1 # This file is used in addition to the one already maintained in Chrome. | 1 # This file is used in addition to the one already maintained in Chrome. |
2 # It acts as a place holder for future additions for WebRTC. | 2 # It acts as a place holder for future additions for WebRTC. |
3 # It must exist for the Python wrapper script to work properly. | 3 # It must exist for the Python wrapper script to work properly. |
4 | 4 |
5 # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. | 5 # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. |
6 # 1. third_party libraries | 6 # 1. third_party libraries |
7 # 2. webrtc stuff | 7 # 2. webrtc stuff |
8 # 3. libjingle stuff (talk folder) | 8 # 3. libjingle stuff (talk folder) |
9 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 9 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
10 | 10 |
(...skipping 398 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
409 fun:_ZNK3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate12GetReferenceEv | 409 fun:_ZNK3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate12GetReferenceEv |
410 fun:_ZN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate7DupCertES0_ | 410 fun:_ZN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate7DupCertES0_ |
411 fun:_ZSt9transformIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate
T0_T_SK_SJ_T1_ | 411 fun:_ZSt9transformIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate
T0_T_SK_SJ_T1_ |
412 fun:_ZNK3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate8GetChainEPPNS_12SSLCertChainE | 412 fun:_ZNK3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate8GetChainEPPNS_12SSLCertChainE |
413 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector21AddCertificateReportsEPKN3rtc14SSLCertificate
E | 413 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector21AddCertificateReportsEPKN3rtc14SSLCertificate
E |
414 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector18ExtractSessionInfoEv | 414 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector18ExtractSessionInfoEv |
415 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector11UpdateStatsENS_23PeerConnectionInterface16Sta
tsOutputLevelE | 415 fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector11UpdateStatsENS_23PeerConnectionInterface16Sta
tsOutputLevelE |
416 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_118StatsCollectorTest22TestCertificateReportsERKN3rtc18Fa
keSSLCertificateERKSt6vectorISsSaISsEES4_S9_ | 416 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_118StatsCollectorTest22TestCertificateReportsERKN3rtc18Fa
keSSLCertificateERKSt6vectorISsSaISsEES4_S9_ |
417 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_156StatsCollectorTest_ChainedCertificateReportsCreated_Te
st8TestBodyEv | 417 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_156StatsCollectorTest_ChainedCertificateReportsCreated_Te
st8TestBodyEv |
418 } | 418 } |
419 { | |
420 bug_5651 | |
421 Memcheck:Unaddressable | |
422 fun:silk_NLSF_encode | |
423 fun:silk_process_NLSFs | |
424 fun:silk_process_NLSFs_FLP | |
425 fun:silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP | |
426 fun:silk_encode_frame_FLP | |
427 fun:silk_Encode | |
428 fun:opus_encode_native | |
429 fun:opus_encode | |
430 fun:WebRtcOpus_Encode | |
431 } | |