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Side by Side Diff: webrtc/api/java/jni/

Issue 2111823002: Combine webrtc/api/java/android and webrtc/api/java/src. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 4 years, 5 months ago
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1 /*
2 * Copyright 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
11 #include "webrtc/api/java/jni/androidvideocapturer_jni.h"
12 #include "webrtc/api/java/jni/classreferenceholder.h"
13 #include "webrtc/api/java/jni/native_handle_impl.h"
14 #include "webrtc/api/java/jni/surfacetexturehelper_jni.h"
15 #include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/convert.h"
16 #include "webrtc/base/bind.h"
18 namespace webrtc_jni {
20 jobject AndroidVideoCapturerJni::application_context_ = nullptr;
22 // static
23 int AndroidVideoCapturerJni::SetAndroidObjects(JNIEnv* jni,
24 jobject appliction_context) {
25 if (application_context_) {
26 jni->DeleteGlobalRef(application_context_);
27 }
28 application_context_ = NewGlobalRef(jni, appliction_context);
30 return 0;
31 }
33 AndroidVideoCapturerJni::AndroidVideoCapturerJni(JNIEnv* jni,
34 jobject j_video_capturer,
35 jobject j_egl_context)
36 : j_video_capturer_(jni, j_video_capturer),
37 j_video_capturer_class_(jni, FindClass(jni, "org/webrtc/VideoCapturer")),
38 j_observer_class_(
39 jni,
40 FindClass(jni,
41 "org/webrtc/VideoCapturer$NativeObserver")),
42 surface_texture_helper_(SurfaceTextureHelper::create(
43 jni, "Camera SurfaceTextureHelper", j_egl_context)),
44 capturer_(nullptr) {
45 LOG(LS_INFO) << "AndroidVideoCapturerJni ctor";
46 thread_checker_.DetachFromThread();
47 }
49 AndroidVideoCapturerJni::~AndroidVideoCapturerJni() {
50 LOG(LS_INFO) << "AndroidVideoCapturerJni dtor";
51 jni()->CallVoidMethod(
52 *j_video_capturer_,
53 GetMethodID(jni(), *j_video_capturer_class_, "dispose", "()V"));
54 CHECK_EXCEPTION(jni()) << "error during VideoCapturer.dispose()";
55 }
57 void AndroidVideoCapturerJni::Start(int width, int height, int framerate,
58 webrtc::AndroidVideoCapturer* capturer) {
59 LOG(LS_INFO) << "AndroidVideoCapturerJni start";
60 RTC_DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
61 {
62 rtc::CritScope cs(&capturer_lock_);
63 RTC_CHECK(capturer_ == nullptr);
64 RTC_CHECK(invoker_.get() == nullptr);
65 capturer_ = capturer;
66 invoker_.reset(new rtc::GuardedAsyncInvoker());
67 }
68 jobject j_frame_observer =
69 jni()->NewObject(*j_observer_class_,
70 GetMethodID(jni(), *j_observer_class_, "<init>", "(J)V"),
71 jlongFromPointer(this));
72 CHECK_EXCEPTION(jni()) << "error during NewObject";
74 jmethodID m = GetMethodID(
75 jni(), *j_video_capturer_class_, "startCapture",
76 "(IIILorg/webrtc/SurfaceTextureHelper;Landroid/content/Context;"
77 "Lorg/webrtc/VideoCapturer$CapturerObserver;)V");
78 jni()->CallVoidMethod(
79 *j_video_capturer_, m, width, height, framerate,
80 surface_texture_helper_
81 ? surface_texture_helper_->GetJavaSurfaceTextureHelper()
82 : nullptr,
83 application_context_, j_frame_observer);
84 CHECK_EXCEPTION(jni()) << "error during VideoCapturer.startCapture";
85 }
87 void AndroidVideoCapturerJni::Stop() {
88 LOG(LS_INFO) << "AndroidVideoCapturerJni stop";
89 RTC_DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
90 {
91 // TODO(nisse): Consider moving this block until *after* the call to
92 // stopCapturer. stopCapturer should ensure that we get no
93 // more frames, and then we shouldn't need the if (!capturer_)
94 // checks in OnMemoryBufferFrame and OnTextureFrame.
95 rtc::CritScope cs(&capturer_lock_);
96 // Destroying |invoker_| will cancel all pending calls to |capturer_|.
97 invoker_ = nullptr;
98 capturer_ = nullptr;
99 }
100 jmethodID m = GetMethodID(jni(), *j_video_capturer_class_,
101 "stopCapture", "()V");
102 jni()->CallVoidMethod(*j_video_capturer_, m);
103 CHECK_EXCEPTION(jni()) << "error during VideoCapturer.stopCapture";
104 LOG(LS_INFO) << "AndroidVideoCapturerJni stop done";
105 }
107 template <typename... Args>
108 void AndroidVideoCapturerJni::AsyncCapturerInvoke(
109 const rtc::Location& posted_from,
110 void (webrtc::AndroidVideoCapturer::*method)(Args...),
111 typename Identity<Args>::type... args) {
112 rtc::CritScope cs(&capturer_lock_);
113 if (!invoker_) {
114 LOG(LS_WARNING) << posted_from.function_name()
115 << "() called for closed capturer.";
116 return;
117 }
118 invoker_->AsyncInvoke<void>(posted_from,
119 rtc::Bind(method, capturer_, args...));
120 }
122 std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>
123 AndroidVideoCapturerJni::GetSupportedFormats() {
124 JNIEnv* jni = AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded();
125 jobject j_list_of_formats = jni->CallObjectMethod(
126 *j_video_capturer_,
127 GetMethodID(jni, *j_video_capturer_class_, "getSupportedFormats",
128 "()Ljava/util/List;"));
129 CHECK_EXCEPTION(jni) << "error during getSupportedFormats";
131 // Extract Java List<CaptureFormat> to std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>.
132 jclass j_list_class = jni->FindClass("java/util/List");
133 jclass j_format_class =
134 jni->FindClass("org/webrtc/CameraEnumerationAndroid$CaptureFormat");
135 jclass j_framerate_class = jni->FindClass(
136 "org/webrtc/CameraEnumerationAndroid$CaptureFormat$FramerateRange");
137 const int size = jni->CallIntMethod(
138 j_list_of_formats, GetMethodID(jni, j_list_class, "size", "()I"));
139 jmethodID j_get =
140 GetMethodID(jni, j_list_class, "get", "(I)Ljava/lang/Object;");
141 jfieldID j_framerate_field = GetFieldID(
142 jni, j_format_class, "framerate",
143 "Lorg/webrtc/CameraEnumerationAndroid$CaptureFormat$FramerateRange;");
144 jfieldID j_width_field = GetFieldID(jni, j_format_class, "width", "I");
145 jfieldID j_height_field = GetFieldID(jni, j_format_class, "height", "I");
146 jfieldID j_max_framerate_field =
147 GetFieldID(jni, j_framerate_class, "max", "I");
149 std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat> formats;
150 formats.reserve(size);
151 for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
152 jobject j_format = jni->CallObjectMethod(j_list_of_formats, j_get, i);
153 jobject j_framerate = GetObjectField(jni, j_format, j_framerate_field);
154 const int frame_interval = cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(
155 (GetIntField(jni, j_framerate, j_max_framerate_field) + 999) / 1000);
156 formats.emplace_back(GetIntField(jni, j_format, j_width_field),
157 GetIntField(jni, j_format, j_height_field),
158 frame_interval, cricket::FOURCC_NV21);
159 }
160 CHECK_EXCEPTION(jni) << "error while extracting formats";
161 return formats;
162 }
164 void AndroidVideoCapturerJni::OnCapturerStarted(bool success) {
165 LOG(LS_INFO) << "AndroidVideoCapturerJni capture started: " << success;
166 AsyncCapturerInvoke(
167 RTC_FROM_HERE, &webrtc::AndroidVideoCapturer::OnCapturerStarted, success);
168 }
170 void AndroidVideoCapturerJni::OnMemoryBufferFrame(void* video_frame,
171 int length,
172 int width,
173 int height,
174 int rotation,
175 int64_t timestamp_ns) {
176 RTC_DCHECK(rotation == 0 || rotation == 90 || rotation == 180 ||
177 rotation == 270);
178 rtc::CritScope cs(&capturer_lock_);
179 if (!capturer_) {
180 LOG(LS_WARNING) << "OnMemoryBufferFrame() called for closed capturer.";
181 return;
182 }
183 int adapted_width;
184 int adapted_height;
185 int crop_width;
186 int crop_height;
187 int crop_x;
188 int crop_y;
189 int64_t translated_camera_time_us;
191 if (!capturer_->AdaptFrame(width, height,
192 timestamp_ns / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMicrosec,
193 rtc::TimeMicros(),
194 &adapted_width, &adapted_height,
195 &crop_width, &crop_height, &crop_x, &crop_y,
196 &translated_camera_time_us)) {
197 return;
198 }
200 int rotated_width = crop_width;
201 int rotated_height = crop_height;
203 if (capturer_->apply_rotation() && (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270)) {
204 std::swap(adapted_width, adapted_height);
205 std::swap(rotated_width, rotated_height);
206 }
208 rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer> buffer =
209 pre_scale_pool_.CreateBuffer(rotated_width, rotated_height);
211 const uint8_t* y_plane = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(video_frame);
212 const uint8_t* uv_plane = y_plane + width * height;
214 // Can only crop at even pixels.
215 crop_x &= ~1;
216 crop_y &= ~1;
217 int uv_width = (width + 1) / 2;
219 libyuv::NV12ToI420Rotate(
220 y_plane + width * crop_y + crop_x, width,
221 uv_plane + uv_width * crop_y + crop_x, width,
222 buffer->MutableDataY(), buffer->StrideY(),
223 // Swap U and V, since we have NV21, not NV12.
224 buffer->MutableDataV(), buffer->StrideV(),
225 buffer->MutableDataU(), buffer->StrideU(),
226 crop_width, crop_height, static_cast<libyuv::RotationMode>(
227 capturer_->apply_rotation() ? rotation : 0));
229 if (adapted_width != buffer->width() || adapted_height != buffer->height()) {
230 rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::I420Buffer> scaled_buffer(
231 post_scale_pool_.CreateBuffer(adapted_width, adapted_height));
232 scaled_buffer->ScaleFrom(buffer);
233 buffer = scaled_buffer;
234 }
235 capturer_->OnFrame(cricket::WebRtcVideoFrame(
236 buffer,
237 capturer_->apply_rotation()
238 ? webrtc::kVideoRotation_0
239 : static_cast<webrtc::VideoRotation>(rotation),
240 translated_camera_time_us),
241 width, height);
242 }
244 void AndroidVideoCapturerJni::OnTextureFrame(int width,
245 int height,
246 int rotation,
247 int64_t timestamp_ns,
248 const NativeHandleImpl& handle) {
249 RTC_DCHECK(rotation == 0 || rotation == 90 || rotation == 180 ||
250 rotation == 270);
251 rtc::CritScope cs(&capturer_lock_);
252 if (!capturer_) {
253 LOG(LS_WARNING) << "OnTextureFrame() called for closed capturer.";
254 surface_texture_helper_->ReturnTextureFrame();
255 return;
256 }
257 int adapted_width;
258 int adapted_height;
259 int crop_width;
260 int crop_height;
261 int crop_x;
262 int crop_y;
263 int64_t translated_camera_time_us;
265 if (!capturer_->AdaptFrame(width, height,
266 timestamp_ns / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMicrosec,
267 rtc::TimeMicros(),
268 &adapted_width, &adapted_height,
269 &crop_width, &crop_height, &crop_x, &crop_y,
270 &translated_camera_time_us)) {
271 surface_texture_helper_->ReturnTextureFrame();
272 return;
273 }
275 Matrix matrix = handle.sampling_matrix;
277 matrix.Crop(crop_width / static_cast<float>(width),
278 crop_height / static_cast<float>(height),
279 crop_x / static_cast<float>(width),
280 crop_y / static_cast<float>(height));
282 if (capturer_->apply_rotation()) {
283 if (rotation == webrtc::kVideoRotation_90 ||
284 rotation == webrtc::kVideoRotation_270) {
285 std::swap(adapted_width, adapted_height);
286 }
287 matrix.Rotate(static_cast<webrtc::VideoRotation>(rotation));
288 }
290 capturer_->OnFrame(
291 cricket::WebRtcVideoFrame(
292 surface_texture_helper_->CreateTextureFrame(
293 adapted_width, adapted_height,
294 NativeHandleImpl(handle.oes_texture_id, matrix)),
295 capturer_->apply_rotation()
296 ? webrtc::kVideoRotation_0
297 : static_cast<webrtc::VideoRotation>(rotation),
298 translated_camera_time_us),
299 width, height);
300 }
302 void AndroidVideoCapturerJni::OnOutputFormatRequest(int width,
303 int height,
304 int fps) {
305 AsyncCapturerInvoke(RTC_FROM_HERE,
306 &webrtc::AndroidVideoCapturer::OnOutputFormatRequest,
307 width, height, fps);
308 }
310 JNIEnv* AndroidVideoCapturerJni::jni() { return AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded(); }
312 JOW(void,
313 VideoCapturer_00024NativeObserver_nativeOnByteBufferFrameCaptured)
314 (JNIEnv* jni, jclass, jlong j_capturer, jbyteArray j_frame, jint length,
315 jint width, jint height, jint rotation, jlong timestamp) {
316 jboolean is_copy = true;
317 jbyte* bytes = jni->GetByteArrayElements(j_frame, &is_copy);
318 reinterpret_cast<AndroidVideoCapturerJni*>(j_capturer)
319 ->OnMemoryBufferFrame(bytes, length, width, height, rotation, timestamp);
320 jni->ReleaseByteArrayElements(j_frame, bytes, JNI_ABORT);
321 }
323 JOW(void, VideoCapturer_00024NativeObserver_nativeOnTextureFrameCaptured)
324 (JNIEnv* jni, jclass, jlong j_capturer, jint j_width, jint j_height,
325 jint j_oes_texture_id, jfloatArray j_transform_matrix,
326 jint j_rotation, jlong j_timestamp) {
327 reinterpret_cast<AndroidVideoCapturerJni*>(j_capturer)
328 ->OnTextureFrame(j_width, j_height, j_rotation, j_timestamp,
329 NativeHandleImpl(jni, j_oes_texture_id,
330 j_transform_matrix));
331 }
333 JOW(void, VideoCapturer_00024NativeObserver_nativeCapturerStarted)
334 (JNIEnv* jni, jclass, jlong j_capturer, jboolean j_success) {
335 LOG(LS_INFO) << "NativeObserver_nativeCapturerStarted";
336 reinterpret_cast<AndroidVideoCapturerJni*>(j_capturer)->OnCapturerStarted(
337 j_success);
338 }
340 JOW(void, VideoCapturer_00024NativeObserver_nativeOnOutputFormatRequest)
341 (JNIEnv* jni, jclass, jlong j_capturer, jint j_width, jint j_height,
342 jint j_fps) {
343 LOG(LS_INFO) << "NativeObserver_nativeOnOutputFormatRequest";
344 reinterpret_cast<AndroidVideoCapturerJni*>(j_capturer)->OnOutputFormatRequest(
345 j_width, j_height, j_fps);
346 }
348 } // namespace webrtc_jni
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