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Unified Diff: webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/

Issue 1419503004: Set send times in send time history via OnSentPacket. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Comments addressed Created 5 years, 2 months ago
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Index: webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/ b/webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/
index e3d2c776195651c9de5441b0c29d8dd89ff827f0..5e2b5f59037cd7295d3974fe031742100f49e831 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/
+++ b/webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/
@@ -23,27 +23,39 @@ static const int kDefaultHistoryLengthMs = 1000;
class SendTimeHistoryTest : public ::testing::Test {
- SendTimeHistoryTest() : history_(kDefaultHistoryLengthMs), clock_(0) {}
+ SendTimeHistoryTest()
+ : clock_(0), history_(&clock_, kDefaultHistoryLengthMs) {}
~SendTimeHistoryTest() {}
virtual void SetUp() {}
virtual void TearDown() {}
- SendTimeHistory history_;
+ void AddPacketWithSendTime(uint16_t sequence_number,
+ size_t length,
+ bool was_paced,
+ int64_t send_time_ms) {
+ history_.AddAndRemoveOld(sequence_number, length, was_paced);
+ history_.OnSentPacket(sequence_number, send_time_ms);
+ }
webrtc::SimulatedClock clock_;
+ SendTimeHistory history_;
// Help class extended so we can do EXPECT_EQ and collections.
class PacketInfo : public webrtc::PacketInfo {
- PacketInfo() : webrtc::PacketInfo(0, 0, 0, 0, false) {}
+ PacketInfo() : webrtc::PacketInfo(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false) {}
+ PacketInfo(int64_t arrival_time_ms, uint16_t sequence_number)
+ : PacketInfo(arrival_time_ms, 0, sequence_number, 0, false) {}
PacketInfo(int64_t arrival_time_ms,
int64_t send_time_ms,
uint16_t sequence_number,
size_t payload_size,
bool was_paced)
- : webrtc::PacketInfo(arrival_time_ms,
+ : webrtc::PacketInfo(-1,
+ arrival_time_ms,
@@ -58,40 +70,19 @@ class PacketInfo : public webrtc::PacketInfo {
TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, AddRemoveOne) {
const uint16_t kSeqNo = 10;
- const PacketInfo kSentPacket = {0, 1, kSeqNo, 1, true};
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(kSentPacket);
+ const PacketInfo kSentPacket(0, 1, kSeqNo, 1, true);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(kSeqNo, 1, true, 1);
- PacketInfo received_packet = {0, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false};
+ PacketInfo received_packet(0, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false);
EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&received_packet, false));
EXPECT_EQ(kSentPacket, received_packet);
- received_packet = {0, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&received_packet, true));
- EXPECT_EQ(kSentPacket, received_packet);
- received_packet = {0, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false};
- EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&received_packet, true));
-TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, UpdateSendTime) {
- const uint16_t kSeqNo = 10;
- const int64_t kSendTime = 1000;
- const int64_t kSendTimeUpdated = 2000;
- const PacketInfo kSentPacket = {0, kSendTime, kSeqNo, 1, true};
- const PacketInfo kUpdatedPacket = {0, kSendTimeUpdated, kSeqNo, 1, true};
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(kSentPacket);
- PacketInfo info = {0, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- EXPECT_EQ(kSentPacket, info);
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.UpdateSendTime(kSeqNo, kSendTimeUpdated));
+ PacketInfo received_packet2(0, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&received_packet2, true));
+ EXPECT_EQ(kSentPacket, received_packet2);
- info = {0, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, true));
- EXPECT_EQ(kUpdatedPacket, info);
- EXPECT_FALSE(history_.UpdateSendTime(kSeqNo, kSendTimeUpdated));
+ PacketInfo received_packet3(0, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&received_packet3, true));
TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, PopulatesExpectedFields) {
@@ -100,11 +91,10 @@ TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, PopulatesExpectedFields) {
const int64_t kReceiveTime = 2000;
const size_t kPayloadSize = 42;
const bool kPaced = true;
- const PacketInfo kSentPacket = {0, kSendTime, kSeqNo, kPayloadSize, kPaced};
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(kSentPacket);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(kSeqNo, kPayloadSize, kPaced, kSendTime);
- PacketInfo info = {kReceiveTime, 0, kSeqNo, 0, false};
+ PacketInfo info(kReceiveTime, kSeqNo);
EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, true));
EXPECT_EQ(kReceiveTime, info.arrival_time_ms);
EXPECT_EQ(kSendTime, info.send_time_ms);
@@ -128,8 +118,14 @@ TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, AddThenRemoveOutOfOrder) {
PacketInfo(static_cast<int64_t>(i) + kTransmissionTime, 0,
static_cast<uint16_t>(i), kPacketSize, false));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {
+ history_.AddAndRemoveOld(sent_packets[i].sequence_number,
+ sent_packets[i].payload_size,
+ sent_packets[i].was_paced);
+ }
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items; ++i)
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(sent_packets[i]);
+ history_.OnSentPacket(sent_packets[i].sequence_number,
+ sent_packets[i].send_time_ms);
std::random_shuffle(received_packets.begin(), received_packets.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {
PacketInfo packet = received_packets[i];
@@ -145,54 +141,66 @@ TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, AddThenRemoveOutOfOrder) {
TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, HistorySize) {
const int kItems = kDefaultHistoryLengthMs / 100;
- for (int i = 0; i < kItems; ++i)
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(PacketInfo(0, i * 100, i, 0, false));
for (int i = 0; i < kItems; ++i) {
- PacketInfo info = {0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(i), 0, false};
+ clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(100);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(i, 0, false, i * 100);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < kItems; ++i) {
+ PacketInfo info(0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(i), 0, false);
EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
EXPECT_EQ(i * 100, info.send_time_ms);
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(PacketInfo(0, kItems * 100, kItems, 0, false));
- PacketInfo info = {0, 0, 0, 0, false};
+ clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(101);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(kItems, 0, false, kItems * 101);
+ PacketInfo info(0, 0, 0, 0, false);
EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
for (int i = 1; i < (kItems + 1); ++i) {
- info = {0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(i), 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- EXPECT_EQ(i * 100, info.send_time_ms);
+ PacketInfo info2(0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(i), 0, false);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info2, false));
+ int64_t expected_time_ms = (i == kItems) ? i * 101 : i * 100;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_time_ms, info2.send_time_ms);
TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, HistorySizeWithWraparound) {
const uint16_t kMaxSeqNo = std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(PacketInfo(0, 0, kMaxSeqNo - 2, 0, false));
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(PacketInfo(0, 100, kMaxSeqNo - 1, 0, false));
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(PacketInfo(0, 200, kMaxSeqNo, 0, false));
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(PacketInfo(0, kDefaultHistoryLengthMs, 0, 0, false));
- PacketInfo info = {0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo - 2), 0, false};
- EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- info = {0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo - 1), 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- info = {0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo), 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- info = {0, 0, 0, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(kMaxSeqNo - 2, 0, false, 0);
- // Create a gap (kMaxSeqNo - 1) -> 0.
- info = {0, 0, kMaxSeqNo, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, true));
+ clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(100);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(kMaxSeqNo - 1, 1, false, 100);
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(PacketInfo(0, 1100, 1, 0, false));
+ clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(100);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(kMaxSeqNo, 0, false, 200);
- info = {0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo - 2), 0, false};
- EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- info = {0, 0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo - 1), 0, false};
- EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- info = {0, 0, kMaxSeqNo, 0, false};
+ clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(kDefaultHistoryLengthMs - 200 + 1);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(0, 0, false, kDefaultHistoryLengthMs);
+ PacketInfo info(0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo - 2));
EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- info = {0, 0, 0, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
- info = {0, 0, 1, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, false));
+ PacketInfo info2(0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo - 1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info2, false));
+ PacketInfo info3(0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info3, false));
+ PacketInfo info4(0, 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info4, false));
+ // Create a gap (kMaxSeqNo - 1) -> 0.
+ PacketInfo info5(0, kMaxSeqNo);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info5, true));
+ clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(100);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(1, 0, false, 1100);
+ PacketInfo info6(0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo - 2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&info6, false));
+ PacketInfo info7(0, static_cast<uint16_t>(kMaxSeqNo - 1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&info7, false));
+ PacketInfo info8(0, kMaxSeqNo);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(history_.GetInfo(&info8, false));
+ PacketInfo info9(0, 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info9, false));
+ PacketInfo info10(0, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info10, false));
TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, InterlievedGetAndRemove) {
@@ -202,22 +210,24 @@ TEST_F(SendTimeHistoryTest, InterlievedGetAndRemove) {
{0, kTimestamp + 1, kSeqNo + 1, 0, false},
{0, kTimestamp + 2, kSeqNo + 2, 0, false}};
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(packets[0]);
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(packets[1]);
- PacketInfo info = {0, 0, packets[0].sequence_number, 0, false};
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(packets[0].sequence_number, packets[0].payload_size,
+ packets[0].was_paced, packets[0].send_time_ms);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(packets[1].sequence_number, packets[1].payload_size,
+ packets[1].was_paced, packets[1].send_time_ms);
+ PacketInfo info(0, 0, packets[0].sequence_number, 0, false);
EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, true));
EXPECT_EQ(packets[0], info);
- history_.AddAndRemoveOld(packets[2]);
+ AddPacketWithSendTime(packets[2].sequence_number, packets[2].payload_size,
+ packets[2].was_paced, packets[2].send_time_ms);
- info = {0, 0, packets[1].sequence_number, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, true));
- EXPECT_EQ(packets[1], info);
+ PacketInfo info2(0, 0, packets[1].sequence_number, 0, false);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info2, true));
+ EXPECT_EQ(packets[1], info2);
- info = {0, 0, packets[2].sequence_number, 0, false};
- EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info, true));
- EXPECT_EQ(packets[2], info);
+ PacketInfo info3(0, 0, packets[2].sequence_number, 0, false);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(history_.GetInfo(&info3, true));
+ EXPECT_EQ(packets[2], info3);
} // namespace test

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