(Empty) | |
| 1 We want to generate a dynamic framework for a CocoaPod. Unfortunately, using gyp
-xcode generation |
| 2 for a framework currently presents some issues. To get around those issues, we c
hose to create a |
| 3 project with Xcode for building the framework directly. |
| 4 |
| 5 The Framework directory contains the Xcode project used to build the framework.
The PodTest |
| 6 directory contains a project used to confirm that the built framework installs c
orrectly with |
| 7 CocoaPods. The build_ios_framework.sh script needs to be run first, then `pod in
stall` should be run |
| 8 in the same directory as the Xcode project. After installing, the PodTest.xcwork
space should be used |
| 9 instead of PodTest.xcodeproj. |
| 10 |
| 11 USAGE |
| 12 To build the framework, run the build_ios_framework.sh script. This will build s
tatic libraries for |
| 13 iOS (via the build_ios_libs.sh script), collect header files and adjust import/i
nclude statements |
| 14 for use inside the framework, build the framework using the Xcode project, merge
multiple |
| 15 architectures together, and collect the framework files (the .framework itself a
nd the .dSYM) with |
| 16 the Podspec into a common directory. |
| 17 |
| 19 The Xcode project contains relative references to the built static libraries (fr
om |
| 20 build_ios_libs.sh), with the exception of librtc_api_objc and librtc_base_objc.
The iOS source files |
| 21 from webrtc/api/objc and webrtc/base/objc are also included. NOTE: This will req
uire updating |
| 22 if/when the built static libraries change. |
| 23 |
| 24 The flattened header files for webrtc/api/objc and webrtc/base/objc were also ad
ded to the Public |
| 25 Headers of the framework target. NOTE: This will require updating as the Obj-C A
PI changes. |
| 26 |
| 27 Preprocessor definitions were copied from a gyp-xcode generated project. |
| 28 |
| 29 RTTI was disabled due to compiler errors and based on the setting in build/commo
n.gypi |
| 30 (https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/build/common.gypi&q=
rtti&sq=package:chromium&type=cs&l=5069). |
| 31 |
| 32 Bitcode is disabled for the time being. |
| 33 |
| 34 The minimum number of system frameworks were linked against based on build error
s (currently |
| 35 AVFoundation, AudioToolbox, CoreMedia, VideoToolbox). |
| 36 |
| 37 The Build Products Path (SYMROOT) was changed to $SRCROOT/build so the build pro
ducts are in a known |
| 38 location. |
| 39 |
| 40 The created WebRTC scheme was shared so the build_ios_framework.sh script will w
ork on any machine |
| 41 that runs it. |
| 42 |
| 43 DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING is set to "Yes" so debug symbols will be stripped (the
iOS Default for |
| 44 STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT is already set to "Yes"). |
| 45 |
| 46 "-ObjC" is added to OTHER_LDFLAGS to ensure category methods (in particular, tho
se from |
| 47 RTCAudioSession+Configuration.mm) are included in the framework binary. |
| 48 |
| 49 During the build process, dSYMs will be generated for each architecture alongsid
e each framework |
| 50 bundle. These are merged together and placed alongside the final framework produ
ct. |