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Unified Diff: webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/

Issue 1200833002: Reland "Added ACM_dump protobuf, class for reading/writing and..." (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Fix for gn build file, so it no longer breaks Chromium. Created 5 years, 6 months ago
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Index: webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/
diff --git a/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/ b/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4454c25947d5d1d1d226aea04d75833d362ddf39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/acm_dump.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/thread_annotations.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/file_wrapper.h"
+// Files generated at build-time by the protobuf compiler.
+#include "external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/dump.pb.h"
+#include "webrtc/audio_coding/dump.pb.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+// Noop implementation if flag is not set
+class AcmDumpImpl final : public AcmDump {
+ public:
+ void StartLogging(const std::string& file_name, int duration_ms) override{};
+ void LogRtpPacket(bool incoming,
+ const uint8_t* packet,
+ size_t length) override{};
+ void LogDebugEvent(DebugEvent event_type,
+ const std::string& event_message) override{};
+ void LogDebugEvent(DebugEvent event_type) override{};
+class AcmDumpImpl final : public AcmDump {
+ public:
+ AcmDumpImpl();
+ void StartLogging(const std::string& file_name, int duration_ms) override;
+ void LogRtpPacket(bool incoming,
+ const uint8_t* packet,
+ size_t length) override;
+ void LogDebugEvent(DebugEvent event_type,
+ const std::string& event_message) override;
+ void LogDebugEvent(DebugEvent event_type) override;
+ private:
+ // Checks if the logging time has expired, and if so stops the logging.
+ void StopIfNecessary() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(crit_);
+ // Stops logging and clears the stored data and buffers.
+ void Clear() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(crit_);
+ // Returns true if the logging is currently active.
+ bool CurrentlyLogging() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(crit_) {
+ return active_ &&
+ (clock_->TimeInMicroseconds() <= start_time_us_ + duration_us_);
+ }
+ // This function is identical to LogDebugEvent, but requires holding the lock.
+ void LogDebugEventLocked(DebugEvent event_type,
+ const std::string& event_message)
+ rtc::scoped_ptr<webrtc::CriticalSectionWrapper> crit_;
+ rtc::scoped_ptr<webrtc::FileWrapper> file_ GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ rtc::scoped_ptr<ACMDumpEventStream> stream_ GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ bool active_ GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ int64_t start_time_us_ GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ int64_t duration_us_ GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ const webrtc::Clock* clock_ GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+namespace {
+// Convert from AcmDump's debug event enum (runtime format) to the corresponding
+// protobuf enum (serialized format).
+ACMDumpDebugEvent_EventType convertDebugEvent(AcmDump::DebugEvent event_type) {
+ switch (event_type) {
+ case AcmDump::DebugEvent::kLogStart:
+ return ACMDumpDebugEvent::LOG_START;
+ case AcmDump::DebugEvent::kLogEnd:
+ return ACMDumpDebugEvent::LOG_END;
+ case AcmDump::DebugEvent::kAudioPlayout:
+ return ACMDumpDebugEvent::AUDIO_PLAYOUT;
+ }
+ return ACMDumpDebugEvent::UNKNOWN_EVENT;
+} // Anonymous namespace.
+// AcmDumpImpl member functions.
+ : crit_(webrtc::CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
+ file_(webrtc::FileWrapper::Create()),
+ stream_(new webrtc::ACMDumpEventStream()),
+ active_(false),
+ start_time_us_(0),
+ duration_us_(0),
+ clock_(webrtc::Clock::GetRealTimeClock()) {
+void AcmDumpImpl::StartLogging(const std::string& file_name, int duration_ms) {
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_.get());
+ Clear();
+ if (file_->OpenFile(file_name.c_str(), false) != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add a single object to the stream that is reused at every log event.
+ stream_->add_stream();
+ active_ = true;
+ start_time_us_ = clock_->TimeInMicroseconds();
+ duration_us_ = static_cast<int64_t>(duration_ms) * 1000;
+ // Log the start event.
+ std::stringstream log_msg;
+ log_msg << "Initial timestamp: " << start_time_us_;
+ LogDebugEventLocked(DebugEvent::kLogStart, log_msg.str());
+void AcmDumpImpl::LogRtpPacket(bool incoming,
+ const uint8_t* packet,
+ size_t length) {
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_.get());
+ if (!CurrentlyLogging()) {
+ StopIfNecessary();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Reuse the same object at every log event.
+ auto rtp_event = stream_->mutable_stream(0);
+ rtp_event->clear_debug_event();
+ const int64_t timestamp = clock_->TimeInMicroseconds() - start_time_us_;
+ rtp_event->set_timestamp_us(timestamp);
+ rtp_event->set_type(webrtc::ACMDumpEvent::RTP_EVENT);
+ rtp_event->mutable_packet()->set_direction(
+ incoming ? ACMDumpRTPPacket::INCOMING : ACMDumpRTPPacket::OUTGOING);
+ rtp_event->mutable_packet()->set_rtp_data(packet, length);
+ std::string dump_buffer;
+ stream_->SerializeToString(&dump_buffer);
+ file_->Write(, dump_buffer.size());
+ file_->Flush();
+void AcmDumpImpl::LogDebugEvent(DebugEvent event_type,
+ const std::string& event_message) {
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_.get());
+ LogDebugEventLocked(event_type, event_message);
+void AcmDumpImpl::LogDebugEvent(DebugEvent event_type) {
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_.get());
+ LogDebugEventLocked(event_type, "");
+void AcmDumpImpl::StopIfNecessary() {
+ if (active_) {
+ DCHECK_GT(clock_->TimeInMicroseconds(), start_time_us_ + duration_us_);
+ LogDebugEventLocked(DebugEvent::kLogEnd, "");
+ Clear();
+ }
+void AcmDumpImpl::Clear() {
+ if (active_ || file_->Open()) {
+ file_->CloseFile();
+ }
+ active_ = false;
+ stream_->Clear();
+void AcmDumpImpl::LogDebugEventLocked(DebugEvent event_type,
+ const std::string& event_message) {
+ if (!CurrentlyLogging()) {
+ StopIfNecessary();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Reuse the same object at every log event.
+ auto event = stream_->mutable_stream(0);
+ int64_t timestamp = clock_->TimeInMicroseconds() - start_time_us_;
+ event->set_timestamp_us(timestamp);
+ event->set_type(webrtc::ACMDumpEvent::DEBUG_EVENT);
+ event->clear_packet();
+ auto debug_event = event->mutable_debug_event();
+ debug_event->set_type(convertDebugEvent(event_type));
+ debug_event->set_message(event_message);
+ std::string dump_buffer;
+ stream_->SerializeToString(&dump_buffer);
+ file_->Write(, dump_buffer.size());
+// AcmDump member functions.
+rtc::scoped_ptr<AcmDump> AcmDump::Create() {
+ return rtc::scoped_ptr<AcmDump>(new AcmDumpImpl());
+bool AcmDump::ParseAcmDump(const std::string& file_name,
+ ACMDumpEventStream* result) {
+ char tmp_buffer[1024];
+ int bytes_read = 0;
+ rtc::scoped_ptr<FileWrapper> dump_file(FileWrapper::Create());
+ if (dump_file->OpenFile(file_name.c_str(), true) != 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string dump_buffer;
+ while ((bytes_read = dump_file->Read(tmp_buffer, sizeof(tmp_buffer))) > 0) {
+ dump_buffer.append(tmp_buffer, bytes_read);
+ }
+ dump_file->CloseFile();
+ return result->ParseFromString(dump_buffer);
+} // namespace webrtc
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