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Unified Diff: talk/media/base/

Issue 1587193006: Move talk/media to webrtc/media (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebased to b647aca12a884a13c1728118586245399b55fa3d (#11493) Created 4 years, 10 months ago
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diff --git a/talk/media/base/ b/talk/media/base/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8d243ecde74b9dc730c9fa13f253a58ec6727b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/talk/media/base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1307 +0,0 @@
- * libjingle
- * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-// If we don't have a WebRtcVideoFrame, just skip all of these tests.
-#if defined(HAVE_WEBRTC_VIDEO)
-#include <limits.h> // For INT_MAX
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "talk/media/base/fakevideocapturer.h"
-#include "talk/media/base/mediachannel.h"
-#include "talk/media/base/testutils.h"
-#include "talk/media/base/videoadapter.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/gunit.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
-namespace cricket {
-namespace {
-static const uint32_t kWaitTimeout = 3000U; // 3 seconds.
-static const uint32_t kShortWaitTimeout = 1000U; // 1 second.
- void UpdateCpuLoad(CoordinatedVideoAdapter* adapter,
- int current_cpus, int max_cpus, float process_load, float system_load) {
- adapter->set_cpu_load_min_samples(1);
- adapter->OnCpuLoadUpdated(current_cpus, max_cpus,
- process_load, system_load);
- }
-class VideoAdapterTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- virtual void SetUp() {
- capturer_.reset(new FakeVideoCapturer);
- capture_format_ = capturer_->GetSupportedFormats()->at(0);
- capture_format_.interval = VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(50);
- adapter_.reset(new VideoAdapter());
- adapter_->SetInputFormat(capture_format_);
- listener_.reset(new VideoCapturerListener(adapter_.get()));
- capturer_->SignalFrameCaptured.connect(
- listener_.get(), &VideoCapturerListener::OnFrameCaptured);
- }
- virtual void TearDown() {
- // Explicitly disconnect the VideoCapturer before to avoid data races
- // (frames delivered to VideoCapturerListener while it's being destructed).
- capturer_->SignalFrameCaptured.disconnect_all();
- }
- protected:
- class VideoCapturerListener: public sigslot::has_slots<> {
- public:
- struct Stats {
- int captured_frames;
- int dropped_frames;
- bool last_adapt_was_no_op;
- int adapted_width;
- int adapted_height;
- };
- explicit VideoCapturerListener(VideoAdapter* adapter)
- : video_adapter_(adapter),
- captured_frames_(0),
- dropped_frames_(0),
- last_adapt_was_no_op_(false) {
- }
- void OnFrameCaptured(VideoCapturer* capturer,
- const CapturedFrame* captured_frame) {
- rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
- const int in_width = captured_frame->width;
- const int in_height = abs(captured_frame->height);
- const VideoFormat adapted_format =
- video_adapter_->AdaptFrameResolution(in_width, in_height);
- if (!adapted_format.IsSize0x0()) {
- adapted_format_ = adapted_format;
- last_adapt_was_no_op_ = (in_width == adapted_format.width &&
- in_height == adapted_format.height);
- } else {
- ++dropped_frames_;
- }
- ++captured_frames_;
- }
- Stats GetStats() {
- rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
- Stats stats;
- stats.captured_frames = captured_frames_;
- stats.dropped_frames = dropped_frames_;
- stats.last_adapt_was_no_op = last_adapt_was_no_op_;
- if (!adapted_format_.IsSize0x0()) {
- stats.adapted_width = adapted_format_.width;
- stats.adapted_height = adapted_format_.height;
- } else {
- stats.adapted_width = stats.adapted_height = -1;
- }
- return stats;
- }
- private:
- rtc::CriticalSection crit_;
- VideoAdapter* video_adapter_;
- VideoFormat adapted_format_;
- int captured_frames_;
- int dropped_frames_;
- bool last_adapt_was_no_op_;
- };
- class CpuAdapterListener: public sigslot::has_slots<> {
- public:
- CpuAdapterListener() : received_cpu_signal_(false) {}
- void OnCpuAdaptationSignalled() { received_cpu_signal_ = true; }
- bool received_cpu_signal() { return received_cpu_signal_; }
- private:
- bool received_cpu_signal_;
- };
- void VerifyAdaptedResolution(const VideoCapturerListener::Stats& stats,
- int width,
- int height) {
- EXPECT_EQ(width, stats.adapted_width);
- EXPECT_EQ(height, stats.adapted_height);
- }
- rtc::scoped_ptr<FakeVideoCapturer> capturer_;
- rtc::scoped_ptr<VideoAdapter> adapter_;
- rtc::scoped_ptr<VideoCapturerListener> listener_;
- VideoFormat capture_format_;
-// Test adapter remembers exact pixel count
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptNumPixels) {
- adapter_->SetOutputNumPixels(123456);
- EXPECT_EQ(123456, adapter_->GetOutputNumPixels());
-// Test adapter is constructed but not activated. Expect no frame drop and no
-// resolution change.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptInactive) {
- // Output resolution is not set.
- EXPECT_EQ(INT_MAX, adapter_->GetOutputNumPixels());
- // Call Adapter with some frames.
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify no frame drop and no resolution change.
- VideoCapturerListener::Stats stats = listener_->GetStats();
- EXPECT_GE(stats.captured_frames, 10);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.dropped_frames);
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(stats, capture_format_.width, capture_format_.height);
-// Do not adapt the frame rate or the resolution. Expect no frame drop and no
-// resolution change.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptNothing) {
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(capture_format_);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify no frame drop and no resolution change.
- VideoCapturerListener::Stats stats = listener_->GetStats();
- EXPECT_GE(stats.captured_frames, 10);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.dropped_frames);
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(stats, capture_format_.width, capture_format_.height);
- EXPECT_TRUE(stats.last_adapt_was_no_op);
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptZeroInterval) {
- VideoFormat format = capturer_->GetSupportedFormats()->at(0);
- format.interval = 0;
- adapter_->SetInputFormat(format);
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify no crash and that frames aren't dropped.
- VideoCapturerListener::Stats stats = listener_->GetStats();
- EXPECT_GE(stats.captured_frames, 10);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.dropped_frames);
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(stats, capture_format_.width, capture_format_.height);
-// Adapt the frame rate to be half of the capture rate at the beginning. Expect
-// the number of dropped frames to be half of the number the captured frames.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptFramerate) {
- VideoFormat request_format = capture_format_;
- request_format.interval *= 2;
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify frame drop and no resolution change.
- VideoCapturerListener::Stats stats = listener_->GetStats();
- EXPECT_GE(stats.captured_frames, 10);
- EXPECT_EQ(stats.captured_frames / 2, stats.dropped_frames);
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(stats, capture_format_.width, capture_format_.height);
-// Adapt the frame rate to be half of the capture rate at the beginning. Expect
-// the number of dropped frames to be half of the number the captured frames.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptFramerateVariable) {
- VideoFormat request_format = capture_format_;
- request_format.interval = request_format.interval * 3 / 2;
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify frame drop and no resolution change.
- VideoCapturerListener::Stats stats = listener_->GetStats();
- EXPECT_GE(stats.captured_frames, 30);
- // Verify 2 / 3 kept (20) and 1 / 3 dropped (10).
- EXPECT_EQ(stats.captured_frames * 1 / 3, stats.dropped_frames);
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(stats, capture_format_.width, capture_format_.height);
-// Adapt the frame rate to be half of the capture rate after capturing no less
-// than 10 frames. Expect no frame dropped before adaptation and frame dropped
-// after adaptation.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptFramerateOntheFly) {
- VideoFormat request_format = capture_format_;
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify no frame drop before adaptation.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, listener_->GetStats().dropped_frames);
- // Adapat the frame rate.
- request_format.interval *= 2;
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify frame drop after adaptation.
- EXPECT_GT(listener_->GetStats().dropped_frames, 0);
-// Set a very high output pixel resolution. Expect no resolution change.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptFrameResolutionHighLimit) {
- adapter_->SetOutputNumPixels(INT_MAX);
- VideoFormat adapted_format = adapter_->AdaptFrameResolution(
- capture_format_.width, capture_format_.height);
- EXPECT_EQ(capture_format_.width, adapted_format.width);
- EXPECT_EQ(capture_format_.height, adapted_format.height);
- adapter_->SetOutputNumPixels(987654321);
- adapted_format = capture_format_,
- adapter_->AdaptFrameResolution(capture_format_.width, capture_format_.height);
- EXPECT_EQ(capture_format_.width, adapted_format.width);
- EXPECT_EQ(capture_format_.height, adapted_format.height);
-// Adapt the frame resolution to be the same as capture resolution. Expect no
-// resolution change.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptFrameResolutionIdentical) {
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(capture_format_);
- const VideoFormat adapted_format = adapter_->AdaptFrameResolution(
- capture_format_.width, capture_format_.height);
- EXPECT_EQ(capture_format_.width, adapted_format.width);
- EXPECT_EQ(capture_format_.height, adapted_format.height);
-// Adapt the frame resolution to be a quarter of the capture resolution. Expect
-// resolution change.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptFrameResolutionQuarter) {
- VideoFormat request_format = capture_format_;
- request_format.width /= 2;
- request_format.height /= 2;
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- const VideoFormat adapted_format = adapter_->AdaptFrameResolution(
- request_format.width, request_format.height);
- EXPECT_EQ(request_format.width, adapted_format.width);
- EXPECT_EQ(request_format.height, adapted_format.height);
-// Adapt the pixel resolution to 0. Expect frame drop.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptFrameResolutionDrop) {
- adapter_->SetOutputNumPixels(0);
- adapter_->AdaptFrameResolution(capture_format_.width,
- capture_format_.height).IsSize0x0());
-// Adapt the frame resolution to be a quarter of the capture resolution at the
-// beginning. Expect resolution change.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptResolution) {
- VideoFormat request_format = capture_format_;
- request_format.width /= 2;
- request_format.height /= 2;
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify no frame drop and resolution change.
- VideoCapturerListener::Stats stats = listener_->GetStats();
- EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.dropped_frames);
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(stats, request_format.width, request_format.height);
-// Adapt the frame resolution to half width. Expect resolution change.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptResolutionNarrow) {
- VideoFormat request_format = capture_format_;
- request_format.width /= 2;
- adapter_->set_scale_third(true);
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify resolution change.
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(listener_->GetStats(),
- capture_format_.width * 2 / 3,
- capture_format_.height * 2 / 3);
-// Adapt the frame resolution to half height. Expect resolution change.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptResolutionWide) {
- VideoFormat request_format = capture_format_;
- request_format.height /= 2;
- adapter_->set_scale_third(true);
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify resolution change.
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(listener_->GetStats(),
- capture_format_.width * 2 / 3,
- capture_format_.height * 2 / 3);
-// Adapt the frame resolution to be a quarter of the capture resolution after
-// capturing no less than 10 frames. Expect no resolution change before
-// adaptation and resolution change after adaptation.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, AdaptResolutionOnTheFly) {
- VideoFormat request_format = capture_format_;
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify no resolution change before adaptation.
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(
- listener_->GetStats(), request_format.width, request_format.height);
- // Adapt the frame resolution.
- request_format.width /= 2;
- request_format.height /= 2;
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(request_format);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify resolution change after adaptation.
- VerifyAdaptedResolution(
- listener_->GetStats(), request_format.width, request_format.height);
-// Drop all frames.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, DropAllFrames) {
- VideoFormat format; // with resolution 0x0.
- adapter_->SetOutputFormat(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(CS_RUNNING, capturer_->Start(capture_format_));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- capturer_->CaptureFrame();
- // Verify all frames are dropped.
- VideoCapturerListener::Stats stats = listener_->GetStats();
- EXPECT_GE(stats.captured_frames, 10);
- EXPECT_EQ(stats.captured_frames, stats.dropped_frames);
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestCoordinatedWithoutCpuAdaptation) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(false);
- VideoFormat format(640, 400, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- adapter.set_scale_third(true);
- EXPECT_EQ(format, adapter.input_format());
- EXPECT_TRUE(adapter.output_format().IsSize0x0());
- // Server format request 640x400.
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 1280x720, higher than input. Adapt nothing.
- format.width = 1280;
- format.height = 720;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Cpu load is high, but cpu adaptation is disabled. Adapt nothing.
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 0.99f, 0.99f);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: downgrade with different size. Adapt nothing.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(320, 200,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: downgrade.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(640, 400,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: downgrade. But GD off. Adapt nothing.
- adapter.set_gd_adaptation(false);
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(480, 300,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- adapter.set_gd_adaptation(true);
- // Encoder resolution request: downgrade.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(480, 300,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: keep. Adapt nothing.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(320, 200,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::KEEP);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: upgrade.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(320, 200,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 0x0.
- format.width = 0;
- format.height = 0;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_TRUE(adapter.output_format().IsSize0x0());
- // Server format request 320x200.
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 160x100. But view disabled. Adapt nothing.
- adapter.set_view_adaptation(false);
- format.width = 160;
- format.height = 100;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- adapter.set_view_adaptation(true);
- // Enable View Switch. Expect adapt down.
- adapter.set_view_switch(true);
- format.width = 160;
- format.height = 100;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(160, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(100, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: upgrade. Adapt nothing.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(160, 100,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(160, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(100, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Request View of 2 / 3. Expect adapt down.
- adapter.set_view_switch(true);
- format.width = (640 * 2 + 1) / 3;
- format.height = (400 * 2 + 1) / 3;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ((640 * 2 + 1) / 3, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ((400 * 2 + 1) / 3, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Request View of 3 / 8. Expect adapt down.
- adapter.set_view_switch(true);
- format.width = 640 * 3 / 8;
- format.height = 400 * 3 / 8;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640 * 3 / 8, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400 * 3 / 8, adapter.output_format().height);
- // View Switch back up. Expect adapt.
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- adapter.set_view_switch(false);
- // Encoder resolution request: upgrade. Constrained by server request.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(320, 200,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 480x300.
- format.width = 480;
- format.height = 300;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestCoordinatedWithCpuAdaptation) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- EXPECT_FALSE(adapter.cpu_smoothing());
- VideoFormat format(640, 400, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- // Server format request 640x400.
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load is medium, but system load is high. Downgrade.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.55f, 0.98f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // CPU high, but cpu adaptation disabled. Adapt nothing.
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(false);
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 0.55f, 0.98f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- // System load is high, but time has not elaspsed. Adapt nothing.
- adapter.set_cpu_load_min_samples(2);
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 0.55f, 0.98f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load is medium, but system load is high. Downgrade.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.55f, 0.98f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is CPU.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_CPU,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Server format request 320x200. Same as CPU. Do nothing.
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is CPU and VIEW.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_CPU +
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_VIEW,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Process load and system load are normal. Adapt nothing.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.8f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load and system load are low, but view is still low. Adapt nothing.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.2f, 0.3f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is VIEW.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_VIEW,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Server format request 640x400. Cpu is still low. Upgrade.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is CPU.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_CPU,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Encoder resolution request: downgrade.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(480, 300,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is BANDWIDTH.
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Process load and system load are low. Constrained by GD. Adapt nothing
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 0.2f, 0.3f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: upgrade.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(320, 200,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: upgrade. Constrained by CPU.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(480, 300,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 640x400. Constrained by CPU.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestCoordinatedWithCpuRequest) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- EXPECT_FALSE(adapter.cpu_smoothing());
- VideoFormat format(640, 400, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- // Server format request 640x400.
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // CPU resolution request: downgrade. Adapt down.
- adapter.OnCpuResolutionRequest(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // CPU resolution request: keep. Do nothing.
- adapter.OnCpuResolutionRequest(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::KEEP);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // CPU resolution request: downgrade, but cpu adaptation disabled.
- // Adapt nothing.
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(false);
- adapter.OnCpuResolutionRequest(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // CPU resolution request: downgrade. Adapt down.
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- adapter.OnCpuResolutionRequest(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is CPU.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_CPU,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // CPU resolution request: downgrade, but already at minimum. Do nothing.
- adapter.OnCpuResolutionRequest(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 320x200. Same as CPU. Do nothing.
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is CPU and VIEW.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_CPU +
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_VIEW,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // CPU resolution request: upgrade, but view request still low. Do nothing.
- adapter.OnCpuResolutionRequest(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is VIEW.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_VIEW,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Server format request 640x400. Cpu is still low. Upgrade.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is CPU.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_CPU,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Encoder resolution request: downgrade.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(480, 300,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is BANDWIDTH.
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Process load and system load are low. Constrained by GD. Adapt nothing
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 0.2f, 0.3f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: upgrade.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(320, 200,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request: upgrade. Constrained by CPU.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(480, 300,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 640x400. Constrained by CPU.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestViewRequestPlusCameraSwitch) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_view_switch(true);
- // Start at HD.
- VideoFormat format(1280, 720, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(format, adapter.input_format());
- EXPECT_TRUE(adapter.output_format().IsSize0x0());
- // View request for VGA.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 360;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, adapter.output_format().height);
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_VIEW, adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Now, the camera reopens at VGA.
- // Both the frame and the output format should be 640x360.
- const VideoFormat out_format = adapter.AdaptFrameResolution(640, 360);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, out_format.width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, out_format.height);
- // At this point, the view is no longer adapted, since the input has resized
- // small enough to fit the last view request.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, adapter.adapt_reason());
- // And another view request comes in for 640x360, which should have no
- // real impact.
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, adapter.output_format().height);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, adapter.adapt_reason());
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestVGAWidth) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_view_switch(true);
- // Start at 640x480, for cameras that don't support 640x360.
- VideoFormat format(640, 480, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(format, adapter.input_format());
- EXPECT_TRUE(adapter.output_format().IsSize0x0());
- // Output format is 640x360, though.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 360;
- adapter.SetOutputFormat(format);
- // And also a view request comes for 640x360.
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- // At this point, we have to adapt down to something lower.
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, adapter.output_format().height);
- // But if frames come in at 640x360, we shouldn't adapt them down.
- // Fake a 640x360 frame.
- VideoFormat out_format = adapter.AdaptFrameResolution(640, 360);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, out_format.width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, out_format.height);
- // Similarly, no-op adapt requests for other reasons shouldn't change
- // adaptation state (before a previous bug, the previous EXPECTs would
- // fail and the following would succeed, as the no-op CPU request would
- // fix the adaptation state).
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.7f, 0.7f);
- out_format = adapter.AdaptFrameResolution(640, 360);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, out_format.width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, out_format.height);
-// When adapting resolution for CPU or GD, the quantity of pixels that the
-// request is based on is reduced to half or double, and then an actual
-// resolution is snapped to, rounding to the closest actual resolution.
-// This works well for some tolerance to 3/4, odd widths and aspect ratios
-// that dont exactly match, but is not best behavior for ViewRequests which
-// need to be be strictly respected to avoid going over the resolution budget
-// given to the codec - 854x480 total pixels.
-// ViewRequest must find a lower resolution.
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestCoordinatedViewRequestDown) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(false);
- VideoFormat format(960, 540, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- adapter.set_scale_third(true);
- EXPECT_EQ(format, adapter.input_format());
- EXPECT_TRUE(adapter.output_format().IsSize0x0());
- // Server format request 640x400. Expect HVGA.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is VIEW.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_VIEW, adapter.adapt_reason());
-// Test that we downgrade video for cpu up to two times.
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestCpuDowngradeTimes) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- EXPECT_FALSE(adapter.cpu_smoothing());
- VideoFormat format(640, 400, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- // Server format request 640x400.
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load and system load are low. Do not change the cpu desired format
- // and do not adapt.
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 0.2f, 0.3f);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // System load is high. Downgrade.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // System load is high. Downgrade again.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // System load is still high. Do not downgrade any more.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load and system load are low. Upgrade.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.2f, 0.3f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // System load is high. Downgrade.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // System load is still high. Do not downgrade any more.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
-// Test that we respect CPU adapter threshold values.
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestAdapterCpuThreshold) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- EXPECT_FALSE(adapter.cpu_smoothing());
- VideoFormat format(640, 400, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- // Server format request 640x400.
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load and system load are low. Do not change the cpu desired format
- // and do not adapt.
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 0.2f, 0.3f);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // System load is high. Downgrade.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is CPU.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_CPU, adapter.adapt_reason());
- // System load is high. Normally downgrade but threshold is high. Do nothing.
- adapter.set_high_system_threshold(0.98f); // Set threshold high.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // System load is medium. Normally do nothing, threshold is low. Adapt down.
- adapter.set_high_system_threshold(0.75f); // Set threshold low.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.8f, 0.8f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
-// Test that for an upgrade cpu request, we actually upgrade the desired format;
-// for a downgrade request, we downgrade from the output format.
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestRealCpuUpgrade) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- adapter.set_cpu_smoothing(true);
- VideoFormat format(640, 400, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- // Server format request 640x400.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load and system load are low. Do not change the cpu desired format
- // and do not adapt.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.2f, 0.3f);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 320x200.
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load and system load are low. Do not change the cpu desired format
- // and do not adapt.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.2f, 0.3f);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 640x400. Set to 640x400 immediately.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 320x200.
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Process load is high, but system is not. Do not change the cpu desired
- // format and do not adapt.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.75f, 0.8f);
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
-// Test that for an upgrade encoder request, we actually upgrade the desired
-// format; for a downgrade request, we downgrade from the output format.
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestRealEncoderUpgrade) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- adapter.set_cpu_smoothing(true);
- VideoFormat format(640, 400, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- // Server format request 640x400.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request. Do not change the encoder desired format and
- // do not adapt.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(640, 400,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(400, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 320x200.
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request. Do not change the encoder desired format and
- // do not adapt.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(320, 200,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::UPGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Server format request 640x400. Set to 640x400 immediately.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 400;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(300, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Test reason for adapting is BANDWIDTH.
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- // Server format request 320x200.
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(200, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Encoder resolution request. Downgrade from 320x200.
- adapter.OnEncoderResolutionRequest(320, 200,
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter::DOWNGRADE);
- EXPECT_EQ(240, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(150, adapter.output_format().height);
-TEST(CoordinatedVideoAdapterTest, TestNormalizeOutputFormat) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- // The input format is 640x360 and the output is limited to 16:9.
- VideoFormat format(640, 360, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 180;
- format.interval = VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(15);
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(180, adapter.output_format().height);
- EXPECT_EQ(VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(15), adapter.output_format().interval);
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 200;
- format.interval = VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(40);
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(180, adapter.output_format().height);
- EXPECT_EQ(VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), adapter.output_format().interval);
- // Test reason for adapting is VIEW. Should work even with normalization.
- EXPECT_EQ(CoordinatedVideoAdapter::ADAPTREASON_VIEW,
- adapter.adapt_reason());
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 240;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(180, adapter.output_format().height);
- // The input format is 640x480 and the output will be 4:3.
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 480;
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(240, adapter.output_format().height);
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 240;
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(240, adapter.output_format().height);
- // The input format is initialized after the output. At that time, the output
- // height is adjusted.
- format.width = 0;
- format.height = 0;
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- format.width = 320;
- format.height = 240;
- format.interval = VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30);
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(240, adapter.output_format().height);
- EXPECT_EQ(VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), adapter.output_format().interval);
- format.width = 640;
- format.height = 480;
- format.interval = VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(15);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(320, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(240, adapter.output_format().height);
- EXPECT_EQ(VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(15), adapter.output_format().interval);
-// Test that we downgrade video for cpu up to two times.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, CpuDowngradeAndSignal) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- CpuAdapterListener cpu_listener;
- adapter.SignalCpuAdaptationUnable.connect(
- &cpu_listener, &CpuAdapterListener::OnCpuAdaptationSignalled);
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- EXPECT_FALSE(adapter.cpu_smoothing());
- VideoFormat format(640, 360, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- // System load is high. Downgrade.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- // System load is high. Downgrade again.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- // System load is still high. Do not downgrade any more. Ensure we have not
- // signalled until after the cpu warning though.
- EXPECT_TRUE(!cpu_listener.received_cpu_signal());
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(cpu_listener.received_cpu_signal(), kWaitTimeout);
-// Test that we downgrade video for cpu up to two times.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, CpuDowngradeAndDontSignal) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- CpuAdapterListener cpu_listener;
- adapter.SignalCpuAdaptationUnable.connect(
- &cpu_listener, &CpuAdapterListener::OnCpuAdaptationSignalled);
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- adapter.set_cpu_smoothing(true);
- VideoFormat format(640, 360, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- // System load is high. Downgrade.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- // System load is high, process is not, Do not downgrade again.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.25f, 0.95f);
- // System load is high, process is not, Do not downgrade again and do not
- // signal.
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(false);
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(kShortWaitTimeout);
- EXPECT_TRUE(!cpu_listener.received_cpu_signal());
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
-// Test that we require enough time before we downgrade.
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, CpuMinTimeRequirement) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- CpuAdapterListener cpu_listener;
- adapter.SignalCpuAdaptationUnable.connect(
- &cpu_listener, &CpuAdapterListener::OnCpuAdaptationSignalled);
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- adapter.set_cpu_smoothing(true);
- VideoFormat format(640, 360, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- EXPECT_EQ(3, adapter.cpu_load_min_samples());
- adapter.set_cpu_load_min_samples(5);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, adapter.output_format().height);
- }
- // The computed cpu load should now be around 93.5%, with the coefficient of
- // 0.4 and a seed value of 0.5. That should be high enough to adapt, but it
- // isn't enough samples, so we shouldn't have adapted on any of the previous
- // samples.
- // One more sample is enough, though, once enough time has passed.
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(270, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Now the cpu is lower, but we still need enough samples to upgrade.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 0.1f, 0.1f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(270, adapter.output_format().height);
- }
- // One more sample is enough, once time has elapsed.
- adapter.OnCpuLoadUpdated(1, 1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, adapter.output_format().height);
-TEST_F(VideoAdapterTest, CpuIgnoresSpikes) {
- CoordinatedVideoAdapter adapter;
- CpuAdapterListener cpu_listener;
- adapter.SignalCpuAdaptationUnable.connect(
- &cpu_listener, &CpuAdapterListener::OnCpuAdaptationSignalled);
- adapter.set_cpu_adaptation(true);
- adapter.set_cpu_smoothing(true);
- VideoFormat format(640, 360, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), FOURCC_I420);
- adapter.SetInputFormat(format);
- adapter.OnOutputFormatRequest(format);
- // System load is high. Downgrade.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.95f, 0.95f);
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(270, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Now we're in a state where we could upgrade or downgrade, so get to a
- // steady state of about 75% cpu usage.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.75f, 0.75f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(270, adapter.output_format().height);
- }
- // Now, the cpu spikes for two samples, but then goes back to
- // normal. This shouldn't cause adaptation.
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.90f, 0.90f);
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.90f, 0.90f);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(270, adapter.output_format().height);
- // Back to the steady state for awhile.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.75);
- EXPECT_EQ(480, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(270, adapter.output_format().height);
- }
- // Now, system cpu usage is starting to drop down. But it takes a bit before
- // it gets all the way there.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- UpdateCpuLoad(&adapter, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.5f);
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(640, adapter.output_format().width);
- EXPECT_EQ(360, adapter.output_format().height);
-} // namespace cricket
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