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Unified Diff: webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h

Issue 1308283003: Remove no-op and unused methods from AudioCodingModule (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 4 months ago
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Index: webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h b/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h
index 73575281321f7b32873ea27dcd2aec291d52c2fd..f0d53dfe1a73fe14840575725682ac9721b7ad59 100644
--- a/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h
+++ b/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h
@@ -194,17 +194,6 @@ class AudioCodingModule {
- // int32_t ResetEncoder()
- // This API resets the states of encoder. All the encoder settings, such as
- // send-codec or VAD/DTX, will be preserved.
- //
- // Return value:
- // -1 if failed to initialize,
- // 0 if succeeded.
- //
- virtual int32_t ResetEncoder() = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// int32_t RegisterSendCodec()
// Registers a codec, specified by |send_codec|, as sending codec.
// This API can be called multiple of times to register Codec. The last codec
@@ -262,38 +251,10 @@ class AudioCodingModule {
virtual int32_t SendFrequency() const = 0;
- // int32_t Bitrate()
- // Get encoding bit-rate in bits per second.
- //
- // Return value:
- // positive; encoding rate in bits/sec,
- // -1 if an error is happened.
- //
- virtual int32_t SendBitrate() const = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Sets the bitrate to the specified value in bits/sec. If the value is not
// supported by the codec, it will choose another appropriate value.
virtual void SetBitRate(int bitrate_bps) = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // int32_t SetReceivedEstimatedBandwidth()
- // Set available bandwidth [bits/sec] of the up-link channel.
- // This information is used for traffic shaping, and is currently only
- // supported if iSAC is the send codec.
- //
- // Input:
- // -bw : bandwidth in bits/sec estimated for
- // up-link.
- // Return value
- // -1 if error occurred in setting the bandwidth,
- // 0 bandwidth is set successfully.
- //
- // TODO(henrik.lundin) Unused. Remove?
- virtual int32_t SetReceivedEstimatedBandwidth(
- const int32_t bw) = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// int32_t RegisterTransportCallback()
// Register a transport callback which will be called to deliver
// the encoded buffers whenever Process() is called and a
@@ -466,39 +427,6 @@ class AudioCodingModule {
ACMVADMode* vad_mode) const = 0;
- // int32_t ReplaceInternalDTXWithWebRtc()
- // Used to replace codec internal DTX scheme with WebRtc.
- //
- // Input:
- // -use_webrtc_dtx : if false (default) the codec built-in DTX/VAD
- // scheme is used, otherwise the internal DTX is
- // replaced with WebRtc DTX/VAD.
- //
- // Return value:
- // -1 if failed to replace codec internal DTX with WebRtc,
- // 0 if succeeded.
- //
- virtual int32_t ReplaceInternalDTXWithWebRtc(
- const bool use_webrtc_dtx = false) = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // int32_t IsInternalDTXReplacedWithWebRtc()
- // Get status if the codec internal DTX is replaced with WebRtc DTX.
- // This should always be true if codec does not have an internal DTX.
- //
- // Output:
- // -uses_webrtc_dtx : is set to true if the codec internal DTX is
- // replaced with WebRtc DTX/VAD, otherwise it is set
- // to false.
- //
- // Return value:
- // -1 if failed to determine if codec internal DTX is replaced with WebRtc,
- // 0 if succeeded.
- //
- virtual int32_t IsInternalDTXReplacedWithWebRtc(
- bool* uses_webrtc_dtx) = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// int32_t RegisterVADCallback()
// Call this method to register a callback function which is called
// any time that ACM encounters an empty frame. That is a frame which is
@@ -534,17 +462,6 @@ class AudioCodingModule {
virtual int32_t InitializeReceiver() = 0;
- // int32_t ResetDecoder()
- // This API resets the states of decoders. ACM will not lose any
- // decoder-related settings, such as registered codecs.
- //
- // Return value:
- // -1 if failed to initialize,
- // 0 if succeeded.
- //
- virtual int32_t ResetDecoder() = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// int32_t ReceiveFrequency()
// Get sampling frequency of the last received payload.
@@ -739,19 +656,6 @@ class AudioCodingModule {
virtual int32_t PlayoutTimestamp(uint32_t* timestamp) = 0;
- // int32_t DecoderEstimatedBandwidth()
- // Get the estimate of the Bandwidth, in bits/second, based on the incoming
- // stream. This API is useful in one-way communication scenarios, where
- // the bandwidth information is sent in an out-of-band fashion.
- // Currently only supported if iSAC is registered as a receiver.
- //
- // Return value:
- // >0 bandwidth in bits/second.
- // -1 if failed to get a bandwidth estimate.
- //
- virtual int32_t DecoderEstimatedBandwidth() const = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// int32_t SetPlayoutMode()
// Call this API to set the playout mode. Playout mode could be optimized
// for i) voice, ii) FAX or iii) streaming. In Voice mode, NetEQ is
@@ -850,35 +754,6 @@ class AudioCodingModule {
virtual int SetISACMaxPayloadSize(int max_payload_len_bytes) = 0;
- // int32_t ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator()
- // Call this function to configure the bandwidth estimator of ISAC.
- // During the adaptation of bit-rate, iSAC automatically adjusts the
- // frame-size (either 30 or 60 ms) to save on RTP header. The initial
- // frame-size can be specified by the first argument. The configuration also
- // regards the initial estimate of bandwidths. The estimator starts from
- // this point and converges to the actual bottleneck. This is given by the
- // second parameter. Furthermore, it is also possible to control the
- // adaptation of frame-size. This is specified by the last parameter.
- //
- // Input:
- // -init_frame_size_ms : initial frame-size in milliseconds. For iSAC-wb
- // 30 ms and 60 ms (default) are acceptable values,
- // and for iSAC-swb 30 ms is the only acceptable
- // value. Zero indicates default value.
- // -init_rate_bps : initial estimate of the bandwidth. Values
- // between 10000 and 58000 are acceptable.
- // -enforce_srame_size : if true, the frame-size will not be adapted.
- //
- // Return value:
- // -1 if failed to configure the bandwidth estimator,
- // 0 if the configuration was successfully applied.
- //
- virtual int32_t ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator(
- int init_frame_size_ms,
- int init_rate_bps,
- bool enforce_frame_size = false) = 0;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// int SetOpusApplication()
// Sets the intended application if current send codec is Opus. Opus uses this
// to optimize the encoding for applications like VOIP and music. Currently,
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