TURN) are actually being used.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, session_->ReadyPorts().size());
+ // We have verified that each port, when it is added to |ports_|, it is
+ // found in |ready_ports|, and when it is pruned, it is not found in
+ // |ready_ports|, so we only need to verify the content in one of them.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, ports_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_TCP, kClientAddr));
+ // Now that we remove candidates when a TURN port is pruned, |candidates_|
+ // should only contains two candidates regardless whether the TCP TURN port
+ // is created before or after the UDP turn port.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, candidates_.size());
+ // There will only be 2 candidates in |ready_candidates| because it only
+ // includes the candidates in the ready ports.
+ const std::vector<Candidate>& ready_candidates =
+ session_->ReadyCandidates();
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, ready_candidates.size());
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientAddr);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "relay", "udp",
+ rtc::SocketAddress(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(), 0));
+ }
+ void TestIPv6TurnPortPrunesIPv4TurnPort() {
+ turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, PROTO_UDP);
+ // Add two IP addresses on the same interface.
+ AddInterface(kClientAddr, "net1");
+ AddInterface(kClientIPv6Addr, "net1");
+ allocator_.reset(new BasicPortAllocator(&network_manager_));
+ allocator_->SetConfiguration(allocator_->stun_servers(),
+ allocator_->turn_servers(), 0, true);
+ AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, rtc::SocketAddress());
+ AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntAddr, rtc::SocketAddress());
+ allocator_->set_step_delay(kMinimumStepDelay);
+ allocator_->set_flags(
+ session_->StartGettingPorts();
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(candidate_allocation_done_, kDefaultAllocationTimeout);
+ // Three ports (one IPv4 STUN, one IPv6 STUN and one TURN) will be ready.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3U, session_->ReadyPorts().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3U, ports_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
+ // Now that we remove candidates when a TURN port is pruned, there will be
+ // exactly 3 candidates in both |candidates_| and |ready_candidates|.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3U, candidates_.size());
+ const std::vector<Candidate>& ready_candidates =
+ session_->ReadyCandidates();
+ EXPECT_EQ(3U, ready_candidates.size());
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientAddr);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "relay", "udp",
+ rtc::SocketAddress(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(), 0));
+ }
+ void TestEachInterfaceHasItsOwnTurnPorts() {
+ turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, PROTO_TCP);
+ turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, PROTO_UDP);
+ turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntIPv6Addr, PROTO_TCP);
+ // Add two interfaces both having IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
+ AddInterface(kClientAddr, "net1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
+ AddInterface(kClientIPv6Addr, "net1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
+ AddInterface(kClientAddr2, "net2", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
+ AddInterface(kClientIPv6Addr2, "net2", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
+ allocator_.reset(new BasicPortAllocator(&network_manager_));
+ allocator_->SetConfiguration(allocator_->stun_servers(),
+ allocator_->turn_servers(), 0, true);
+ // Have both UDP/TCP and IPv4/IPv6 TURN ports.
+ AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntAddr, kTurnTcpIntAddr);
+ AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, kTurnTcpIntIPv6Addr);
+ allocator_->set_step_delay(kMinimumStepDelay);
+ allocator_->set_flags(allocator().flags() |
+ session_->StartGettingPorts();
+ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(candidate_allocation_done_, kDefaultAllocationTimeout);
+ // 10 ports (4 STUN and 1 TURN ports on each interface) will be ready to
+ // use.
+ EXPECT_EQ(10U, session_->ReadyPorts().size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(10U, ports_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_TCP, kClientAddr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_TCP, kClientAddr2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_TCP, kClientIPv6Addr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_TCP, kClientIPv6Addr2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr2));
+ // Now that we remove candidates when TURN ports are pruned, there will be
+ // exactly 10 candidates in |candidates_|.
+ EXPECT_EQ(10U, candidates_.size());
+ const std::vector<Candidate>& ready_candidates =
+ session_->ReadyCandidates();
+ EXPECT_EQ(10U, ready_candidates.size());
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientAddr);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientAddr2);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp",
+ kClientIPv6Addr);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp",
+ kClientIPv6Addr2);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "tcp", kClientAddr);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "tcp", kClientAddr2);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "tcp",
+ kClientIPv6Addr);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "tcp",
+ kClientIPv6Addr2);
+ EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "relay", "udp",
+ rtc::SocketAddress(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(), 0));
+ }
std::unique_ptr<rtc::PhysicalSocketServer> pss_;
std::unique_ptr<rtc::VirtualSocketServer> vss_;
std::unique_ptr<rtc::FirewallSocketServer> fss_;
@@ -1211,142 +1367,72 @@ TEST_F(BasicPortAllocatorTest, TestSharedSocketWithoutNatUsingTurn) {
EXPECT_EQ(3U, candidates_.size());
-// Test that if prune_turn_ports is set, TCP TurnPort will not
-// be used if UDP TurnPort is used.
-TEST_F(BasicPortAllocatorTest, TestUdpTurnPortPrunesTcpTurnPorts) {
- turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, PROTO_TCP);
- AddInterface(kClientAddr);
- allocator_.reset(new BasicPortAllocator(&network_manager_));
- allocator_->SetConfiguration(allocator_->stun_servers(),
- allocator_->turn_servers(), 0, true);
- AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntAddr, kTurnTcpIntAddr);
- allocator_->set_step_delay(kMinimumStepDelay);
- allocator_->set_flags(allocator().flags() |
+// Test that if prune_turn_ports is set, TCP TURN port will not be used
+// if UDP TurnPort is used, given that TCP TURN port becomes ready first.
+ TestUdpTurnPortPrunesTcpTurnPortWithTcpPortReadyFirst) {
+ // UDP has longer delay than TCP so that TCP TURN port becomes ready first.
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpIntAddr, 200);
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnTcpIntAddr, 100);
- session_->StartGettingPorts();
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(candidate_allocation_done_, kDefaultAllocationTimeout);
- // Only 2 ports (one STUN and one TURN) are actually being used.
- EXPECT_EQ(2U, session_->ReadyPorts().size());
- // We have verified that each port, when it is added to |ports_|, it is found
- // in |ready_ports|, and when it is pruned, it is not found in |ready_ports|,
- // so we only need to verify the content in one of them.
- EXPECT_EQ(2U, ports_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_TCP, kClientAddr));
- // We don't remove candidates, so the size of |candidates_| will depend on
- // when the TCP TURN port becomes ready. If it is ready after the UDP TURN
- // port becomes ready, its candidates will be used there will be 3 candidates.
- // Otherwise there will be only 2 candidates.
- EXPECT_LE(2U, candidates_.size());
- // There will only be 2 candidates in |ready_candidates| because it only
- // includes the candidates in the ready ports.
- const std::vector<Candidate>& ready_candidates = session_->ReadyCandidates();
- EXPECT_EQ(2U, ready_candidates.size());
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientAddr);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "relay", "udp",
- rtc::SocketAddress(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(), 0));
+ TestUdpTurnPortPrunesTcpTurnPort();
-// Tests that if prune_turn_ports is set, IPv4 TurnPort will not
-// be used if IPv6 TurnPort is used.
-TEST_F(BasicPortAllocatorTest, TestIPv6TurnPortPrunesIPv4TurnPorts) {
- turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, PROTO_UDP);
- // Add two IP addresses on the same interface.
- AddInterface(kClientAddr, "net1");
- AddInterface(kClientIPv6Addr, "net1");
- allocator_.reset(new BasicPortAllocator(&network_manager_));
- allocator_->SetConfiguration(allocator_->stun_servers(),
- allocator_->turn_servers(), 0, true);
- AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, rtc::SocketAddress());
+// Test that if prune_turn_ports is set, TCP TURN port will not be used
+// if UDP TurnPort is used, given that UDP TURN port becomes ready first.
+ TestUdpTurnPortPrunesTcpTurnPortsWithUdpPortReadyFirst) {
+ // UDP has shorter delay than TCP so that UDP TURN port becomes ready first.
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpIntAddr, 100);
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnTcpIntAddr, 200);
- allocator_->set_step_delay(kMinimumStepDelay);
- allocator_->set_flags(allocator().flags() |
+ TestUdpTurnPortPrunesTcpTurnPort();
- session_->StartGettingPorts();
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(candidate_allocation_done_, kDefaultAllocationTimeout);
- // Three ports (one IPv4 STUN, one IPv6 STUN and one TURN) will be ready.
- EXPECT_EQ(3U, session_->ReadyPorts().size());
- EXPECT_EQ(3U, ports_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
- // We don't remove candidates, so there may be more than 3 elemenets in
- // |candidates_|, although |ready_candidates| only includes the candidates
- // in |ready_ports|.
- EXPECT_LE(3U, candidates_.size());
- const std::vector<Candidate>& ready_candidates = session_->ReadyCandidates();
- EXPECT_EQ(3U, ready_candidates.size());
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientAddr);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "relay", "udp",
- rtc::SocketAddress(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(), 0));
+// Tests that if prune_turn_ports is set, IPv4 TurnPort will not be used
+// if IPv6 TurnPort is used, given that IPv4 TURN port becomes ready first.
+ TestIPv6TurnPortPrunesIPv4TurnPortWithIPv4PortReadyFirst) {
+ // IPv6 has longer delay than IPv4, so that IPv4 TURN port becomes ready
+ // first.
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpIntAddr, 100);
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, 200);
+ TestIPv6TurnPortPrunesIPv4TurnPort();
+// Tests that if prune_turn_ports is set, IPv4 TurnPort will not be used
+// if IPv6 TurnPort is used, given that IPv6 TURN port becomes ready first.
+ TestIPv6TurnPortPrunesIPv4TurnPortWithIPv6PortReadyFirst) {
+ // IPv6 has longer delay than IPv4, so that IPv6 TURN port becomes ready
+ // first.
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpIntAddr, 200);
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, 100);
+ TestIPv6TurnPortPrunesIPv4TurnPort();
// Tests that if prune_turn_ports is set, each network interface
-// will has its own set of TurnPorts based on their priorities.
-TEST_F(BasicPortAllocatorTest, TestEachInterfaceHasItsOwnTurnPorts) {
- turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntAddr, PROTO_TCP);
- turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, PROTO_UDP);
- turn_server_.AddInternalSocket(kTurnTcpIntIPv6Addr, PROTO_TCP);
- // Add two interfaces both having IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
- AddInterface(kClientAddr, "net1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
- AddInterface(kClientIPv6Addr, "net1", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_WIFI);
- AddInterface(kClientAddr2, "net2", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
- AddInterface(kClientIPv6Addr2, "net2", rtc::ADAPTER_TYPE_CELLULAR);
- allocator_.reset(new BasicPortAllocator(&network_manager_));
- allocator_->SetConfiguration(allocator_->stun_servers(),
- allocator_->turn_servers(), 0, true);
- // Have both UDP/TCP and IPv4/IPv6 TURN ports.
- AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntAddr, kTurnTcpIntAddr);
- AddTurnServers(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, kTurnTcpIntIPv6Addr);
+// will has its own set of TurnPorts based on their priorities, in the default
+// case where no transit delay is set.
+TEST_F(BasicPortAllocatorTest, TestEachInterfaceHasItsOwnTurnPortsNoDelay) {
+ TestEachInterfaceHasItsOwnTurnPorts();
- allocator_->set_step_delay(kMinimumStepDelay);
- allocator_->set_flags(allocator().flags() |
- session_->StartGettingPorts();
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(candidate_allocation_done_, kDefaultAllocationTimeout);
- // 10 ports (4 STUN and 1 TURN ports on each interface) will be ready to use.
- EXPECT_EQ(10U, session_->ReadyPorts().size());
- EXPECT_EQ(10U, ports_.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientAddr2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_TCP, kClientAddr));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_TCP, kClientAddr2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_TCP, kClientIPv6Addr));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "local", PROTO_TCP, kClientIPv6Addr2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, CountPorts(ports_, "relay", PROTO_UDP, kClientIPv6Addr2));
- // We don't remove candidates, so there may be more than 10 candidates
- // in |candidates_|.
- EXPECT_LE(10U, candidates_.size());
- const std::vector<Candidate>& ready_candidates = session_->ReadyCandidates();
- EXPECT_EQ(10U, ready_candidates.size());
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientAddr);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientAddr2);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp", kClientIPv6Addr);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "udp",
- kClientIPv6Addr2);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "tcp", kClientAddr);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "tcp", kClientAddr2);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "tcp", kClientIPv6Addr);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "local", "tcp",
- kClientIPv6Addr2);
- EXPECT_PRED4(HasCandidate, ready_candidates, "relay", "udp",
- rtc::SocketAddress(kTurnUdpExtAddr.ipaddr(), 0));
+// Tests that if prune_turn_ports is set, each network interface
+// will has its own set of TurnPorts based on their priorities, given that
+// IPv4/TCP TURN port becomes ready first.
+ TestEachInterfaceHasItsOwnTurnPortsWithTcpIPv4ReadyFirst) {
+ // IPv6/UDP have longer delay than IPv4/TCP, so that IPv4/TCP TURN port
+ // becomes ready last.
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnTcpIntAddr, 10);
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpIntAddr, 100);
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnTcpIntIPv6Addr, 20);
+ virtual_socket_server()->SetDelayOnAddress(kTurnUdpIntIPv6Addr, 300);
+ TestEachInterfaceHasItsOwnTurnPorts();
// Testing DNS resolve for the TURN server, this will test AllocationSequence
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