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Unified Diff: webrtc/video_engine/vie_encoder.h

Issue 1510183002: Reland of Merge webrtc/video_engine/ into webrtc/video/ (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 5 years ago
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Index: webrtc/video_engine/vie_encoder.h
diff --git a/webrtc/video_engine/vie_encoder.h b/webrtc/video_engine/vie_encoder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e6257a1d5438b1a420969420dab32ebbcec1c95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/webrtc/video_engine/vie_encoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ref_ptr.h"
-#include "webrtc/base/thread_annotations.h"
-#include "webrtc/call/bitrate_allocator.h"
-#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
-#include "webrtc/frame_callback.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/include/video_coding_defines.h"
-#include "webrtc/modules/video_processing/include/video_processing.h"
-#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
-#include "webrtc/video/video_capture_input.h"
-namespace webrtc {
-class BitrateAllocator;
-class BitrateObserver;
-class Config;
-class CriticalSectionWrapper;
-class EncodedImageCallback;
-class PacedSender;
-class PayloadRouter;
-class ProcessThread;
-class QMVideoSettingsCallback;
-class SendStatisticsProxy;
-class ViEBitrateObserver;
-class ViEEffectFilter;
-class VideoCodingModule;
-class ViEEncoder : public RtcpIntraFrameObserver,
- public VideoEncoderRateObserver,
- public VCMPacketizationCallback,
- public VCMSendStatisticsCallback,
- public VideoCaptureCallback {
- public:
- friend class ViEBitrateObserver;
- ViEEncoder(uint32_t number_of_cores,
- ProcessThread* module_process_thread,
- SendStatisticsProxy* stats_proxy,
- I420FrameCallback* pre_encode_callback,
- PacedSender* pacer,
- BitrateAllocator* bitrate_allocator);
- ~ViEEncoder();
- bool Init();
- // This function is assumed to be called before any frames are delivered and
- // only once.
- // Ideally this would be done in Init, but the dependencies between ViEEncoder
- // and ViEChannel makes it really hard to do in a good way.
- void StartThreadsAndSetSharedMembers(
- rtc::scoped_refptr<PayloadRouter> send_payload_router,
- VCMProtectionCallback* vcm_protection_callback);
- // This function must be called before the corresponding ViEChannel is
- // deleted.
- void StopThreadsAndRemoveSharedMembers();
- void SetNetworkTransmissionState(bool is_transmitting);
- // Returns the id of the owning channel.
- int Owner() const;
- // Drops incoming packets before they get to the encoder.
- void Pause();
- void Restart();
- // Codec settings.
- int32_t RegisterExternalEncoder(VideoEncoder* encoder,
- uint8_t pl_type,
- bool internal_source);
- int32_t DeRegisterExternalEncoder(uint8_t pl_type);
- int32_t SetEncoder(const VideoCodec& video_codec);
- // Implementing VideoCaptureCallback.
- void DeliverFrame(VideoFrame video_frame) override;
- int32_t SendKeyFrame();
- uint32_t LastObservedBitrateBps() const;
- int CodecTargetBitrate(uint32_t* bitrate) const;
- // Loss protection. Must be called before SetEncoder() to have max packet size
- // updated according to protection.
- // TODO(pbos): Set protection method on construction or extract vcm_ outside
- // this class and set it on construction there.
- void SetProtectionMethod(bool nack, bool fec);
- // Buffering mode.
- void SetSenderBufferingMode(int target_delay_ms);
- // Implements VideoEncoderRateObserver.
- void OnSetRates(uint32_t bitrate_bps, int framerate) override;
- // Implements VCMPacketizationCallback.
- int32_t SendData(uint8_t payload_type,
- const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
- const RTPFragmentationHeader& fragmentation_header,
- const RTPVideoHeader* rtp_video_hdr) override;
- // Implements VideoSendStatisticsCallback.
- int32_t SendStatistics(const uint32_t bit_rate,
- const uint32_t frame_rate) override;
- // Implements RtcpIntraFrameObserver.
- void OnReceivedIntraFrameRequest(uint32_t ssrc) override;
- void OnReceivedSLI(uint32_t ssrc, uint8_t picture_id) override;
- void OnReceivedRPSI(uint32_t ssrc, uint64_t picture_id) override;
- void OnLocalSsrcChanged(uint32_t old_ssrc, uint32_t new_ssrc) override;
- // Sets SSRCs for all streams.
- void SetSsrcs(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ssrcs);
- void SetMinTransmitBitrate(int min_transmit_bitrate_kbps);
- // Lets the sender suspend video when the rate drops below
- // |threshold_bps|, and turns back on when the rate goes back up above
- // |threshold_bps| + |window_bps|.
- void SuspendBelowMinBitrate();
- // New-style callbacks, used by VideoSendStream.
- void RegisterPostEncodeImageCallback(
- EncodedImageCallback* post_encode_callback);
- int GetPaddingNeededBps() const;
- protected:
- // Called by BitrateObserver.
- void OnNetworkChanged(uint32_t bitrate_bps,
- uint8_t fraction_lost,
- int64_t round_trip_time_ms);
- private:
- bool EncoderPaused() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(data_cs_);
- void TraceFrameDropStart() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(data_cs_);
- void TraceFrameDropEnd() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(data_cs_);
- const uint32_t number_of_cores_;
- const rtc::scoped_ptr<VideoProcessing> vp_;
- const rtc::scoped_ptr<QMVideoSettingsCallback> qm_callback_;
- const rtc::scoped_ptr<VideoCodingModule> vcm_;
- rtc::scoped_refptr<PayloadRouter> send_payload_router_;
- rtc::scoped_ptr<CriticalSectionWrapper> data_cs_;
- rtc::scoped_ptr<BitrateObserver> bitrate_observer_;
- SendStatisticsProxy* const stats_proxy_;
- I420FrameCallback* const pre_encode_callback_;
- PacedSender* const pacer_;
- BitrateAllocator* const bitrate_allocator_;
- // The time we last received an input frame or encoded frame. This is used to
- // track when video is stopped long enough that we also want to stop sending
- // padding.
- int64_t time_of_last_frame_activity_ms_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- VideoCodec encoder_config_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- int min_transmit_bitrate_kbps_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- uint32_t last_observed_bitrate_bps_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- int target_delay_ms_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- bool network_is_transmitting_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- bool encoder_paused_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- bool encoder_paused_and_dropped_frame_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- std::map<unsigned int, int64_t> time_last_intra_request_ms_
- GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- ProcessThread* module_process_thread_;
- bool has_received_sli_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- uint8_t picture_id_sli_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- bool has_received_rpsi_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- uint64_t picture_id_rpsi_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- std::map<uint32_t, int> ssrc_streams_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
- bool video_suspended_ GUARDED_BY(data_cs_);
-} // namespace webrtc
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