Description[rtp_rtcp] RtcpReceiverTest rewritten using public available interface (observers) instead intermidiate structure
RtcpReceiver interface slightly changed: combining two functions to process RTCP packet is done now in RtcpReceiver instead of RtpRtcpModule.
Some packets couldn't be tested now because there result is unobservable (i.e. do not cause any special callbacks, do not change RtcpReceiver internal state).
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : rebase #Patch Set 3 : rebase #Patch Set 4 : rebase #
Total comments: 4
Patch Set 5 : #Patch Set 6 : rebase #Patch Set 7 : rebase #Patch Set 8 : RtcpReceiver accepts RtpRtcp module by own interface to make it more testable #Patch Set 9 : nits #Patch Set 10 : Rebase & nits #Patch Set 11 : #Patch Set 12 : Rebase #
Total messages: 8 (4 generated)